Author: Sarah Fisch


Grad school confidential

This is an essay about learning Photoshop. Kruger, “Your comfort is my silence’ 1991   I have to learn it for a class. I am in graduate school, see. I still have a hard time believing this. I’m in this multimedia experimental MA program in Specialized Journalism The Arts at the University of Southern California. I’ll [...]

Grad school confidential

Feedback: Sonic Youth’s “The Sprawl.”

    1988 was a rotten time to be a teenager. During the Reagan-Bush era, you had to put in a lot of work to hear something other than Bon Jovi. There was no internet, and the indie revolution in film and music and fashion and new media was still years away. A girl interested in [...]

Feedback: Sonic Youth’s “The Sprawl.”

Art Narc: Vildelife

My former landlord in Williamsburg, Brooklyn—a sphinx-like Teutonic manchild who sublet me one of the ad-hoc drywall sleeping lofts in the colossal warehouse he leased near the Bedford Avenue subway stop—still owes me $1200. It was my security deposit from 2008 and I don’t expect to get it back. I don’t mean this story as revenge [...]

Art Narc: Vildelife