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Databases and Software

Data Finder - Data Finder is a single place to find EPA's data sources so people can access and understand environmental information.

On this page, you will find:

Other EPA pages provide information about:

  • Environmental Test Methods and Guidelines - Test methods found on the Agency Web site and sources for acquiring test methods from the EPA.

  • EPA Models - Models are used to increase the level of understanding about natural systems and the way in which they react to varying conditions.

You can also view an alphabetical list of databases and software.

Managing Environmental Information

Environmental Data Registry - A data registry which allows you to retrieve information about the data elements used in selected EPA systems.

Registry for EPA Applications and Databases (READ) - The Registry for EPA Applications and Databases (READ) is a catalogue of the Agency's diverse information resources, including computer application systems, databases, and models.

Substance Registry System (SRS) - The Substance Registry System (SRS) provides information on substances (e.g., chemicals, biological organisms) and how they are represented in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations and information systems.

Terminology Reference System (TRS) - The Terminology Reference System (TRS) has been created as a single resource of environmental terminology for the Agency by compiling collections of terms from EPA and other sources.

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Consumer Information

ZIP Code searches - Information about your area.

Household Waste Management - This program can be used online to find reliable information about reducing the waste consumers generate and dealing with hazardous wastes in the home.

National Listing of Fish Consumption Advisories - A database that includes all available information describing state-, tribal-, and federally issued fish consumption advisories in the continental United States, four U.S. Territories, and 12 Canadian provinces and territories.

Software for Environmental Awareness - This site offers over 40 interactive software programs on environmental topics for free downloading.

Residential Energy Efficiency, Version 1.1 - This program shows effective ways to reduce home energy consumption and allows users to calculate how much they will save by making their homes more energy efficient.

Residential Water Conservation Techniques - This program shows effective ways to save water inside and outside the house and allows users to calculate how much they will save by installing water efficient devices in their homes.

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AIRS - Aerometric Information Retrieval System - AIRS is a computer-based repository of information about airborne pollution in the United States and various World Health Organization (WHO) member countries. Subsystems of AIRS include:

Air Quality Subsystem (AQS) - Contains measurements of ambient concentrations of air pollutants and meteorological data from thousands of monitoring stations operated by EPA, state and local agencies.

AIRS Facility Subsystem (AFS) - Contains both emissions and compliance data on air pollution point sources regulated by the U.S. EPA and/or state and local air regulatory agencies.

AIRSData - Provides easy access to summaries of air monitoring data for the current and five prior years, the latest available estimates of air pollutant emissions from major point sources, the overall regulatory compliance status of those sources, and names of contacts in EPA and state/local air pollution agencies. All these data pertain to the criteria pollutants (carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, particulate matter, lead).

Applicability Determination Index - A database that contains memoranda issued by the U.S. EPA on applicability and compliance issues associated with the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (with categories for both NESHAP, Part 61, and MACT, Part 63), and chlorofluorocarbons (CFC).

Region 5 (IL, IN. MI, MN, OH, WI) State Implementation Plans of the Clean Air Act - This collection of (SIPs) explain how a State will clean up polluted areas under the Clean Air Act. This system displays all federally approved SIP documents by pre-defined views for the included states.

Vehicle and Engine Emission Modeling Software - Access to a variety of modelling software for use in testing vehicles and non-road engines for emissions.

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Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances

8(e) TRIAGE - A searchable database of health studies related to Section 8(e) of TSCA.

Computational Toxicology - The application of mathematical and computer models to predict adverse effects and to better understand the mechanisms through which a given chemical induces harm.

Fertilizer Storage and Handling - Gives a general overview of fertilizer handling and storage, and features a risk assessment section, and recommendations for correcting fertilizer storage problems.

FIFRA Section 18 Database - A database providing information about current and recent actions under Section 18 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. Section 18 of FIFRA authorizes the U.S. EPA to allow states to use a pesticide for an unregistered use for a limited time if it is determined that emergency conditions exist.

Lead in the Environment - This program presents sources of lead, health effects, and techniques for reducing lead exposure in and around the home. The reference section points to local, regional and national sources of information and help.

