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EAPSI Potential Hosts

Use links below to view potential hosts, grouped by location.

Additional institutions within the seven host locations can be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students who have identified a potential host at an institution not listed are encouraged to coordinate with EAPSI staff (e-mail: eapinfo@nsf.gov) to determine the possibility of receiving support.

Australia China Japan Korea NewZealand Singapore Taiwan

Potential hosts are grouped as follows:
- Universities
- University Medical Research Institutes
- Cooperative Research Centre's (CRC's)
- Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
- Australian Museums
- Other
NOTE: Other institutions can be considered on a case-by-case basis.


The University of Adelaide - http://www.adelaide.edu.au

Australian Catholic University - http://www.acu.edu.au

The Australian National University - http://www.anu.edu.au

University of Ballarat - http://www.ballarat.edu.au

Bond University - http://www.bond.edu.au

University of Canberra - http://www.canberra.edu.au

Central Queensland University - http://www.cqu.edu.au

Charles Sturt University - http://www.csu.edu.au

Curtin University of Technology - http://www.curtin.edu.au

Deakin University - http://www.deakin.edu.au

Edith Cowan University - http://www.ecu.edu.au

Flinders University - http://www.flinders.edu.au

Griffith University - http://www.gu.edu.au

James Cook University - http://www.jcu.edu.au

La Trobe University - http://www.latrobe.edu.au

Macquarie University - http://www.mq.edu.au

The University of Melbourne - http://www.unimelb.edu.au

Monash University - http://www.monash.edu.au

Murdoch University - http://www.murdoch.edu.au

The University of New England - http://www.une.edu.au

The University of New South Wales - http://www.unsw.edu.au




Dr. Hussein A. Abbass
Defence and Security Applications Research Centre (DSA) Room
342, Building 21, UNSW@ADFA
Australian Defence Force Academy Campus
NorthCott Drive, Campbell, Camberra, ACT2600, Australia

The University of Newcastle - http://www.newcastle.edu.au

Northern Territory University - http://www.newcastle.edu.au

The University of Queensland - http://www.uq.edu.au

Queensland University of Technology - http://www.qut.edu.au

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology - http://www.rmit.edu.au

Southern Cross University - http://www.scu.edu.au

University of South Australia - http://www.unisa.edu.au

University of Southern Queensland - http://www.usq.edu.au

University of the Sunshine Coast - http://www.usc.edu.au

Swinburne University of Technology - http://www.swin.edu.au

The University of Sydney - http://www.usyd.edu.au

University of Tasmania - http://www.utas.edu.au

University of Technology Sydney - http://www.uts.edu.au

Victoria University - http://www.vu.edu.au

The University of Western Australia - http://www.uwa.edu.au

University of Western Sydney - http://www.uws.edu.au

University of Wollongong - http://www.uow.edu.au

The University of Adelaide - http://www.adelaide.edu.au

Australian Catholic University - http://www.acu.edu.au

The Australian National University - http://www.anu.edu.au

University of Ballarat - http://www.ballarat.edu.au

Bond University - http://www.bond.edu.au

University of Canberra - http://www.canberra.edu.au

Central Queensland University - http://www.cqu.edu.au

Charles Sturt University - http://www.csu.edu.au

Curtin University of Technology - http://www.curtin.edu.au

Deakin University - http://www.deakin.edu.au

Edith Cowan University - http://www.ecu.edu.au

Flinders University - http://www.flinders.edu.au

Griffith University - http://www.gu.edu.au

James Cook University - http://www.jcu.edu.au

La Trobe University - http://www.latrobe.edu.au

Macquarie University - http://www.mq.edu.au

The University of Melbourne - http://www.unimelb.edu.au

Monash University - http://www.monash.edu.au

Murdoch University - http://www.murdoch.edu.au

The University of New England - http://www.une.edu.au

The University of Newcastle - http://www.newcastle.edu.au/

Northern Territory University - http://www.newcastle.edu.au/

The University of Queensland - http://www.uq.edu.au

Queensland University of Technology - http://www.qut.edu.au

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology - http://www.rmit.edu.au

Southern Cross University - http://www.scu.edu.au

University of Southern Queensland - http://www.usq.edu.au

University of the Sunshine Coast - http://www.usc.edu.au

Swinburne University of Technology - http://www.swin.edu.au

The University of Sydney - http://www.usyd.edu.au

University of Tasmania - http://www.utas.edu.au

University of Technology Sydney - http://www.uts.edu.au

Victoria University - http://www.vu.edu.au

The University of Western Australia - http://www.uwa.edu.au

University of Western Sydney - http://www.uws.edu.au

University of Wollongong - http://www.uow.edu.au

Return to top of Potential Hosts List.


John Curtin School of Medical Research - http://jcsmr.anu.edu.au/index.htm

Center for Health Research and Practice - http://www.ballarat.edu.au/centres/chrp/research_links.html

The Flinders Medical Research Institute - http://www.flinders.edu.au/institutes/fmri/

St. Vincent's Institute of Medical Research - http://www.svimr.unimelb.edu.au/

Australian Research Centre for Medical Engineering - http://www.arcme.uwa.edu.au/

Western Australian Biomedical Research Institute - http://www.wabri.org.au/

The Western Australian Institute for Medical Research - http://www.meddent.uwa.edu.au/waimr/index.htm

Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute - http://www.powmri.unsw.edu.au/

Queensland Institute of Medical Research - http://www.qimr.edu.au/

Centre for Medical Radiation Physics - http://www.uow.edu.au/eng/phys/rpg/rpghome.htm

Return to top of Potential Hosts List.



CRC for Advanced Composite Structures - http://www.crc-acs.com.au/

CRC for Bioproducts - http://www.botany.unimelb.edu.au/crc.html

CRC for CAST Metals Manufacturing - http://www.cast.crc.org.au

CRC for Construction Innovation - http://www.construction-innovation.info

CRC for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and Technologies Ltd - http://www.crcimst.com.au

CRC for Microtechnology - http://www.microtechnologycrc.com

CRC for Polymers - http://www.crcp.com.au

CRC for Railway Engineering and Technologies - http://www.railcrc.cqu.edu.au/crc_webpage_view.asp?WPID=13

CRC for Welded Structures - http://www.crcws.com.au

CRC for Wood Innovations - http://www.crcwood.unimelb.edu.au


CRC for Australian Telecommunications - http://www.atcrc.com

CRC for Enterprise Distributed Systems Technology - http://www.dstc.edu.au/

Australian Photonics CRC - http://www.photonics.com.au

CRC for Satellite Systems - http://www.crcss.csiro.au

CRC for Sensor Signal and Information Processing - http://www.cssip.edu.au/

CRC for Smart Internet Technology - http://www.smartinternet.com.au

CRC for Spatial Information - http://www.spatialinforcrc.org

CRC for Technology Enabled Capital Markets - http://www.cmcrc.com

Australasian CRC for Interaction Design - http://www.interactiondesign.com.a/

CRC for Integrated Engineering Asset Management  - http://www.cieam.com/index.jsp


