U.S. Census Bureau

Statistical Disclosure Control:   Research Papers

                                (a selection of some recent papers)
By the Disclosure Limitation Research Group
Comparing Ways of Using ‘Protection Flow’ to Protect Magnitude Data Tables from Disclosures, 2005, Massell
Comparing Statistical Control Methods for Tables: Identifying the Key Factors, 2004, Massell
Disclosure Risk Assessment for Microdata, 2004, Steel
Statistical Disclosure Control for Tables: Determining which Method to Use (in english), 2003, Massell     
                                                 (in french)
   (english...188KB)              (french....209KB)
Microdata Protection, 2003, Hawala
Disclosure Limitation for Advanced Query System,  Hawala, Zayatz, Rowland,  2003

SDC in the 2000 U.S. Decennial Census, 2002, Zayatz

     Zayatz paper appears in book :    Inference Control in Statistical Databases,  publ. Springer, 2002

 Simulation Study of the Effectiveness of Masking Microdata,  2002, Hawala

 Optimization Models and Programs for Cell Suppression in Statistical Tables, 2002, Massell

 Cell Suppression and Audit Programs used for Economic Magnitude Data, 2001, Massell

The Impact of Multiple Geographies and Geographic Detail on Disclosure Risk, 2001, Steel & Sperling

An Estimation for the Number of Unique Population Elements Based on a Sample, 1999, Steel

Effect of Multiplicative Noise on Trend Statistics, 1996, B. Timothy Evans

By other U.S. Census Bureau staff:

 Cell Suppression Problem Formulations: Exact Solution and Heuristics, 2001, Fagan

Disclosure Analysis for the 1992 Economic Census, 1993,  Robert Jewett
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Work done by non-Bureau staff that is (partially) funded by the Bureau:
A Nonlinear Optimization Procedure to Estimate Disclosure Risk, 2003, Betsy Greenberg

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Maintained by:    Rolando A. Rodríguez rolando.a.rodriguez@census.gov
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Research Division,
Disclosure Limitation Research Group
Date Created: October 11, 2001
Last Revised: June 24, 2008 at 08:59:29 AM