Pesticide Data Submitters List - Is a compilation of names and addresses of registrants who wish to be notified and offered compensation for use of their data.

Pesticide Product Information System (PPIS) - Contains information concerning all pesticide products registered in the United States. It includes registrant name and address, chemical ingredients, toxicity category, product names, distributor brand names, site/pest uses, pesticidal type, formulation code, and registration status.

Pesticide Restricted Use Products (RUP) Report - Is a compilation of both active and canceled pesticide products classified as "Restricted Use". The "Restricted Use" classification restricts a product, or its uses, to use by a certificated pesticide applicator or under the direct supervision of a certified applicator.

Pesticide Storage and Handling - Explains proper handling and storage of pesticides on farmsteads. Provides a general overview of pesticide handling and storage, a risk assessment section, and recommendations for correcting problems related to pesticide storage.

OPPT Databases and Software - Additional software from EPA's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics.

Title III List of Lists: Consolidated List of Chemicals Subject to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act (PDF) (105 pp, 804K, About PDF) - This database assists facilities and state and local governments in compliance with the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), the accident prevention provisions of the Clean Air Act, and general chemical emergency preparedness and prevention.

Toxics Release Inventory Program (TRI) - The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a publicly available EPA database that contains information on toxic chemical releases and waste management activities reported annually by certain industries as well as federal facilities.

Vendor Information (VendInfo) - A national database of more than 1200 listings of pollution prevention equipment, products, or services.

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Solid Waste and Emergency Response

CERCLIS - The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) contains information on hazardous waste sites, site inspections, preliminary assessments, and remediation of hazardous waste sites.

Hazardous Waste Data - Access to information from the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information System (RCRAInfo).

National Response Center - Serves as the sole national point of contact for reporting all oil, chemical, radiological, biological, and etiological discharges into the environment anywhere in the United States and its territories, gathering and distributing spill data for Federal On-Scene Coordinators and serving as the communications and operations center for the National Response Team, maintains agreements with a variety of federal entities to make additional notifications regarding incidents meeting established trigger criteria. Data is made available to the general public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and can now be queried on-line via their Web site.

RCRA Online - This database identifies and indexes over 2900 RCRA letters, memoranda, and Q and As.

REACH IT - This database contains information on over 500 remediation or site characterization technologies and over 900 technology applications in the Superfund and other Federal programs.

Reporting on Municipal Solid Waste: A Local Issue - Presents background information to assist print and broadcast media in understanding municipal solid waste (MSW) issues. The collection Includes information sources, major laws affecting MSW management, MSW management state-by-state, and compounds and metals for groundwater detection monitoring.

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Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) - Integrates a geographic information system (GIS), national watershed data, and state-of-the-art environmental assessment and modeling tools into one convenient package.

Center for Subsurface Modeling Support - Provides a source for publicly available ground-water and vadose zone modeling software and services.

Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model, Windows (QUAL2E) - This program simulates the major reactions of nutrient cycles, algal production, benthic and carbonaceous demand, atmospheric reaeration and their effects on the dissolved oxygen balance.

National Contaminant Occurrence Database - NCOD is a new database being developed to help EPA track contaminants in drinking water.

Private Water Systems - A complete minicourse in design and construction of private drinking water systems (wells and piping). Includes water quantities required, water pumps, systems controls, design considerations and piping.

Residential Water Conservation Techniques - This program shows effective ways to save water inside and outside the house and allows users to calculate how much they will save by installing water efficient devices in their homes.

Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS/FED) - EPA's National regulatory database for the drinking water program, available through Envirofacts.

STOrage and RETrieval System for Water and Biological Monitoring Data (STORET) - Is a repository for water quality and biological monitoring data.

Surf Your Watershed: A service to help you locate, use, and share environmental information on your watershed or community.

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Integrated Media

Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling - Selected CEAM software products available for various environmental models and decision support systems.

Envirofacts - EPA's Data Warehouse - A national information system that provides a single point of access to data extracted from seven major EPA databases.

Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) - A database of human health effects that may result from exposure to various substances found in the environment.

Sector Facility Indexing Project - A pilot program that provides comprehensive information on the environmental performance of hundreds of facilities in five major industries.

