
Why Don't You

"That’s the fundamental thing about making art, or making religion
 or making anything that’s asking people about believing in a way,
 I suppose, that isn’t based in a pure practicality or functionality.
 But then, that does something too—it increases our human experience."

My interview with Eva Rothschild, here.


Eben Goff

Coast / Pole took place during two trips to the North Olympic Coast of Washington State in 2002 & 2003. Driftwood poles were collected on site. As soon as the morning's high tide began to recede the logs were set one at a time vertically into the sand or rocks at even spacings along the water line. The number of poles used in the configurations varied from around 30 up to 100 poles. All constructions washed away under the following high tide. 



Claude Cahun. Self-Portrait, c. 1927. Collection Soizic Audouard.

We in the (amazing) art collective that I am part of, The Art Foundation, are launching our second curated show at the end of the month, called twain. It's about the alter ego and its important role in laying new artistic ground in the face of societal and market norms. We've got a pack of amazing artists putting work in the show, but we're not telling who they are. (But I will tell you this.)

Read more about the show here, and follow our alter ego catch-all here.