FMRA class at Painted Shelter.

Recording rock art.

Experimenting with a prehistoric paint recipe.

Laser scanning at Halo Shelter.

Rock art at Halo Shelter.

Making fire with friction.

Examining native plants.

Learning with SHUMLA

Through inquiry and discovery learning, SHUMLA programs bring the past to life. Participants experience a sense of wonder and develop a keen awareness of the active role heritage plays in shaping lives, past, present and future.

Lower Pecos Archeology

Through archeological research, education and conservation, SHUMLA is unraveling mysteries of the past, training students in best practices, sharing discoveries with the public, and preserving irreplaceable legacies for future generations.


SHUMLA’s education reports will be made available on our website.  Here’s our first online-accessible education report!

2012 KEY Program Report

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