Software for Environmental Awareness - This site offers over 40 interactive software programs on environmental topics for free downloading.

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Geographic Information Systems

Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) - Integrates a geographic information system (GIS), national watershed data, and state-of-the-art environmental assessment and modeling tools into one convenient package.

Spatial Data and Applications - The Envirofacts warehouse uses spatial data from a variety of sources, in several different mapping applications.

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Technical Tools


Factor Information Retrieval (FIRE) Data System - The Factor Information Retrieval (FIRE) Data System is a database management system containing EPA's recommended emission estimation factors for criteria and hazardous air pollutants. FIRE includes information about industries and their emitting processes, the chemicals emitted, and the emission factors themselves. FIRE allows easy access to criteria and hazardous air pollutant emission factors obtained from the Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42), Locating and Estimating (L and E) series documents, and the retired AFSEF and XATEF documents.

FLOW-CALC Software - FLOW-CALC is a software tool developed by EPA's Clean Air Markets Division for stack testers who perform flow RATAs for units under the Acid Rain Program, the OTC NOx Budget Program and the SIP Call NOx Budget Trading Program. The software is designed to improve data quality and facilitate the entry of flow RATA data into EDR v2.1 format.

TANKS - TANKS is a Windows-based computer software program that estimates volatile organic compound (VOC) and hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions from fixed- and floating-roof storage tanks. TANKS is based on the emission estimation procedures from Chapter 7 of EPA's Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42). The user's manual, available in Adobe Acrobat format and WordPerfect, explains the many features and options of TANKS. The program includes on-line help for every screen.

Vehicle and Engine Emission Modeling Software - Access to a variety of modeling software for use in testing vehicles and non-road engines for emissions.

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Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances

8(e) TRIAGE - A searchable database of health studies related to Section 8(e) of TSCA.

Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) - A data base of human health effects that may result from exposure to various substances found in the environment.

Pesticide Data Submitters List - Is a compilation of names and addresses of registrants who wish to be notified and offered compensation for use of their data.

Pesticide Product Information System (PPIS) - Contains information concerning all pesticide products registered in the United States. It includes registrant name and address, chemical ingredients, toxicity category, product names, distributor brand names, site/pest uses, pesticidal type, formulation code, and registration status.

Pesticide Restricted Use Products (RUP) Report - Is a compilation of both active and canceled pesticide products classified as "Restricted Use". The "Restricted Use" classification restricts a product, or its uses, to use by a certificated pesticide applicator or under the direct supervision of a certified applicator.

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Solid Waste and Emergency Response

Hazardous Waste Data - Access to information from the Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) and the Biennial Reporting System (BRS).

REACH IT - This database contains information on over 500 remediation or site characterization technologies and over 900 technology applications in the Superfund and other Federal programs.

Reporting on Municipal Solid Waste: A Local Issue - Presents background information to assist print and broadcast media in understanding municipal solid waste (MSW) issues, including information sources, major laws affecting MSW management, MSW management state-by-state, and compounds and metals for groundwater detection monitoring.

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Center for Subsurface Modeling Support - Provides a source for publicly available ground-water and vadosezone modeling software and services.

Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model, Windows (QUAL2E) - This program simulates the major reactions of nutrient cycles, algal production, benthic and carbonaceous demand, atmospheric reaeration and their effects on the dissolved oxygen balance.

National Listing of Fish Consumption Advisories - A database that includes all available information describing state-, tribal-, and federally issued fish consumption advisories in the continental United States, four U.S. Territories, and 12 Canadian provinces and territories.

STOrage and RETrieval System for Water and Biological Monitoring Data (STORET) - Is a repository for water quality and biological monitoring data.

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Environmental Data and Tools for Scientific Inquiry

Test Methods and Guidelines

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Environmental Emissions and Releases

  • AIRSweb: Access to key measurements of air pollution used to assess the Nation's air quality including air quality measurements from 4000 air monitoring sites across the nation for the past five years and air pollutant emissions and regulatory compliance status for 9000 point sources regulated by EPA.

