U.S. Census Bureau

The X-12-ARIMA Seasonal Adjustment Program

X-12-ARIMA is the seasonal adjustment software produced and maintained by the Census Bureau. It is used for all official seasonal adjustments at the U. S. Census Bureau.

Features include:

There is now a Windows Interface to X-12-ARIMA available. The standalone DOS version and a Linux version are also available.

In addition, a SAS®/Graph program has been developed named X-12-Graph that allows users to generate useful graphical diagnostics from X-12-ARIMA output. It requires no knowledge of SAS®.

Announcements of program updates and other information related to X-12-ARIMA are distributed through a moderated mailing list called x12a-announce. To subscribe, access the following URL:


Download Windows Interface to X-12-ARIMA
Download the Windows Interface to the X-12-ARIMA program. Installation instructions and documentation are also available. (last updated: June 15, 2007)
Download Version 0.3 of X-12-ARIMA (PC)
Download the PC version of the X-12-ARIMA Version 0.3. Installation instructions are also available. (last updated: June 15, 2007)
Download Version 0.3 of X-12-ARIMA (Linux/Unix)
Download the Unix workstation versions of the X-12-ARIMA and X-12-Graph programs, as well as program documentation, a set of examples, Fortran source code, and other related files. Installation instructions are also available. (last updated: June 15, 2007)
Download X-12-Graph
Download the latest version of X-12-Graph, the graphical companion to X-12-ARIMA, along with documentaton. (last updated: June 10, 2008)
Seasonal Adjustment Papers
Research reports and papers dealing with seasonal adjustment. Abstracts are available for browsing, with Adobe PDF and PostScript versions of the papers available for downloading. (last updated: June 1, 2009)
Historical Papers Concerning X-11 and Seasonal Adjustment
Research reports and papers of historical interest to researchers and seasonal adjustment experts, with Adobe PDF versions of the papers available for downloading. (last updated: June 1, 2009)
Y2K Compliance Statement
A compliance statement for X-12-ARIMA and X-11 software distributed by the Census Bureau. (last updated: October 10, 2000)