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Black & White Darkroom | Victor Pagona
This class is designed for photographers who have no previous darkroom experience or those who want to expand their knowledge of the darkroom. 12 sessions
Tues, Jan 22 - Apr 9 | 6:00 - 9:00pm or
Wed, Jan 23 - Apr 10 | 6:00 - 9:00pm

Computer-Generated Ceramic Decals | Greg Kinney
Experience the Ceramic Department's new Ricoh color ceramic decal printer to open up a new avenue of creative imagery for your work. 8 sessions
Wed, Jan 23 - Mar 13 | 6:30 - 9:30pm

Intro. to Throwing | Mercedes Stainken & Kimberly Rumfelt
This class will focus on the basic skills of wheel throwing - centering, opening and pulling vessels - followed by learning to form cylinders, bowls and cups. 11 sessions
Stainken| Mon, Jan 28 - Apr 8 | 6:30 - 9:30pm
Rumfelt | Thurs, Jan 24 - April 11 | 9:30am - 12:30pm

Cartooning Comics, Caricature & Anime | Mike Fisher
Cartooning, or visual storytelling, is more than just an enjoyable indulgence of the imagination. Class will focus on character development, illusions of movement, sequential staging, setting management, inking and coloring - all aimed towards the refinement of your own narratives and ideas. 10 sessions
Thurs, Jan 24 - Mar 28 | 6:30 - 9:30pm


Susan M. Dolan, Detail. Seaweed and Cesium, handmade paper
Susan Mackin Dolan | Edwards, CO
Special Fibers: Kozo & Gampi Stenciling
Jan 30 - Feb 6
This workshop will explore traditional preparation and coloring of Japanese bark fibers kozo & gampi. Students will learn how to use a stenciling technique with modified moulds and deckles to create imagery in their sheets using multiple vats of colored pulps.

Nadia Khan | Houston, TX
Exploring Color Theory with Silk Dyes
Feb 2 & 3
This workshop is a continuation of the Introduction to Painting on Silk Fabrics workshop. Students will study color theory using Dupont silk dyes and will create their own color chart for use in future projects. Prerequisite: Introduction to Painting on Silk Fabrics, or equivalent experience.
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