  • Atmospheric Sciences Modeling Division - Part of NOAA's Air Resources Laboratory, contains atmospheric emission models.

  • Envirofacts: National information system that provides an integrated single point of access to data on Superfund sites, drinking water, toxic and air releases, hazardous waste, water discharge permits, and grants.

  • Toxic Release Inventory: Reports by industry of release of more than 650 chemicals.

  • Sector Facility Indexing Project: Provides comprehensive information on the environmental performance of hundreds of facilities in five major industries.

  • Surf Your Watershed: Information on the "health" of aquatic resources in the U.S.

  • Vehicle and Engine Emission Modeling Software: Modeling software for use in testing vehicles and non-road engines for emissions.

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Environmental Fate, Measurements, and Exposure

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Health and Environmental Effects and Assessment

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Risk Management and Treatment Technology

  • Envirofacts: national information system that provides an integrated single point of access to data on Superfund sites, drinking water, toxic and air releases, hazardous waste, water discharge permits, and grants.

  • Technology Innovation Office - innovative technologies for characterization and remediation.

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Geographical Information

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Enforcement and Compliance with Regulations

Compliance and Enforcement Data Systems - Find information that EPA uses to manage and assess performance of the Agency's enforcement and compliance assurance program.

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Go to database to search for facilities in your community to see if an agency has conducted air, water or hazardous waste compliance inspections, violations were found, or enforcement actions were taken.

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National Research Programs

Clean Air Research

Assessing the health and environmental impacts of clean air regulations. Issues include: ozone, particulate matter, and multi-pollutant approaches.

More about the Clean Air Research Program >>

Drinking Water Research

Improving our understanding of linkages between health and drinking water, focusing on the quality and sustainability of water resources.

More about the Drinking Water Research Program >>

Ecological Research

Investigating how to protect and restore ecosystem "services:" life-sustaining benefits we receive from nature. Examples include clean air and water, fertile soil for crop production, pollination, and flood control.

More about the Ecological Research Program >>

Global Change Research

Studying how global change--particularly in our climate -- affects air and water quality, ecosystems, human health, and socioeconomic systems. Providing information to decision-makers to help adapt to a changing climate.

More about the Global Change Research Program >>

Human Health Research

Assessing risks to people's health from environmental pollutants. Developing biological indicators to determine how regulatory decisions affect public health.

More about the Human Health Research Program >>

Land Research

Developing ways to preserve land, restore contaminated properties, and protect the public from contaminants. Issues include: contaminated sediments, groundwater contaminant transport and remediation, and mine waste technology.

More about the Land Research Program >>

Pesticides and Toxic Substances Research

Developing tools to evaluate the potential of pesticides and industrial chemicals to hurt people and wildlife.

More about the Pesticides and Toxic Substances Research Program >>

Water Quality Research

Helping to provide measurable improvement in water quality. Developing water quality criteria to protect people's health and aquatic life.

More about the Water Quality Research Program >>


Science Advisory Organizations

Advisory Council on Clean Air Compliance Analysis

Provides advice on technical and economic aspects of reports EPA prepares on the Clean Air Act's effects.

More about the Advisory Council on Clean Air Compliance Analysis >>

Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee

Provides advice on the technical bases for EPA's national ambient air quality standards program.

More about the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee >>

Environmental Technology Council

Enhances communication and coordination of all EPA technology activities.

More about the Environmental Technology Council >>

Nat'l Advisory Council for Env. Policy and Technology

Advises the EPA Administrator on a broad range of environmental policy, technology and management issues.

More about the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology >>

Office of Science Policy

Coordinates and shares information among EPA's laboratories and centers, and provides expert advice on the use of scientific information.

More about the Office of Science Policy >>

Office of the Science Advisor

Leads cross-Agency science and science policy development and implementation to ensure the best possible use of science.

More about the Science Advisor >>

Science Advisory Board

Provides peer review and other types of expert advice on a wide range of topics in science and technology.

More about the Science Advisory Board >>

Science Policy Council

Addresses EPA's significant science policy issues that go beyond regional and program boundaries. Contributes guidance for selected EPA regulatory and enforcement policies and decisions.

More about the Science Policy Council >>