Thursday, March 10, 2011

In Memoriam: Ellsworth Ausby...

It's with great sadness that I write that artist and instructor, Ellsworth Ausby has passed away. He died on March 6th, 2011. He was my first painting teacher at The School of Visual Arts. I spent many hours in the studio under his instruction, learning about cast shadows, mixing paint, and "Ausby's Black" (a rich shade of black made with alizarin crimson and phthalo green). Even after our class ended, we still kept in contact. He wrote countless recommendation letters for me; finally he gave me a stack of twenty signed letters with the recipient line left blank. He said, "Thornton, don't use 'em all up in a week."

Professor Ausby, a talented man of vision, always went above and beyond the call of duty. I remember the last time I saw him in person. He had surprised me before the opening of my senior thesis show. He came to personally congratulate me and tell me that he had been keeping tabs on my work and that he was proud of what I had accomplished. He was that kind of man.

Days before I was scheduled to leave New York, an errand had taken me to Williamsburg. I remember climbing the stairs to the raised platform of the Marcy stop on the JMZ line and seeing a group of tourists admiring the stained glass pieces. While we waited for the train, they took pictures in front of the colorful, geometric cosmologies called, "A Space Odyssey". When the train finally arrived and we were boarding, I said to them, "I know that man – the man who made the art!"


jamberry_song said...

I'm sorry to hear this. It hurts so much not knowing such an important influence no longer shares the world with you. My sincere condolences. It sounds like he is leaving behind quite a legacy, especially in you.

somethingunique said...

Dear Andrew, my sympathy goes out to your for your loss, he must of made quite and influence on you because you are an amazingly talented artist, i would love to see your artwork in person one day. Mr.Ausby's passion for art will always be there in your artwork.

Lynn said...

I found several examples of Mr Ausby's work online - everything I found was very nice and I'd be proud to know him. Glad you were able to share part of your life with such an inspiration!

Janet said...

What a wonderful style he had! Im so sorry that hes gone it sounds like he enriched many lives. Im sorry that you lost a great friend and that his familys lost a dear talented man Andrew.

Jill MacKay said...

So glad you had this wonderful human in your life. He lives on through all those whose lives he touched. I lost my Dad this week so I am grieving too.
Love you,

Elizabeth said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Nothing in the world is more rewarding than a good teacher. He left a wonderful legacy through all his amazing students, such as yourself. Relish his memory and his lessons...

Santiago Lozano said...

I share your loss; though I didn't have as close a relationship with Mr. Ausby, I took a painting class with him 10 years ago, and he inspired me to pursue a career in fine arts. I'm so sad to hear he is gone; I only learned about it from an email SVA sent me just now informing me of the Memorial Scholarship Fund in his name.

kurt vargo said...

Ellsworth was just a pleasure to work with during the time I'd taken his night classes at SVA 1980-1982 (?)

Easy going, intelligent and a giving artist. I'm so sorry to hear this sad news.

My sincerest sympathies to his family and loved ones.

Kurt Vargo