Giunta’s Latin American Art History Program Gets a Big Boost From Longhorn TV, (and a Mystery Donor)

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Andrea Giunta, Director of UT’s Center for Latin American Visual Studies program has been appointed to the newly established Endowed Chair in Latin American Art History and Criticism at UT Austin.

UT President Bill Powers allocated $1 million in revenue from the Longhorn Network, the sports media franchise UT licenses to ESPN, to create the chair, the first academic fruit of the profitable TV deal.  A $1 million matching gift from an anonymous donor will endow the CLAVIS program and fund student scholarships and fellowships, visiting scholars and artists, and student travel. Giunta founded CLAVIS in 2009. Giunta is also working with Museum of Fine Arts Houston curator Mari Carmen Ramirez, weave relationships between the MFAH’s International Center for the Arts of the Americas (ICAA) and CLAVIS.

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