A J Parker CRC for Hydrometallurgy - http://www.parkercentre.crc.org.au/

CRC for Clean Power from Lignite - http://www.cleanpower.com.au

CRC for Coal in Sustainable Development - http://www.ccsd.biz

CRC for Greenhouse Gas Technologies - http://www.co2crc.com.au

CRC for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration - http://leme.anu.edu.au

CRC for Mining - http://www.cmte.org.au

CRC for Predictive Mineral Discovery - http://www.pmdcrc.com.au

CRC for Sustainable Resource Processing - http://www.csrp.com.au/


CRC for Australian Cotton - http://www.cotton.crc.org.au

CRC for Australian Sheep Industry - http://www.sheep.crc.org.au

CRC for Cattle and Beef Quality - http://www.beef.crc.org.au/

CRC for Innovative Dairy Products Pty Ltd - http://www.dairycrc.com

CRC for Molecular Plant Breeding - http://www.molecularplantbreeding.com

CRC for Sugar Industry Innovation through Biotechnology - http://www.crcsugar.com/

CRC for Sustainable Aquaculture of Fin Fish - http://www.aquafincrc.com.au

CRC for Sustainable Production Forestry - http://www.forestry.crc.org.au

CRC for Sustainable Rice Production - http://www.ricecrc.org

CRC for Tropical Plant Protection - http://www.tpp.uq.edu.au

CRC for Value Added Wheat - http://www.wheat-research.com.au/

CRC for Viticulture - http://www.crcv.com.au

CRC for Innovative Grain Food Products - http://www.grainfoodscrc.com.au/

CRC for Australian Biosecurity - http://www1.abcrc.org.au/

Australian Poultry CRC - http://www1.poultrycrc.com.au/


Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems (ACE) CRC - http://www.antcrc.utas.edu.au

CRC for Australian Weed Management - http://www.weeds.crc.org.au

CRC for Biological Control of Pest Animals - http://www.pestanimal.crc.org.au

CRC for Bushfire - g.spring@cfa.vic.gov.au

CRC for Catchment Hydrology - http://www.catchment.crc.org.au

CRC for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management - http://www.coastal.crc.org.au

CRC for Environmental Biotechnology - http://www.crcwmpc.com.au

CRC for Freshwater Ecology - http://freshwater.canberra.edu.au

CRC for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area - http://www.reef.crc.org.au

CRC for Greenhouse Accounting - http://www.greenhouse.crc.org.au/

CRC for Irrigation Futures
CRC for Plant-based Management of Dryland Salinity - http://www.crcsalinity.com

CRC for Sustainable Tourism - http://www.crctourism.com.au

CRC for Tropical Rainforest Ecology & Management - http://www.rainforest-crc.jcu.edu.au

CRC for Tropical Savannas Management - http://savanna.ntu.edu.au

Desert Knowledge CRC - http://savanna.ntu.edu.au

CRC for Water Quality and Treatment - http://www.waterquality.crc.org.au

CRC for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration - http://crcleme.org.au/


CRC for Aboriginal Health - http://www.crcah.org.au/

CRC for Asthma Ltd - http://www.asthma.crc.org.au

CRC for Cellular Growth Factors - http://www.ludwig.edu.au/crc-cgf

CRC for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
CRC for Cochlear Implant and Hearing Aid Innovation - http://www.bionicear.org/crc

CRC for Diagnostics - http://diagnosticsCRC.org

CRC for Discovery of Genes for Common Human Diseases - http://www.genecrc.org

CRC for Vaccine Technology - http://www.crc-vt.qimr.edu.au

CRC for Vision - http://www.crcert.org

Return to top of Potential Hosts List.


Atmospheric Research - http://www.dar.csiro.au/

Australia Telescope National Facility - http://www.atnf.csiro.au/

Energy Technology - http://www.det.csiro.au/

Entomology - http://www.ento.csiro.au/

Exploration and Mining - http://www.dem.csiro.au/

Food Science Australia - http://www.dfst.csiro.au/

Forestry and Forest Products - http://www.ffp.csiro.au/

Health Sciences and Nutrition - http://www.dhn.csiro.au/

Land and Water - http://www.clw.csiro.au/

Livestock Industries - http://www.csiro.au/index.asp?type=division&id=Livestock%20Industries

Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology - http://www.cmit.csiro.au/

Marine Research - http://www.marine.csiro.au/

Mathematical and Information Sciences - http://www.cmis.csiro.au/

Minerals - http://www.minerals.csiro.au/

Molecular Science - http://www.csiro.au/index.asp?type=division&id=Molecular%20Science

Petroleum Resources - http://www.dpr.csiro.au/

Plant Industry - http://www.pi.csiro.au/

Sustainable Ecosystems - http://www.cse.csiro.au/

Telecommunications and Industrial Physics - http://www.tip.csiro.au/

Textile and Fibre Technology - http://www.tft.csiro.au/

Return to top of Potential Hosts List.


Western Australia Museum - http://www.museum.wa.gov.au/

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory - http://www.dcdsca.nt.gov.au/

South Australian Museum - http://www.samuseum.sa.gov.au/

Australian Museum - http://www.austmus.gov.au/

Melbourne Museum - http://melbourne.museum.vic.gov.au/

National Museum of Australian Academy Of Science - http://www.nma.gov.au/

Tasmanian Art Gallery and Museum - http://www.tmag.tas.gov.au/

Queensland Museum - http://www.qmuseum.qld.gov.au/

Return to top of Potential Hosts List.


Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO) - http://www.ansto.gov.au/

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO) - Bragg Institute http://www.ansto.gov.au/research/bragg_institute.html

Return to top of Potential Hosts List.

Potential hosts are grouped by city:
- Beijing
- Shanghai
- Xi'an
- Kunming
NOTE: Other institutions can be considered on a case-by-case basis.
NOTE: To send a facsimile from the U.S. to China, the dialing sequence is 011 (International Code) - 86 (China's Country Code) - city code and telephone number as given below.

Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the second largest city in terms of population, after Shanghai. It was formerly known in English as Peking. Beijing is the political, educational, and cultural center of the People's Republic of China. It has been selected to host the 2008 Summer Olympics. Because of its political, educational and cultural role in China, a larger number of international organizations are located here than in any other city in China. Many international students come to Beijing to study, a growing trend, especially among students from Western countries.

