Author: Colette Copeland


350 Words: “Seriality” at UTD

Seriality, curated by John Pomara, presents the work of ten primarily North Texas artists who embrace seriality through form, process and content. A few of the knock-your-socks-off pieces are works by Patrick Murphy, Gregg Biermann and Ruben Nieto. Using a Polaroid camera and film, artist Patrick Murphy’s work both defies and incorporates seriality. The series [...]

Patrick Murphy, Untitled, Polaroid

350 Words: Lupita Murillo Tinnen’s “American Dream”

“I’m living the dream.” This phrase (which is usually uttered with more than a hint of sarcasm by a person of privilege) refers to the idea that everyone regardless of social class or race should have access to freedom and the opportunity for success. In Lupita Murillo Tinnen’s photographic exhibition at Collin College, she shows [...]

"Age 13, Electrical Engineering," Archival giclée print, 30"x40", 2009

Dallas Video Festival

Upon arriving at the Angelika Theater on Thursday evening for the Dallas Video Festival, I immediately noticed that I was a tad underdressed in my jeans and sandals. Surrounded by a proliferation of platinum blondes sporting five-inch-high stilettos, I waited in line for what seemed an interminable length of time. I’m in awe of anyone [...]

Guerrilla Girls, Photograph of Guerrilla Girls in bathroom with sign, "The Birth of Feminism". Courtesy of the Guerrilla Girls