[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 9, Volume 1]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 9CFR3.40]

[Page 68-69]
PART 3_STANDARDS--Table of Contents
 Subpart B_Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and 
               Transportation of Guinea Pigs and Hamsters
Sec. 3.40  Terminal facilities.

    No person subject to the Animal Welfare regulations shall commingle 
shipments of live guinea pigs or hamsters with inanimate cargo. All 
animal holding areas of a terminal facility where shipments of live 
guinea pigs or hamsters are maintained shall be cleaned and sanitized as 
prescribed in Sec. 3.31 of the standards often enough to prevent an 
accumulation of debris or excreta, to minimize vermin infestation, and 
to prevent a disease hazard. An effective program for the control of 
insects, ectoparasites, and avian and mammalian pests shall be 
established and maintained for all animal holding areas. Any animal 
holding area containing live guinea pigs or hamsters shall be provided 
with fresh air by

[[Page 69]]

means of windows, doors, vents, or air conditioning and may be 
ventilated or air circulated by means of fans, blowers, or an air 
conditioning system so as to minimize drafts, odors, and moisture 
condensation. Auxiliary ventilation, such as exhaust fans and vents or 
fans or blowers or air conditioning shall be used for any animal holding 
area containing live guinea pigs and hamsters when the air temperature 
within such animal holding area is 23.9 [deg]C. (75. [deg]F.) or higher. 
The air temperature around any live guinea pig or hamster in any animal 
holding area shall not be allowed to fall below 7.2 [deg]C. (45 [deg]F.) 
nor be allowed to exceed 29.5 [deg]C. (85 [deg]F.) at any time. To 
ascertain compliance with the provisions of this paragraph, the air 
temperature around any live guinea pig or hamster shall be measured and 
read outside the primary enclosure which contains such guinea pig or 
hamster at a distance not to exceed .91 meters (3 feet) from any one of 
the external walls of the primary enclosure and measured on a level 
parallel to the bottom of such primary enclosure at a point which 
approximates half the distance between the top and bottom of such 
primary enclosure.

[43 FR 56215, Dec. 1, 1978, as amended at 55 FR 28883, July 16, 1990]