A Report to the President on Measures Taken by Executive
Departments and Agencies
In his April 22, 1998, memorandum on "Strengthening Our Commitment to Service," President Clinton directed all Federal departments and agencies to explore additional measures to expand citizen service opportunities for Federal employees. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) transmitted the President's memorandum to executive departments and agencies on April 23, 1998. In addition, OPM provided guidance on work scheduling and time off to support Federal employees' volunteer activities.
In accordance with the President's memorandum,
all 14 executive departments, plus 43 independent agencies and
commissions, submitted reports to the Office of Personnel
Management. The reports describe the actions agencies are taking
to strengthen their commitment to volunteer service and encourage
Federal employees to contribute their time, efforts, knowledge,
and skills to community needs. In their reports, many of the
agencies describe their community service activities as well as
those of some of their employees.
This report is intended to provide a synopsis of the 57 reports
OPM received. We found the scope of community service already
provided by Federal employees remarkable. The initiatives
undertaken by Federal agencies were no less impressive. In this
report, we hope to convey a sense of the breadth and diversity of
the community service provided by Federal employees as reported
to us by their employing agencies.
Federal Departments' and Agencies' Efforts to Support Community Service
Departments and agencies that provided reports affirmed their support of Federal employee volunteerism. Agencies also stated that they had disseminated the President's message to their supervisors and employees.
Scheduling Flexibilities and
Departments and agencies most frequently cited the use of
alternative work schedules (34 agencies), credit hour programs
(13 agencies), and other scheduling flexibilities (24 agencies)
as effective tools to achieve the President's goals. Alternative
work schedules include both flexible work schedules and
compressed work schedules. Thirty-three agencies specifically
mentioned the use of annual leave, compensatory time, and leave
without pay for the purpose of granting time off from work for
community service.
Other Time Off
The willingness to use excused absence or administrative leave
(i.e., time off without loss of pay or charge to leave) in
support of employee volunteer activities varies among agencies.
Twenty-three agencies reported that under limited
circumstances they grant excused absence for community service.
Typically, these agencies grant moderate amounts (e.g., 4 hours
per month) of excused absence for agency-sponsored activities
when employees must perform the community service during working
hours (e.g., Adopt-A-School) and only after the use of other
types of time off (annual leave, credit hours, compensatory time,
and leave without pay) have been considered.
At the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), employees who
donate their lunch periods to tutor students are permitted up to
52 hours of excused absence each year for transit time to and
from the schools. It is EPA's policy to limit excused absence to
activities that are directly related to the accomplishment of the
agency's mission, that enhance the development of the
professional skills of the employee in his or her current
position, or that are officially sponsored or sanctioned by the
agency head.
Since agencies are trying to encourage true volunteerism in
community service, excused absence to encourage community service
is granted sparingly and judiciously. Agencies noted that paying
an employee to perform community service raises the question of
whether such an activity is truly a "volunteer"
Flexiplace, Part-Time Jobs, and
Job Sharing
Flexiplace programs permit employees to perform their work at
more convenient locations (e.g., at home), thus freeing
additional time for them to perform volunteer activities.
Flexiplace assignments are offered by at least seven of the
reporting agencies. Ten agencies reported offering part-time jobs
and job sharing opportunities to employees in connection with
community service.
One agency, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, adopted
a specific written policy, called "Work Scheduling
Flexibilities for Volunteer Activities," to promote a work
environment that supports and facilitates employee participation
in community volunteer service activities and meets
organizational work requirements.
Based upon agency reports to OPM, it appears that existing
flexibilities adequately meet employees' needs and that agencies
are endeavoring to optimize their use. Agencies are using a
variety of flexibilities to support and facilitate employee
volunteerism, and supervisors are being responsive to employees'
needs and their desire to perform community service.
Agency-Sponsored Programs
Many agencies reported sponsoring their own volunteer
activities for their employees. The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) initiated local "Adopt-A-Family" programs,
which select needy families to be the recipients of food,
clothing, essential housewares, and other items collected by
agency volunteers and donated by agency employees. At EPA,
volunteers provide advice and guidance to the selected families
in financial planning and obtaining community services. Other
agencies, including OPM, have similar programs, especially during
the holiday season.
