Recent Writings

Art21 Blog
By Richard McCoy
You can help document the work of sculptor Tony Smith and get a limited-edition t-shirt, too! Columnist Richard McCoy has the details.
Posted on January 15, 2013
Art21 Blog
By Jessica Lott
We’re a couple of weeks into the new year, and so in the interest of getting organized, here’s a preview of what to see in New York in the upcoming months:  New Museum: NYC...
Posted on January 15, 2013
Art21 Blog
By Jacquelyn Gleisner
Columnist Jacquelyn Gleisner Google chats with Nyssa Frank, owner of The Living Gallery, an alternative art space and community outreach venue in Brooklyn.
Posted on January 14, 2013

100 Artists

In January 2013, Art21 will begin a year-long celebration of 100 artists featured throughout 10 years of the Peabody Award-winning Art in the Twenty-First Century series.

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Filmed in 2000 at Richard Serra's Manhattan studio, the artist describes the various tools and conceptual strategies he...

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Art21 is a nonprofit dedicated to engaging audiences with contemporary visual art, to inspiring creative thinking, and to educating a new generation about artists working today.

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