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Earth's Moon: Robotic spacecraft from around the world are working together to launch a new era of lunar science. The Moon: Gateway to the Solar System High-Resolution Moon Mapping Missions to the Moon Feature Archive
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Earth's Moon: Robotic spacecraft from around the world are working together to launch a new era of lunar science.
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Chandra Turns Ten
Chandra Turns Ten
Astronomers are celebrating 10 years of surprising, violent and beautiful images of the high-energy Universe from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. Read More
Outer Planets
Europa Graphic
NASA and the European Space Agency have prioritized the Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM) for continued study as the next mission to the outer solar system. Planning will continue for the Titan Saturn System Mission for a possible later flight opportunity.

EJSM Backgrounder EJSM Backgrounder
EJSM Video EJSM Video
TSSM Backgrounder TSSM Backgrounder
TSSM Video TSSM Video
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
26 Aug 2009  MRO in Safe Mode
Engineers are determining why Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter put itself in safe mode again. Read More
21 Aug 2009  Fortunate Merger
Researchers: Humans might not exist if not for the ancient fusing of two microscopic organisms. Read More
25 Aug 2009  Spirit Weathers Dust Storm
Mars Exploration Rover conserves power as dust reduces sunlight on its solar panels. Read More
18 Aug 2009  Life's Basic Ingredients Found in Comet
Stardust team finds building blocks of life in comet samples. Read More
18 Aug 2009  SDO/Wise Launch Updates
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory launch set for Dec. 4; Wise tenatively set for for Dec. 10. Read More
What's Up for August
News & Events: What's Up for August
Have you ever wondered what makes the cosmic fireworks called meteor showers? Read More
History: Apollo 11: 40 Years Later
On July 20, 1969, men from Earth first set foot on another world. Read More
News & Events: Astrobiology Graduate Student Conference
The Astrobiology Graduate Student Conference (AbGradCon) will be held at the University of Washington on July 17-20, 2009. Read More
Education: Sun-Centered Activities
The International Year of Astronomy celebration continues with a focus on the Sun. Read More
Education: Sky Stories
The 2009 International Year of Astronomy is all about looking up. Share your stargazing stories. Read More
Pioneer 11
1 Sep 2009
30th Anniversary, Pioneer 11: Saturn Flyby  Read More
8 Sep 2009
5th Anniversary, Genesis: Samples Return to Earth  Read More
12 Sep 2009 (06:39:42 UT)
50th Anniversary, Luna 2: Launch  Read More
14 Sep 2009 (23:02:23 UT)
50th Anniversary, Luna 2: Lunar Impact  Read More
18 Sep 2009 (18:44 UT)
New Moon
Moon's unilluminated side facing the Earth. Read More
19 Sep 2009
1st Anniversary, Chandrayaan-1: Launch  Read More
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