Light Sources Directorate

The Light Sources Directorate was established at Brookhaven National Laboratory in 2003. The National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) is one of the world’s most widely used scientific facilities. Each year, about 2,500 researchers from more than 400 universities, companies, and government labs use the x-rays, ultraviolet light and infrared light that it produces for research in such diverse fields as biology and physics, chemistry and geophysics, medicine and materials science. In 2005, the NSLS-II Project was established within the Directorate following the Department of Energy's "Approval of Mission Need" for NSLS-II, the planned world-leading successor to the NSLS.

National Synchrotron Light Source   National Synchrotron Light Source II
Dierker Steve Dierker
Steve Dierker is the Associate Laboratory Director for the Light Sources Directorate at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Dierker, a previous Chair of the NSLS Department, is also Project Director of the NSLS-II Project.
CCK Chi-Chang Kao
Physicist Chi-Chang Kao is Chair of the National Synchrotron Light Source Department and Director of the Joint Photon Sciences Institute at Brookhaven. Kao is also the Associate Chairman for User Science and an adjunct professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Stony Brook University.


Last Modified: December 15, 2008
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