Information about Beijing can be found at http://www.ebeijing.gov.cn/

Beijing based CAS Institutes: http://english.cas.cn/eng2003/dmk01a/search.asp?txtArea=11
Beijing University - http://en.pku.edu.cn/
Beijing Normal University - http://www.bnu.edu.cn/eng/
Beijing Institute of Technology - http://english.bit.edu.cn/
Beijing University of Chemical Technology -
Beijing Jiaotong University - http://www.njtu.edu.cn/en/
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics - http://ev.buaa.edu.cn/
Beijing University of Petroleum - http://www.cup.edu.cn/~waisb/
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications - http://www.bupt.edu.cn/wsc/foreign_en/index_en.html
Beijing Forestry University - http://www.bjfu.edu.cn/english/index.jsp
Beijing University of Technology - http://bjut.edu.cn/bjut_en/index.jsp
CAS Headquarters - http://english.cas.cn/Eng2003/page/home.aso
CAS Institute of Psychology - http://www.psych.ac.cn/EN/index.html
   Contact: Zhang Jianxin, Deputy Director, zhangjx@psych.ac.cn
China University of Geosciences - http://www.cugb.edu.cn/EnglishWeb/EnglishWebIndex.asp
China Agricultural University - http://www.cau.edu.cn/cie/en/
China University of Mining and Technology - http://www.cumt.edu.cn/english/index.htm
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
   EAPSI Contact for all CASS Institutes: Zhang Lihua, Deputy Director,
   Division of America & Oceania, Bureau of International Cooperation,
   zhanglh@cass.org.cn, Tel: +86-10-85195137, Fax: +86-10-85196142

   The following CASS Institutes have been actively involved in U.S. exchanges:
      Quantitative and Technical Economics - http://iqte.cass.cn/english/home.htm
      Archaeology - http://www.kaogu.cn/en/index.asp
      Rural Development Studies - http://rdi.cass.cn/english/index.asp
      Linguistics - http://ling.cass.cn/pbfiles/yys_jj_e.asp
      Ethnology and Anthropology - http://iea.cass.cn/1/sitemap.htm
      World Economics and Politics - http://en.iwep.org.cn/
      American Studies - http://ias.cass.cn/en/About_IAS.asp
      Russian, East European & Cent Asian Studies - http://euroasia.cass.cn/English/index.html
      Gender and Law Studies - http://www.genderandlaw.org.cn/english/aboutus_english.asp
      Economics - http://ie.cass.cn/en/about/index.htm
      Finance and Trade Economics - http://cms.cass.cn/indexe.asp
      Population and Labor Economics - http://iple.cass.cn/e/e.htm
      Sociology - http://www.sociology.cass.cn/english/default.htm
      Asia-Pacific Studies - http://iaps.cass.cn/english/default.asp
      World Religions - http://iwr.cass.cn/
      Modern History - http://jds.cass.cn/english/
      World History - http://worldhistory.cass.cn/english/english_index.htm
      Ethnic Literature - http://iel.cass.cn/english/IEL_HomePage_Eng.asp
      International Law - http://www.iolaw.org.cn/en/
      European Studies - http://ies.cass.cn/en/index.asp
      West Asian and African Studies - http://iwaas.cass.cn/en/index.asp
      Japanese Studies - http://ijs.cass.cn/english/english.htm
GE China Technology Center - http://www.ge.com/research/grc_3_2_4.html
   Contact: Kelvin Wang, General Manager, kelvin2.wang@ge.com
Microsoft Research Asia - http://research.microsoft.com/aboutmsr/labs/asia/default.aspx
   Contact: Wang Jian, Principal Researcher/Ass't Managing Director, jianw@microsoft.com,
   Tel: +86-10-58965770, Fax: +86-10-88099726
North China University of Technology - http://www.ncut.edu.cn/englishpage/engindex.html

Renmin University of China - http://english.ruc.edu.cn/en/
Tsinghua University - http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/qhdwzyeng/index.jsp


Shanghai, situated on the banks of Yangtze River Delta in East China, is the largest city of the People's Republic of China and the eighth largest in the world. Widely regarded as the citadel of China's modern economy, the city also serves as one of the most important cultural, commercial, financial, industrial and communications centers of China. Administratively, Shanghai reports directly to the State Council of the People's Republic of China. Shanghai is one of the world's busiest ports, and became the largest cargo port in the world in 2005. Next to Beijing, Shanghai is the country’s most important educational center and home to several leading universities and numerous technological and scientific institutes.

Information about Shanghai can be found at http://www.shanghai.gov.cn/shanghai/node8059/index.html

Links to the English websites of potential hosts in Shanghai:

CAS Shanghai Branch - http://www.cst.sh.cn/english/index.jsp

Donghua University - http://www.dhu.edu.cn/englishversion/index.asp
East China Normal University - http://www.ecnu.edu.cn/2005english/English.htm
East China University of Science and Technology - http://www.ecust.edu.cn/english/index.html
Fudan University - http://www.fudan.edu.cn/englishnew/
GE China Technology Center - http://www.ge.com/research/grc_3_2.html
Shanghai based CAS institutes - http://english.cas.cn/eng2003/dmk01a/search.asp?txtArea=31
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory - http://www.shao.ac.cn/english.htm
Shanghai Jiaotong University - http://www.sjtu.edu.cn/english/index/index.htm
Shanghai Fisheries University - http://gjxy.shfu.edu.cn/english/index.asp
Shanghai University - http://www.shu.edu.cn/en/indexEn.htm
Tongji University - http://www.tongji.edu.cn/english/inc/index.asp
The University of Shanghai for Science and Technology - http://www.usst.edu.cn/englishusst/default.htm

Xi’an is the capital of Shaanxi Province with a population of around 6 million and is located in northwestern China. Xi’an was the first Chinese city to open to the outside world during the Tang Dynasty (618 ? 907 A.D.) when Xi’an was a key stop on the Silk Road. Over a period of more than 2000 years, Xi’an served as the capital for 11 dynasties. Along with Rome and Constantinople, Xi’an was a city of culture and trade playing a vital historical role linking East and West in China during that period. Xi’an was capital to the Qin Dynasty, the first empire of China, and the Tang Dynasty, which left the city with a rich legacy, including the Terracotta Warriors of the Qin Dynasty, which are regarded as “the eighth wonder of the world”. Modern Xi’an is a major city with substantial S&T research and development capabilities and the third largest number of academic institution after Beijing and Shanghai. Among the ones with a national reputation, Xi’an Jiaotong University has been recognized as one of China’s top five universities. The Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University is a major university in agricultural and environmental science and is a key institute for developing the western part of China. Xi’an Institute of Earth Environment Study of CAS, including the State Key Lab of Loess and Quaternary Geology, is one of the leading institutes for East Asia Monsoon and Global Change studies. This institute is also responsible for the Chinese Environmental Science Drilling Program, which is a part of the International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP), and which has a collection of rock core samples.

