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Voyager 2
Voyager 2 Mission to Jupiter Voyager 2 Mission to Saturn Voyager 2 Mission to Uranus Voyager 2 Mission to Neptune Voyager 2 Mission to Beyond Our Solar System
Voyager 2:
It's primary mission to explore the outer planets completed, Voyager 2 is now headed into interstellar space.

But even at speeds of more than 56,000 kph (35,000 mph), it will take nearly 20,000 years for the Voyagers to reach the middle of the comet swarm and possibly twice this long for them to pass the outer boundaries of cometary space. By this time, they will have traveled a distance of two light-years, equivalent to half of the distance to Proxima Centauri, the nearest star.

Visit the Voyager 2 Website

Key Dates Headlines
20 Aug 1977: 
9 Jul 1979: 
Jupiter Flyby (Closest Approach)
26 Aug 1981: 
Saturn Flyby (Closest Approach)
24 Jan 1986: 
Uranus Flyby (Closest Approach)
24 Aug 1989: 
Neptune Flyby (Closest Approach)
Headed to Interstellar Space
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