Inman Buys Into Midtown Redevelopment, Plans Studio/Office Complex in Historic Bermac Building

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Kerry Inman, owner of Houston’s Inman Gallery, has closed a deal on the historic Bermac building building at 4101 San Jacinto and Cleburne St. in Midtown. Her company, Bermac Arts, LLC, plans to convert the 23,000sf space into artist’s studios and offices for arts-related businesses. She has selected John D. Blackmon, AIA, as project architect, and and Bryan Miller (former owner of Bryan Miller Gallery on Main St.) will be the building’s manager.

With the relocated Diverseworks and the projected MATCH multi venue performance space nearby, the new project is part of an unfolding artistic wedge that developers and city officials are hoping will bring economic redevelopment to Midtown, a long-underutilized section of the city.

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