DeFazio Pleased With the Release of Funds for the Largest Increase in Veterans' Health Care in Histo | Print |

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative Peter DeFazio (D-OR) lauded the President’s release today of $3.7 billion in additional veterans funding provided by Congress – to provide the largest single funding increase in the 77-year history of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

"With this money, the Democratic-led Congress is making an unprecedented commitment to those who have served our country in the military," said DeFazio. "The federal government must do more than provide rhetorical support for our troops. After years of neglect in Washington, this release of actual dollars is a positive step to improve the delivery of health care services, meet the increasingly complex health care needs of veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and reduce the disgracefully massive backlog of disability claims."

Congressman DeFazio has been active in encouraging the release of these funds by President Bush. In December, he joined with more than 40 of his colleagues in writing to President Bush to urge his consideration of this issue.

"At a time when millions of Americans are rotating in and out of combat zones –often multiple times– it is even more important that Congress fulfill the government's promises to veterans. After all, how we treat our veterans today will play a large role in whether enough Americans will volunteer to protect and defend our country in the future. I am proud of the service of our men and women in the military, and I am pleased that the President is finally releasing the funds necessary to fully honor that commitment," continued DeFazio.