Pro Bono and Volunteer Community
Service Programs
Under Executive Order 12988, the Department of Justice and
several Federal adjudicative agencies have extensive pro bono
legal and volunteer service programs in place.(1)
Most participating employees have a 50-hour per year aspirational
goal. Other agencies that have comprehensive pro bono legal
services programs include the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, the Federal Labor Relations Authority, the Federal
Maritime Commission, the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review
Commission, the National Labor Relations Board, and the Office of
Government Ethics. In these agencies, community service volunteer
programs are typically incorporated into the pro bono legal
services programs.
Agencies that operate pro bono legal service programs also
encourage their employees to participate in other community
service volunteer activities in schools, shelters, senior citizen
centers, prisons, and neighborhood community centers. The
National Labor Relations Board, for example, has 30 employees who
serve as tutors and mentors through the agency's school
partnership with the economically and racially diverse Thomson
Elementary School in Washington, DC.
Employees of the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) provide
technical and legal guidance and other pro bono services in their
communities. At the same time, other FMC employees volunteer
their computer skills to schools and teachers in connection with
the Computers for Learning Program authorized under Executive
Order 12999.
Educational Partnership
Partnerships with schools, and other initiatives to reach out to
help children in a variety of settings, are among the most
prevalent community service programs sponsored by Federal
departments and agencies. Nineteen agencies, including the
Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Justice, Labor,
State, and each of the major components of the Department of
Defense, reported partnerships with community schools throughout
the nation in various locations. These arrangements create
volunteer opportunities for agency employees who provide tutoring
and mentoring services, judge science fairs, and assist with
computer hookup and training. Some of these agencies provide
school children with an opportunity to examine vocational
possibilities during career days. In Washington, DC, the Pension
Benefit Guaranty Corporation raised $5,611 for its adopted school
by conducting a walk/run fundraiser. The Department of State
recently completed its fifth year of partnership with the
Washington, DC, public schools in sponsoring a Model United
Nations Program.
Mission Related Programs
Often the agency-sponsored community service programs are
directly or indirectly related to the mission of the agency. The
Internal Revenue Service encourages its employees to participate
in bureau-sponsored community support initiatives using the
employees' job skills in programs such as Volunteers in Tax
Assistance (VITA), Tax Counciling for the Elderly (TCE), and
assisting with filling out forms and locating records for
taxpayers affected by natural disasters such as floods,
hurricanes, and earthquakes.
The Environmental Protection Agency has implemented several
innovative volunteer programs using its employees' expertise
while supporting its clean earth mission. Earth Day activities
use the volunteer services of agency employees and elicit
volunteers from the community for clean-up activities in local
communities nationwide.
Other examples of agency-sponsored community service programs
include food recovery drives and farmers' markets for the needy.
This year the Departments of Agriculture, Energy, Health and
Human Services, Labor, State, and Transportation, and the Social
Security Administration participated in the farmers' market
The Department of Energy sponsors the Science Explorers Program
to promote science careers for children, especially minorities.
The Department of Energy also has a program to maintain a pool of
volunteer speakers on mathematics, science, and technology who
are available to elementary, junior, and senior high school
students nationwide. The National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) and the Defense Special Weapons Agency
provide volunteer judges for school science fairs. The Secret
Service supports HEROES--an organization that provides financial
assistance through fundraisers for the spouses and children of
law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.
NASA provides expertise and works with schools during National
Engineer Week. In conjunction with the Alabama Science Center,
NASA's Marshall Space Fight Center in Huntsville, AL, has agreed
to build and operate a children's hands-on science center. It has
also agreed to further horticultural education and scientific
research with the Botanical Garden Society of Huntsville-Madison
County, AL. In Mississippi, the employees at the Stennis Space
Center are involved with a science education program for
preschool and kindergarten students called "Early Education
Monday" and have constructed a full-scale space station
exhibit at the Lynn Meadows Discovery Center for Children.
Recognition and Awards
Recognition of Federal employees who demonstrate their commitment
to volunteerism is an important key to promoting the ethic of
service which extends throughout a lifetime.
Twenty-one agencies reported that they have formal recognition
and awards programs in their agencies to acknowledge, encourage,
and support employees who perform volunteer work.
