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Scales and Weighing

P&SP's mission in the area of accurate weights consists of two elements that affect the integrity of livestock and poultry transactions: (1) the accuracy of the scales used for weighing livestock, meat, and poultry, and (2) the proper and honest operation of scales to ensure that the weight on which a transaction is based is accurate. The major emphases in the enforcement of this program are the monitoring of scale tests and the detection of improper and fraudulent use of subject scales.


This publication is a practical guide for testing livestock and animal scales. It explains proper procedures for inspecting and testing scales subject to the Packers and Stockyards Act, while following the requirements of the National Institute for Standards and Technology's (NIST) Handbook 44. Regulation 201.71 issued under the P&S Act incorporates by reference Handbook 44. All scales subject to the Act are required to meet applicable requirements contained in Handbook 44.

Regulations issued under authority of the P&S Act require that persons weighing live poultry and livestock for purposes of purchase or sale under the Act perform their duties in accordance with official instructions.


Last updated 02/19/2008


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