Information about Xi’an can be found at http://www.xianonlineinvest.org/doce/main.asp

Links to English websites of potential hosts in Xi’an:

CAS Institute of Earth Environment - http://www.ieecas.cn/EngIndex.htm

Northwest A&F University -
Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research - http://www.c-nin.com/english/eindex.htm
Northwest University - http://www.nwu.edu.cn/nwu_e/index.htm
Northwestern Polytechnical University - http://www.nwpu.edu.cn/en/npu.html
Shaanxi Normal University - http://www.snnu.edu.cn/english/index.html
Xifan Jiaotong University - http://www.xjtu.edu.cn/en/
Xifan Shiyou (Oil) University - http://dept2.xsyu.edu.cn/english/index.jsp
(Server not stable)
Xidian University -
Xifan University of Technology - http://www.xaut.edu.cn/english/
Xifan University of Architecture and Technology - http://www.xauat.edu.cn/jdeg/index.html
Xifan University of Science and Technology - http://www.xust.edu.cn/eng-version/enindex1.asp
(Server not stable)

Kunming, situated in central Yunnan and north of the Dianchi Basin, is the capital, largest city and principal industrial center in Yunnan Province. It has a population of around 4 million. Kunming is located at an elevation of 1,900 meters above sea level. It is skirted on three sides by mountains, with one side opening onto the Dianchi Lake, and has mild “spring-like” weather throughout the year. Kunming is the center of S&T and education in Yunnan province. It has over 10 universities. The Kunming Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences includes 5 research institutions: the Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Kunming Institute of Botany, the Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden and the Guiyang Institute of Geochemistry in Guizhou Province. Kunming and Yunnan Province enjoy the reputation as the "kingdom of flora and fauna". The city is known for its abundant tropical and subtropical species. The Gaoligongshan region and Hengduan Mountains in Yunnan Province are recognized by global conservation agencies as one of the "hottest" biodiversity hotspots worldwide. Kunming and Yunnan Province have 26 registered ethnic minorities, including Yi, Miao, Dai, and Tibetans, constituting about 30 percent of the total population. Because Yunnan is the province with the largest number of nationalities in China, it is also known for its ethnic and cultural diversity. Biological and ethnic diversity in southwest China make Yunnan a gathering place for researchers in the fields of biology and ethnic culture. Kunming is also an important gateway to the southern Silk Road which traveled through Tibet, Sichuan, and Myanmar to India.
The city's highland scenery and karst formations are attractive. Dian Lake and the Stone Forest are two major places of nearby historic interest and scenic beauty. One can appreciate the Karst formation and the uplift as a result of the Indian Subcontinent subducting under the Eurasian Plate.

Information about Yunnan and Kunming can be found at http://www.eng.yn.gov.cn/yunnanEnglish/144115188075855872/index.html

Links to English websites of potential hosts in Kunming:

Guiyang Institute of Geochemistry - http://www.gyig.ac.cn/english/
Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) - http://www.kiz.ac.cn/en/
Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) - http://www.kib.ac.cn/KIBEnglish/English/index.html
Kunming University of Science and Technology (KUST) - http://www.kmust.edu.cn/en/index.htm
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) - http://en.xtbg.ac.cn/
Yunnan Astronomical Observatory (YNAO), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) - http://www.ynao.ac.cn/englisntex1.htm
Yunnan University - http://www.ynu.edu.cn/english/
Yunnan University of the Nationalities - http://www.ynni.edu.cn/ (No English Website available)
Yunnan Agricultural University - http://www.ynau.edu.cn/en/EN_INDEX.HTM

Return to top of Potential Hostslist.

Potential hosts are grouped as follows:
- National University Corporations
- Private Universities
- Inter-University Research Institute Corporations
- Independent Administrative Institutions and National Laboratories
- Prefectural Research Institutes
- Non-profit Organizations
- Japanese Corporate Host Institutions
The following lists include most of the research Institutions that qualify as hosts for the EAPSI in Japan according to Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) criteria. Homepage addresses (URLs) are given, where available.
NOTE: Other institutions,including additional company laboratories,can be considered on a case-by-case basis.

(listed from north to south)

Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University of Education
Muroran Institute of Technology
Otaru University of Commerce
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Asahikawa Medical College
Kitami Institute of Technology
Hirosaki University
Iwate University
Tohoku University
Miyagi University of Education
Akita University
Yamagata University
Fukushima University

Ibaraki University

University of Tsukuba
Utsunomiya University
Gunma University
Saitama University
Chiba University
The University of Tokyo
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Tokyo Gakugei University
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Ochanomizu University
The University of Electro-Communications
Hitotsubashi University
Yokohama National University
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai)
Tsukuba College of Technology


Niigata University
Nagaoka University of Technology
Joetsu University of Education
University of Yamanashi
Shinshu University

University of Toyama

Kanazawa University
University of Fukui
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
Takaoka National College (a junior college)

Gifu University

Shizuoka University
Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Nagoya University
Aichi University of Education
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Toyohashi University of Technology
Mie University

Shiga University

Shiga University of Medical Science
Kyoto University
Kyoto University of Education
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Osaka University
Osaka University of Foreign Studies
Osaka Kyoiku University
Hyogo University of Teacher Education
Kobe University
Nara University of Education
Nara Women's University
Wakayama University
Nara Institute of Science and Technology

Tottori University

Shimane University
Okayama University
Hiroshima University
Yamaguchi University


The University of Tokushima

Naruto University of Education
Kagawa University
Ehime University
Kochi University
Kochi Medical School

Fukuoka University of Education

Kyushu University
Kyushu Institute of Technology
Saga University
Nagasaki University
Kumamoto University
Oita University
Miyazaki University
Kagoshima University
National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya
University of the Ryukyus

Return to top of Potential hosts list.

Note: Listed below are only a fraction of private universities and colleges in Japan.
More comprehensive lists are available at the homepage of Directory Database of Research and Development Activities.

Aoyama Gakuin

Chukyo University
Dokkyo Medical University
Doshisha University
Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Gakushuin University
Hachinohe Institute of Technology
Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University (in Japanese only)
Hiroshima Institute of Technology
Hiroshima Shudo University
The University of The Air
International Christian University (ICU)
International University of Japan
Japan Women's University
Kanazawa Institute of Technology (KIT)
Kansai University
Keio University (General Information)
Keio University (Science and Technology Campus)
Keio University (Shonan Fujisawa Campus)
Kitasato University
Kogakuin University
Konan University
Kurume institute of Technology
Kwansei Gakuin University
Kyoto Notre Dame University
Kyushu Sangyo University
Matsuyama University
Meiji University
Meisei University (in Japanese only)
Miyazaki International College
Musashi Institute of Technology
Musashi University
Nagano University
Nanzan University
Nihon University
Nippon Bunri University (in Japanese only)
Nippon Dental University
Nippon Medical School (in Japanese only)

Osaka Medical College (in Japanese only)

Reitaku University
Ritsumeikan University
Tokyo University of Science
Shibaura Institute of Technology (in Japanese only)
Soka University

Sophia University

Tama University
Teikyo University
Temple University Japan
Tokai University
Tokyo Woman's Christian University
Tokyo Women's Medical College
Waseda University

Return to top of Potential hosts list.


National Institutes for the Humanities
National Museum of Japanese History

National Institute of Japanese Literature

International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
National Museum of Ethnology (MINPAKU)
Research Organization of Information and Systems
  National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR)
  National Institute of Informatics (NII)
  The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
  National Institute of Genetics
National Institutes of Natural Sciences
  National Astronomical Observatory
  National Institute for Fusion Science
  Okazaki Research Facilities
    National Institute for Basic Biology
    National Institute for Physiological Sciences
    Institute for Molecular Science
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

Return to top of Potential hosts list.


