STS-89 Commander Terrence Wilcutt, at left, shakes hands with Pilot Joe Edwards Jr. under the orbiter Endeavour after it landed on Runway 15 at KSCs Shuttle Landing Facility Jan. 31. Kneeling in front of the wheel of the orbiter's nose, the commander and pilot congratulate each other on a perfect alignment of the wheel down the center of the runway. The 89th Space Shuttle mission was the 42nd (and 13th consecutive) landing of the orbiter at KSC, and STS-89 was the eighth of nine planned dockings of the orbiter with the Russian Space Station Mir. STS-89 Mission Specialist Andrew Thomas, Ph.D., succeeded NASA astronaut and Mir 24 crew member David Wolf, M.D., who was on the Russian space station since late September 1997. Dr. Wolf returned to Earth on Endeavour with the remainder of the STS-89 crew, including Commander Wilcutt; Pilot Edwards; and Mission Specialists James Reilly, Ph.D.; Michael Anderson; Bonnie Dunbar, Ph.D.; and Salizhan Sharipov of the Russian Space Agency. Dr. Thomas is scheduled to remain on Mir until the STS-91 Shuttle mission returns in June 1998. In addition to the docking and crew exchange, STS-89 included the transfer of science, logistical equipment and supplies between the two orbiting spacecrafts. (Photo Release Date: 01/31/98 )

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