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Resources and Tips for Successful Grant Writing

Common Pitfalls

  • The University of Michigan Research provides a proposal writer's guide with a section explaining "Why Proposals Are Rejected." This list is derived from an article by Dr. Ernest M. Allen (Chief of the Division of Research Grants, National Institutes of Health) that appeared in Science, Volume 132 (November 25, 1960), pages 1532 to 34.
  • Also from the University of Michigan Research proposal writer's guide, you will find a section entitled "Dealing With Short Deadlines." This section highlights five things you should not overlook even in a time crunch.
  • The Research Funding Service Director, Dr. Janet S. Rasey, offers easily understandable advice on what grant applications should and should not contain. She also helps clarify what grant makers want when they ask specific questions. Check out her article "After You've Written: The Application Review Process."
  • The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research has a guide to writing competitive grant proposals by Dr. David Stanley. "After the Fall: Rewriting and Resubmitting Our Proposals" explains what to do when a proposal is rejected. This guide also has several useful checklists to help keep you on track during the grant writing process such as Grant Proposal Quality Check, Pre-Review Worksheet, and Planning/Processing Our Proposals. Look for these in the appendix.