Building Research Institute
Center for National University Finance and Management (in Japanese only)
Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region
Electronic Navigation Research Institute
Fisheries Research Agency (FRA)
Forest Tree Breeding Center
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Japanl Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST)
Marine Technical College
National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO)
National Institute of Fruit Tree Science
National Agriculture Research Center
National Institute of Crop Science
National Institute of Animal Health
National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science (NILGS)
National Center for University Entrance Examinations
National Food Research Institute
National Information and Communications Technology
National Institutes for Cultural Heritage (in Japanese only)
National Institute for Environmental Studies
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
National Institute for Rural Engineering
National Institute for Sea Training
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

Research Units
- 29 Research Centers (R.C.)
- 21 Research Institutes (R.I.)
- 3 Research Core
- 6 Research Initiatives
- 2 Center for Intelectual Infrastructure

National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences
National Institute of Health and Nutrition
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
National Institute of Multimedia Education
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan (in Japanese only)
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation
National Maritime Research Institute
National Museum of Nature and Science
National Research Institute of Brewing
National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo
National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Science and Technical Research Laboratories
Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI)
Public Works Research Institute
The National Institute of Special Education (NISE)
The National Institute for Japanese Language
Policy Research Institute
National Institute of Science and Technology Policy
Central Customs Laboratory
International Medical Center of Japan (in Japanese only)
National Cancer Center
National Cardiovascular Center
National Center for Child Health and Development
National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Japan
National Institute for Longevity Sciences, NCGG
National Institute of Health Sciences
National Institute of Infectious Diseases
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research
National Institute of Public Health
Research Institute National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities
National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster, Fire and Disaster Management Agency
Geographical Survey Institute
Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department, Japan Coast Guard
Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency
National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management
National Institute for Minamata Disease
National Research Institute of Police Science, Japan

Return to top of Potential hosts list.

PREFECTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTES (listed from north to south)

Hokkaido Institute of Environmental Sciences
Hokkaido Food Processing Research Center
Hokkaido Forest Products Research Institute
Agricultural Biotech Research Center of Aomori Prefecture, JAPAN (Aomori Green Bio Center) (in Japanese only)
Aomori Industrial Research Center (in Japanese only)
Iwate Industrial Research Institute (in Japanese only)
Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels Akita
Akita Research Institute of Advanced Technology
Miyagi Cancer Center
Ibaraki Agricultural Center (in Japanese only)
Textile Research Institute of Gunma (in Japanese only)
Center for Environmental Science in Saitama (in Japanese only)

Saitama Cancer Center

Chiba Cancer Center
Chiba Prefectural Environmental Research Center (in Japanese only)
Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health
Kanagawa Industrial Technology Center
Kanagawa Environmental Research Center
Kanagawa Cancer Center (in Japanese only)
Niigata Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences (in Japanese only)
Yamanashi Institute of Environmental Sciences
Toyama Institute of Health
Toyama Industrial Technology Center
Toyama Prefectural Institute for Pharmaceutical Research (in Japanese only)
Toyama Forestry and Forest Products Research Center (in Japanese only)
Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa (in Japanese only)
Gifu Prefectural Research Institute of Information Technology (in Japanese only)
Industrial Technology Center, Gifu Prefecutural Government (in Japanese only)
Gifu Prefectural Institute for Health and Environmental Sciences (in Japanese only)
Aichi Cancer Center
Lake Biwa Research Institute
Technology Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture
Osaka City Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences
Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health
Research Institute, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases (in Japanese only)
Osaka Medical Center and Research Institute for Maternal and Child Health
Hyogo Prefectural Institute of Technology (in Japanese only)
Industrial Technology Center of Okayama Prefecture
Industrial Research Center of Ehime Prefecture (in Japanese only)
Fukuoka Industrial Technology Center (in Japanese only)
Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History
Industrial Technology Center of Nagasaki (in Japanese only)
Oita Industrial Research Institute (in Japanese only)
Miyazaki Prefecture Industrial Technology Center (in Japanese only)

Return to top of Potential hosts list.


Akijima Marine Science Laboratory, ETMER
Chemicals Evaluation and Research Institute, Japan
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
Hokkaido River Disaster Prevention Research Center
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Institute for Laser Technology
Institution for Transort Policy Studies
Institute for Environmental Sciences
International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences
International Development Center of Japan
International Superconductivity Technology Center
Iwate Biotechnology Research Cenber
Japan Automobile Research Institute
Japan Chemical Analysis Center (in Japanese only)
Japan Environmental Sanitation Cenber
Japan Fine Ceramics Center
Japan Foundation for Cancer Research
Japan Power Engineering and Inspection Corporation
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)
Japan Weather Association
Japan Wildlife Research Center (in Japanese only)
Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology
Nippon Institute for Biological Science
Okayama Ceramics Center
Osaka Bioscience Institute
Plant Ecochemicals Research Center (in Japanese only)
Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF)
Railway Technical Research Institute
Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan
Research Institute of Tuberculosis
Sagami Chemical Research Cenber
The New Industry Research Organization
The Overseas Costal Area Development Institute of Japan
The Research Institute of Tuberculosis, J.A.T.A.
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science (RINSHOKEN)
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology

Return to top of Potential hosts list.


Daiichi-Sankyo Sankyo Co., Ltd. (in Japanese only)

Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.

Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd.
Hitachi, Ltd.
IBM-Japan's Tokyo Research Laboratory
Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT)
Sony Computer Science Laboratory Inc.

Return to top of Potential hosts list.

Potential hosts are grouped by location:
- Seoul area
- Kyeongki area
- Taejon area
- Kyongpook area
- Kyongnam area
- Jeonbuk area
- Jeonnam area
NOTE: Other institutions can be considered on a case-by-case basis.
NOTE: To send a facsimile from the U.S. to Korea, the dialing sequence is 011 (International Code) - 82 (Korea's Country Code) - city code and telephone number as given below.


