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The Robert Rathbun Wilson Graduate Fellowships in
Engineering, Physics and Chemistry Working on
Detector Development With Argonne National

Figure 1: Robert Rathbun Wilson

“...I had the confidence that with your own hands you could build large
contraptions and make them work. Then I used to work in the blacksmith shop
just for the hell of it, and learned to use my hands and make things.
I think that was a very useful part of my training”1

1Robert Rathbun Wilson “From Frontiersman to Physicist” (based on an interview with Wilson by Spencer Weart, May 19, 1977; Physics in Perspective 2 (2000), 141, as quoted in L. Hoddeson and A. Kolb, Phys. Perspect. 5 (2003) 67


The Program

The Robert Rathbun Wilson Graduate Fellowships at Argonne National Laboratory are competitive fellowships to support MS/PhD graduate students in Engineering, Physics or Chemistry who are interested in working on innovation in detector and sensor technologies, and whose advisers are interested in collaboration. The Fellows will be expected to work collaboratively with staff at Argonne working on the Large-Area Photo-Detector (LAPD) project. The Fellows are expected to facilitate interaction between their university Laboratory groups, bringing the strengths of both, and allowing access to unique facilities.

The Fellowships are for one year, renewable for a second depending on funding. The Fellowships will provide 30K$/year. This is typically half the cost of a student; the other half would be expected to be borne by the collaborating university.

Areas of Interest

Examples of areas of interest include (but are not limited to!):

• Photo-emission in nano-scale materials

• Optimized Photocathodes using III-V and Alkali metal materials

• Secondary electron emission in materials made by Atomic Layer Deposition

• Mechanical assembly of large devices in ultra-pure gas environments

• Pico-second resolution electronics and clock distribution systems


The application form is available here: Graduate Student Programs Application. In addition, please have sent a letter of nomination from the thesis advisor and an additional letter of recommendation from someone familiar with your research or academic achievements to A copy of the university transcript must be faxed to (630) 252-3193.

Who Can Apply

The Fellowships are open to graduate students currently enrolled in a MS or Ph.D program in Chemistry, Engineering, or Physics at a US institution. The close collaboration between the university group and Argonne will make the Fellowships more attractive to universities within driving distance to Argonne, but it may be possible to work out effective arrangements for more distant collaborations.


The deadline for applications for the 2009-10 academic year is Sept. 15, 2009. Up to two Fellowships will be awarded. We expect to announce the results by Oct. 1, 2009.


1. Large-Area Photo-Detector Collaboration Main Page

2. Large-Area Photo-Detector Collaboration Blog

3. Large-Area Photo-Detector Collaboration Workshops

4. Large-Area Photo-Detector Collaboration Images, Talks, Papers, Technical Design Details

5. Large-Area Photo-Detector Proposal

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