
We push the envelope of arts journalism, providing award-winning coverage of the most talked-about news and events from every corner of the Lone Star State. Over the past ten years Glasstire has evolved from a tiny startup into a highly targeted network of artists, professionals and patrons that includes a website with over 1 million page views, over 7,000 email subscribers, more than 2,900 Facebook fans, and 2,339 followers on Twitter. Advertising with Glasstire is putting your business in front of highly educated people with a serious passion for art.

Our Niche is Your Niche

annual pageviews
annual unique visitors
59% visit more than once
25% visit more than 50 times

1st Prize National Arts Journalism Summit Los Angeles, CA – 2009

2009 USC Annenberg / Getty Arts Journalism Fellow
Kelly Klaasmeyer, editor

Creative Capitol | Warhol Foundation Grant for Art Writing
Kelly Klaasmeyer, editor

We have a variety of effective and affordable options for general branding, event promotion and building membership. Let us put together a custom proposal for you.

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* Traffic stats from Google Web Analytics, January 2010 – February 2011