Center for Theoretical Physics (CTP)
Seoul National University
Director: Prof. Hi-Sung Song
San 56-1, Shilim-dong
Kwanak-ku, Seoul 151-742
Tel: 82-880-6523, 886-4589
Fax: 82-884-7167
E-mail: ctp@ctp.snu.ac.kr
Organic Chemistry Research Center (OCRC)
Sogang University
Director: Prof. Nung-Min Yoon
1-1 Sinsu-dong
Mapo-ku, Seoul 121-742
Tel: 82-2-705-8233
Fax: 82-2-701-0967
Research Center for Molecular Microbiology (RCMM)
Seoul National University
Director: Prof. Young-Chil Hah
San 56-1, Shilim-dong
Kwanak-ku, Seoul 151-742
Tel: 82-2-880-6528
Fax: 82-2-888-4911
E-mail: rcmm@cns.snu.ca.kr
Global Analysis Research Center (GARC)
Seoul National University
Director: Prof. Sang-Moon Kim
San 56-1, Shilim-dong
Kwanak-ku, Seoul 151-742
Tel: 82-2-880-6562
Fax: 82-2-877-8435
E-mail: garc@math.snu.ac.kr
Research Center for Cell Differentiation (RCCD)
Seoul National University
Director: Prof. Man-Sik Kang
San 56-1, Shilim-dong
Kwanak-ku, Seoul 151-742
Tel: 82-2-880-6685 / 6
Fax: 82-2-872-1993
Cancer Research Center (CRC)
Seoul National University
Director: Prof. Jae-Gahb Park
28 Yongon-dong
Chongno-ku, Seoul 110-799
Tel: 82-2-740-8091
Fax: 82-2-766-4477
E-mail: snucrc@plaza.snu.ac.kr
Center for Mineral Resources Research (CMR)
Korea University
Director: Prof. Chil-Sup So
1, Anam-dong
Sungbuk-ku, Seoul 136-701
Tel: 82-2-920-1820, 82-2-927-6181
Fax: 82-2-927-6180
Intelligent Signal and Processing Laboratory
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering
Korea University
Associate Director: Prof. Hanseok Ko
Seoul, Korea 136-701
Tel: 82-2-3290-3239
Research Center for Thin Film Fabrication and Crystal
Growing of Advanced Materials (RETCAM)
Seoul National University
Director: Prof. Dong-Nyung Lee
San 56-1, Shilim-dong
Kwanak-ku, Seoul 151-742
Tel: 82-2-880-7446
Fax: 82-2-886-4156
Atomic-Scale Surface Science Research Center (ASSRC)
Yonsei University
Director: Prof. Chung-Nam Hwang
134 Shinchon-dong
Seodaemun-ku, Seoul 120-749
Tel: 82-2-361-2613
Fax: 82-2-312-7090
Center for Molecular Catalysis (CMC)
Seoul National University
Director: Prof. J. H. Suh
San 56-1, Shilim-dong
Kwanak-ku, Seoul 151-742
Tel: 82-2-880-6816
Fax: 82-2-874-3704
Animal Resources Research Center (ARRC)
Kon-Kuk University
Director: Prof. Chang-Woo Kim
93-1 Mojin-dong
Sungdong-ku, Seoul 133-701
Tel: 82-2-450-3670 / 3666
Fax: 82-2-455-5305
Research Center for New Drug Development (RCNDD)
Seoul National University
Director: Prof. Nak-Doo Kim
San 56-1, Shilim-dong
Kwanak-ku, Seoul 151-742
Tel: 82-2-880-7832
Fax: 82-2-874-2203
Engineering Research Center for Advanced
Control and Instrumentation (ERC-ACI)
Seoul National University
Director: Prof. Wook-Hyun Kwon
San 56-1, Shilim-dong
Kwanak-ku, Seoul 151-742
Tel: 82-2-880-7318
Fax: 82-2-888-4182
Turbo and Power Machinery Research Center (TPMRC)
Seoul National University
Director: Prof. Sung-Tack Ro
San 56-1, Shilim-dong
Kwanak-ku, Seoul 151-742
Tel: 82-2-880-5513
Fax: 82-2-883-0179
Bioproducts Research Center (BRC)
Yonsei University
Director: Prof. Yu-Ryang Pyun
134 Shinchon-dong
Seodaemun-ku, Seoul 120-749
Tel: 82-2-361-3591 / 82-2-361-6820
Fax: 82-2-312-6821
Advanced Structure Research Station (STRESS)
Hanyang University
Director: Prof. Li-Hyung Lee
17, Haengdang-dong
Sungdong-ku, Seoul 133-791
Tel: 82-2-290-0541
Fax: 82-2-281-2557
E-mail: office@stress.hanyang.ac.kr
Ceramic Materials Research Institute (CPRC)
Hanyang University
Director: Prof. Keun-Ho Auh
17 Haengdang-dong,
Sungdong-ku, Seoul 133-791
Tel: 82-2-290-0517
Fax: 82-2-299-2884
Center for Information Storage Devices (CISD)
Yonsei University
Director: Prof. Young-Pil Park
134 Shinchon-dong
Seodaemun-ku, Seoul 120-749
Tel: 82-2-361-2814
Fax: 82-2-312-2159
Korea Earthquake Engineering Research Center (KEERC)
Seoul National University
Director: Prof. Sung-Pil Chang
San 56-1, Shilim-dong
Kwanak-ku, Seoul 151-742
Tel: 82-2-887-7346
Fax: 82-2-887-0349
Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) 39-1 Hawall, Gok-dong
Sungbuk-ku, Seoul
Tel: 82-2-958-5114
Fax: 82-2-963-4013
Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) 207-43 Chung, Yangri-dong
Dongdaemun-ku, Seoul
Tel: 82-2-250-3114
Fax: 82-2-964-3741
Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI) 385 Block Sa-dong
Ansan, Kyeongki-Do
Tel: 82-345-400-6000
Fax: 82-345-408-5820
Return to top of Potential Hosts list.  
Research Center for New Bio-Materials in Agriculture
(RCNBMA), Seoul National University
Director: Prof. Kwan-Hwa Park
103 Seodung-dong
Kwonsun-ku, Suwon 441-744
Tel: 82-331-290-2028 / 82-331-294-1609
Fax: 82-331-294-1336
Safety and Structural Integrity Research Center (SAFE)
Sung Kyon Kwan University
Director: Prof. Young-Jin Kim
300 Chanchun-dong
Jangan-ku, Kyungki-Do
Tel: 82-331-290-7436
Fax: 82-331-290-7482
Return to top of Potential Hosts list.
Center for Molecular Science (CMS)
Director: Prof. Kyung-Hoon Jung
373-1, Kusung-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon 305-701
Tel: 82-42-869-8122 / 4
Fax: 82-42-829-8130
Center for Artificial Intelligence Research (CAIR)
Director: Prof. Jung-Wan Cho
373-1 Kusung-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon 305-701
Tel: 82-42-869-8711 / 3
Fax: 82-42-869-8700
Satellite Technology Research Center (SaTReC)
Director: Prof. Dan-Keum Sung
373-1 Kusung-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon 305-701
Tel: 82-42-869-8612
Fax: 82-42-869-0064
BioProcess Engineering Research Center (BPERC)
Director: Prof. Ho-Nam Chang
373-1 Kusung-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon, 305-701
Tel: 82-42-869-8811 / 2
Fax: 82-42-869-8800
Rapidly Solidified Materials Research Center (RASOM)
Chungnam National University
Director: Prof. Byung-Sun Chun
220, Kung-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon 305-764
Tel: 82-42-821-6587 / 9
Fax: 82-42-822-9401
Center for Interface Science and Engineering of Materials