Community Service Opportunity Awareness for
Federal Employees
Several agencies reported making a special effort to keep
employees informed of community service volunteer activities and
opportunities. Agencies cited several different methods of
disseminating this information, including bulletin board
postings, newsletter articles, and Internet web page notices. The
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) promotes community
volunteer service among its employees by maintaining a volunteer
activities bulletin board as part of its electronic mail and
notice system, as well as by displaying posters in the agency's
main lobby and on bulletin boards located in various SEC
The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission permits the use of
its electronic bulletin board for employee notices to announce
volunteer opportunities and community activities or events, such
as clothing and food drives, shelter services, Scouts, 4-H, and
the like. The Department of Housing and Urban Development uses
its web site to inform and update employees about community
service opportunities. Employees in some agencies are permitted
to post and use web site announcements or agency employee
bulletins and newsletters to communicate community service
The Office of Administration in the Executive Office of the
President reported the creation of citizen service information
centers in its libraries to support employees' efforts to locate
suitable community service opportunities. Several other agencies
reported similar programs to disseminate volunteer information to
Federal Employees Contributions to Citizen
Departments and agencies report that Federal employees are
serving their communities as volunteers in virtually every
capacity imaginable. Federal employees are volunteers in schools,
churches, hospitals, and hospices. They serve in their community
homeless shelters, recreation programs, and charities. Federal
employees serve as emergency medical technicians, museum docents,
scout leaders, soccer coaches, and volunteer umpires. They help
the young, the at-risk, the physically or mentally challenged,
the elderly, homeless, and shut-ins.
Federal employees apply their varied skills to the needs and
problems their communities face. They work at refurbishing homes,
reclaiming polluted rivers, and rehabilitating peoples' lives.
Federal employees are mentors, tutors, and fund-raisers.
Volunteers from Federal agencies provide transportation to the
sick and elderly, put out fires, teach computer skills, and save
The Tennessee Valley Authority listed more than 75 different
examples of what its employees do for their communities. Other
agencies also submitted many different illustrations of the
activities now being supported by Federal employee
volunteers--far too many to list here.
Each department and agency reported support for the President's
call for renewing our commitment to service in our communities.
Overwhelmingly, departments and agencies called upon Federal
employees to contribute even more. From all indications, we can
be confident they will respond to the President's request, just
as they have in the past.
1. Section 2 of Executive Order 12988 requires all Federal agencies to "develop appropriate programs to encourage and facilitate pro bono legal and other volunteer services by government employees, to be performed on their own time, as permitted by statute, regulation, or other rule or guideline." Section 5 of Executive Order 12988 directs the Department of Justice to coordinate the efforts of Federal agencies to implement pro bono legal and other volunteer services.
Reporting Executive Branch Departments, Agencies, and Commissions
The following list of executive branch departments, agencies, and commissions submitted reports to the Office of Personnel Management in response to the President's memorandum of April 22, 1998:
Departments | |
Agriculture | Inspector General |
Commerce | National Imagery and Mapping Agency |
Defense | Education |
Air Force | Energy |
Army | Health and Human Services |
Navy | Housing and Urban Development |
Defense Finance and Accounting Service | Interior |
Defense Contract Audit Agency | Justice |
Defense Logistics Agency | Labor |
Defense Information Systems Agency | State |
Defense Security Service | Transportation |
Defense Special Weapons Agency | Treasury |
On-Site Inspection Agency | Veterans Affairs |
Education Activity |
Independent Agencies, Commissions, and Boards | |
Appalachian Regional Commission | National Labor Relations Board |
Central Intelligence Agency | National Science Foundation |
Consumer Products Safety Commission | National Security Agency |
Corporation for National Service | Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board | Office of Government Ethics |
Environmental Protection Agency | Office of Personnel Management |
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | Office of Special Council |
Executive Office of the President | Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
Export-Import Bank of the U.S. | Panama Canal Commission |
Farm Credit Administration | Peace Corps |
Federal Communication Commission | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation |
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | Railroad Retirement Board |
Federal Housing Finance Board | Securities and Exchange Commission |
Federal Labor Relations Authority | Smithsonian Institution |
Federal Maritime Commission | Social Security Administration |
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | Tennessee Valley Authority |
General Services Administration | U.S. Agency for International Development |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Archives and Records Administration | U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency |
National Capital Planning Commission | U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission U.S. Information Agency |
National Credit Union Administration | U.S. Trade and Development Agency |
National Endowment for the Humanities |