STS-90 Prelaunch, Launch and Landing Movies

  1. STS-90 Columbia processing (Post STS-87 - VAB) (STS-90) (240x180 MPEG 2.1M)
  2. STS-90 Columbia processing (VAB - Pad 39-B) (STS-90) (240x180 MPEG 2.0M)
  3. STS-90 Crew Arrival at KSC's SLF (STS-90 - 04/13/98) (240x180 MPEG 1.1M)
  4. STS-90 Crew Breakfast in O&C building (STS-90 - 04/17/98) (240x180 MPEG 973K)
  5. STS-90 Crew suit up (STS-90 - 04/17/98) (240x180 MPEG 1.1M)
  6. STS-90 Crew walkout of O&C building (STS-90 - 04/17/98) (240x180 MPEG 983K)
  7. STS-90 Columbia Launch from Pad 39-B (STS-90 - 04/17/98) (240x180 MPEG 585K)
  8. STS-90 Columbia Launch from Pad 39-B (SRB Separation) (STS-90 - 04/17/98) (240x180 MPEG 585K)
  9. STS-90 Columbia Launch from Pad 39-B (View from VAB) (STS-90 - 04/17/98) (240x180 MPEG 1.3M)
  10. STS-90 Columbia Launch from Pad 39-B (TV Tower-1) (STS-90 - 04/17/98) (240x180 MPEG 500K)
  11. STS-90 Columbia Launch from Pad 39-B (Front View) (STS-90 - 04/17/98) (240x180 MPEG 758K)
  12. STS-90 Columbia Shuttle Landing (STS-90 - 05/03/98) (240x180 MPEG 1.7M)
  13. STS-90 Columbia Shuttle Landing (from side of runway) (STS-90 - 05/03/98) (240x180 MPEG 1M)
  • Previous Mission Launch Movies (STS-87)

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    Authors: Michael T. Downs and Jim Dumoulin/ NASA Payload Operations
    Curators: Michael T. Downs and Jim Dumoulin / NASA Payload Operations

    Last Revised: Sun May 3 13:57 EDT 1998 (M. Downs)
    A service of NASA/Kennedy Space Center Public Affairs Directorate, Hugh Harris,Director (