Director: Prof. Suk-Joong Kang
373-1 Kusung-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon, 305-701
Tel: 82-42-869-8919, 4113
Fax: 82-42-869-8920
Center for Advanced Reactor Research (CARR)
Director: Prof. Moon-Hyun Chun
373-1 Kusung-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon, 305-701
Tel: 82-42-869-8851, 8853
Fax: 82-42-869-8860
Opto-Electonics Research Center (OERC)
Director: Prof. Young-Se Kwon
373-1 Kusung-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon, 305-701
Tel: 82-42-869-8559/8551
Fax: 82-42-869-8560
Micro Information and Communication
Remote Object-Oriented Systems (MICROS)
Director: Prof. Byong-Whi Lee
373-1 Kusung-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon 305-701
Tel: 82-42-869-8581 ~ 4
Fax: 82-42-869-8580
E-mail: office@micros.kaist.ac.kr
Center for Advanced Functional Polymers (CAFPoly)
Director: Prof. Sung-Chul Kim
373-1 Kusung-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon 305-701
Tel: 82-42-869-8431 ~ 2
Fax: 82-42-869-8430
System Engineering Research Institute (SERI) 1 Oun-dong
Yunsung-ku, Taejon City
Tel: 82-42-869-1211
Fax: 82-42-861-1999
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
1 Oun-dong
P.O. Box 115
Yunsung-ku, Taejon 305-600
Tel: 82-42-860-4114
Fax: 82-42-861-1759
E-mail: admin@kribb.re.kr
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) 150 Dukjin-dong
P.O. Box 105, Yusung-ku, Taejon
Tel: 82-42-820-2170
Fax: 82-42-820-2702
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) Doryung-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon
Tel: 82-42-868-5114
Fax: 82-42-861-1494
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 161 Kajung-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon 305-350
Tel: 82-42-860-6687
Fax: 82-42-861-5022
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT) 100 Chang-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon
Tel: 82-42-860-7833
Fax: 82-42-861-7022
Korea Institute of Geology Mining and Materials (KIGAM) 100 Chang-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon
Tel: 82-42-868-3720
Fax: 82-42-861-9720
Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) 71-2 Chang-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon
Tel: 82-42-860-3240
Fax: 82-42-860-6224
Korea Institute of Machinery and Metals (KIMM) 171 Chang-dong
Yusung-ku, Taejon
Tel: 82-42-868-7720
Fax: 82-42-868-7824
Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) 52 Oun-dong
P.O. Box 113
Yusung-ku, Taejon 305-600
Tel: 82-42-860-2610
Fax: 82-42-820-2004
Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute (KGTRI) 302 Sinsung-dong
Yousung-ku, Taejon
Tel: 82-42-861-5217
Fax: 82-42-861-1949
Return to top of Potential Hosts list.
Topology and Geometry Research Center (TGRC)
Kyungpook National University
Director: Prof. U-Hang Ki
1370 Sankyuk-dong
Taegu 702-701
Tel: 82-53-950-6831
Fax: 82-53-959-1717
E-mail: uhang@bh.kyungpool.ac.kr
Center for Biofunctional Molecules (CBM)
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Director: Prof. Dong-Han Kim
San 31 Hyoja-dong
Nam-ku, Pohang, Kyoungbuk 790-784
Tel: 82-562-279-8131 / 2
Fax: 82-562-279-5877
Advanced Fluids Engineering Research Center (AFERC)
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Director: Prof. Chung-Mook Lee
San 31 Hyoja-dong
Nam-ku, Pohang, Kyoungbuk 790-784
Tel: 82-562-279-5904
Fax: 82-562-279-3199
Sensor Technology Research Center (STRC)
Kyungpook National University
Director: Prof. Byung-Ki Sohn
1370 Sankyuk-Dong
Taegu 702-701
Tel: 82-53-950-6825, 952-8743
Fax: 82-53-950-6827
E-mail: bksohn@ee.kyungpook.ac.kr
Research Center for Catalytic Technology (RCCT)
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Director: Prof. Young-Gul Kim
San 31 Hyoja-dong
Nam-ku, Pohang, Kyoungbuk 790-784
Tel: 82-562-279-5800
Fax: 82-562-279-5799
E-mail: ygkim@vision.postech.ac.kr
Automation Research Center (ARC)
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Director: Prof. Kun-Soo Chang
San 31 Hyoja-dong
Nam-ku, Pohang, Kyoungbuk 790-784
Tel: 82-562-279-5958
Fax: 82-562-279-3499
Center for Advanced Aerospace Materials (CAAM)
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Director: Prof. Nack-Joon Kim
San 31 Hyoja-dong
Nam-ku, Pohang, Kyoungbuk 790-784
Tel: 82-562-279-2820 / 2135
Fax: 82-562-279-2399 / 5887
E-mail: caam@vision.postech.ac.kr
Return to top of Potential Hosts list.  
Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Research Center (PMBBRC)
Gyeongsang National University
Director: Prof. Moo-Je Cho
900 Kajwa-dong
Chinju 660-701
Tel: 82-591-8751-5957
Fax: 82-591-759-9363
E-mail: mjcho@noogae.gsmu.ac.kr
Research Center for Ocean Industrial Development (RCOID)
National Fisheries University of Pusan
Director: Prof. Kyu-Dae Cho
599-1 Daeyeon-dong
Nam-ku, Pusan 608-737
Tel: 82-51-6207-6954
Fax: 82-51-627-1096
Engineering Research Center for Net-Shape
and Die Manufacturing (NSDM)
Pusan National University
Director: Prof. Jae-Chan Choi
30 Changjeon-dong
Keumjeong-ku, Pusan 609-735
Tel: 82-51-510-1491/2
Fax: 82-51-512-1722
Research Center for Dielectric and Advanced
Matter Physics (RCDAMP)
Pusan National University
Director: Prof. Min-Su Jang
30 Changjeon-dong
Keumjeong-ku, Pusan 609-735
Tel: 82-51-510-1868/9
Fax: 82-51-515-2390
Korea Institute of Machinery and Metals (KIMM) 66 Sangnam-dong
Changwon City
Tel: 82-551-80-3000
Fax: 82-551-80-3333
Return to top of Potential Hosts list.  
Semiconductor Physics Research Center (SPRC)
Chonbuk National University
Director: Prof. Hyung-Jae Lee
Chonju 561-756
Tel: 822652-270-3607
Fax: 82-652-270-3585
E-mail: hsprc@chonbuknms.chonbuk.ac.kr
Hormone Research Center (HRC)
Chonnam National University
Director: Prof. Hyuk-Bang Kwon
Kwangjiu 500-757
Tel: 82-62-520-7787
Fax: 82-62-520-7786
Ultra Fast Optical Network (UFON)
Director: Prof. Un-Chul Paek
572 Sangam-dong
Kwangsan-ku, Kwangu 506-712
Tel: 82-62-970-2222
Fax: 82-62-970-2233

Return to top of Potential Hosts list.

New Zealand
Potential hosts are grouped as follows:
- Universities
- Crown Research Institutes
- Non-governmental Organizations
NOTE: Other institutions, including additional company laboratories,can be considered on a case-by-case basis.

University of Auckland - www.auckland.ac.nz
AucklandUniversity of Technology - www.aut.ac.nz
University of Canterbury - www.canterbury.ac.nz
LincolnUniversity - www.lincoln.ac.nz
Massey University - www.massey.ac.nz
University of Otago - www.otago.ac.nz
WaikatoUniversity - www.waikato.ac.nz
VictoriaUniversity of Wellington - www.victoria.ac.nz


AgResearch - www.agresearch.co.nz
Crop and Food Research - www.crop.cri.nz
Institute of Environmental Science & Research Ltd - www.esr.cri.nz
Scion Research - www.scionresearch.com
Geological & Nuclear Sciences - www.gns.cri.nz
HortResearch - www.hortresearch.co.nz
Industrial Research - www.irl.cri.nz
Landcare Research - www.Landcareresearch.co.nz
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research - www.niwa.cri.nz


Cawthron Institute - www.cawthron.org.nz
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research - www.malaghan.org.nz
Canesis Network Ltd - www.canesis.com/home.shtm

Return to top of Potential Hosts list.

National University of Singapore (NUS) www.nus.edu.sg/
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) www.ntu.edu.sg/

NOTE: Though placement at other institutions within Singapore cannot be assured, U.S. graduate students who have identified a potential host at another institution are encouraged to coordinate with EAPSI staff (e-mail: eapinfo@nsf.gov) to determine the possibility of receiving support.

Return to top of Potential Hosts list.


Potential hosts are grouped as follows:
- Public Universities
- Private Universities
- Academia Sinica, Division of Math & Physical Sciences
- Academia Sinica, Division of Life Sciences
- Academia Sinica, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences
- National Applied Research Laboratories
NOTE: Other institutions can be considered on a case-by-case basis.
NOTE: To send a facsimile from the U.S. to Taiwan, the dialing sequence is 011 (International Code) - 886 (Taiwan's Country Code) - city code and telephone number as given below.


National Chengchi University - http://www.nccu.edu.tw/english/academics.htm

National Tsing Hua University - http://www.nthu.edu.tw/index-e/academics/index.html

National Taiwan University - http://www.ntu.edu.tw/english/main.html

National Taiwan Normal University - http://portal.ntnu.edu.tw/portal/modules/mylinks/visit.php?cid=1&lid=63

National Cheng Kung University - http://www.ncku.edu.tw/ver2006/en/edu/liberal.htm

National Chung Hsing University - http://www.nchu.edu.tw/New_nchu/en/en.php?tb_four_sn=6

National Chiao Tung University - http://www.nctu.edu.tw/english/colleges.htm

National Central University - http://www.ncu.edu.tw/e_web/learn01.php

National Sun Yat-sen University - http:// www.nsysu.edu.tw

National Taiwan Ocean University - http://www.ntou.edu.tw/English/

National Chung Cheng University - http://www.ccu.edu.tw/eng/acdemics.php

National Yang-Ming University - http://www.ym.edu.tw/english/index03.html

National Taipei University - http://www.ntpu.edu.tw/english/colleges.php

National Chiayi University - http://www.ncyu.edu.tw/eng/academic/

National Dong Hwa University - http://www.ndhu.edu.tw/english/index.php?id=02&cat=022

National Chi Nan University - http://www.ncnu.edu.tw/web/english/academics.htm

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology - http://www.ntust.edu.tw/eng/colleges.htm

National Yunlin University of Science and Technology - http://www.yuntech.edu.tw/english/index.html

National Pingtung University of Science and Technology - http://www.npust.edu.tw/english/academics.html

National Taipei University of Technology - http://www.ntut.edu.tw/english.html

National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology - http://www.nkfust.edu.tw/english/2.html

National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences - http://english.kuas.edu.tw/english/colleges.asp

Taipei National University of the Arts - http://www2.tnua.edu.tw/etnua/index.php

Return to top of Potential Hosts list.


Tunghai University - http://www.thu.edu.tw/english/enindex.htm

Fu Jen Catholic University - http://www.fju.edu.tw/eng_fju/faculty.htm

Soochow University - http://www.scu.edu.tw/eng/module_tag2_index_eng.html

Chung Yuan Christian University - http://www.cycu.edu.tw/cycu_e/cycuwebsite/index.htm

Tamkang University - http://foreign.tku.edu.tw/TKUEnglish/contents.asp?up=College/menu.htm

Chinese Culture University - http://www.pccu.edu.tw/intl/page/english/english05.htm

Feng Chia University - http://en.fcu.edu.tw/academic/dep/academic_dep_index.htm

Providence University - http://web.pu.edu.tw/~english/main2.htm

Chang-Gung University - http://www.cgu.edu.tw/eng_cgu/eng_index.htm

Yuan Ze University - http://www.yzu.edu.tw/eng_2003/index.php?ci=3_0_0&gp=first

Da-Yeh University - http://www.dyu.edu.tw/english/menu_4.htm

I-Shou University - http://www.isu.edu.tw/english/

Shih Hsin University - http://www.shu.edu.tw/shu-e/htm/02academic.htm

Ming Chuan University - http://www1.mcu.edu.tw/Apps/SB/SB_Site.aspx?PageID=16

Shih Chien University - http://www.usc.edu.tw/uscenglish/academics.asp

Kaohsiung Medical University - http://www.kmu.edu.tw/en/

Tatung University - http://www.ttu.edu.tw/english/

Tzu Chi University - http://www.tcu.edu.tw/TcuEnnew/Academic.asp

Taipei Medical University - http://autoweb.tmu.edu.tw/engtmu/CoM.asp?Dept=15&UID=15

Chung Shan Medical University - http://www.csmu.edu.tw/encsmu/frameset.htm

Chang Jung Christian University - http://www.cju.edu.tw/english/Educational.htm

China Medical University - http://www.cmu.edu.tw/9212/english/eindex.htm

Return to top of Potential Hosts list.

Academia Sinica Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences

Institute of Mathematics


Institute of Physics


Institute of Chemistry


Institute of Earth Sciences


Institute of Information Science


Institute of Statistical Science


Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences


Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Preparatory Office)


Applied Science and Engineering Research Center


Environment Change Research Center


Academia Sinica
Division of Life Sciences

Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology


Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology


Institute of Biological Chemistry


Institute of Biomedical Sciences


Institute of Molecular Biology


Agricultural Biotechnology
Research Center


Genomics Research Center


Biodiversity Research Center


Academia Sinica Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Institute of History and Philology


Institute of Ethnology


Institute of Modern History


Institute of Economics


Institute of European and American Studies


Sun Yat-Sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy


Institute of Sociology


Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy


Institute of Taiwan History

Institute of Linguistics


Institute of Political Science (Preparatory Office)


Institute of Law (Preparatory Office)


Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences


National Applied Research Laboratories - http://www.narl.org.tw/en/

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Return to EAPSI Funding Opportunity page.


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Last Updated: Dec 03, 2008