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Human Resources

– Planning for our future

The Research, Education and Economics (REE) Human Capital (HC) Plan for FY 2007 – FY 2010 has been published. The REE HC Plan is available for download in both Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat formats. Click one of the following to download in your preferred format:

In FY 2002, the Administration published the President’s Management Agenda (PMA) as a strategy to improve the management and performance of all Federal Departments and Agencies. The effective management of Human Capital is one of the five PMA initiatives. The REE HC Plan was developed in coordination with representatives from each of the REE agencies and the Human Resources Division, using guidance and direction provided by the Administration and the Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Our HC Plan is directly tied to the goals of the REE Strategic Plan, and supports the goals identified in the USDA HC Plan. It was designed to be as comprehensive and interrelated to the other PMA initiatives as possible. The Goals and Expected Outcomes in our HC Plan should ensure that REE continues to have a highly motivated, skilled, flexible, and technically adept workforce capable of ensuring that the REE Mission Area meets or exceeds its strategic goals.

All personnel within the REE Mission Area have a role in ensuring the success of our HC Plan. This Plan is a living document and will be reviewed and updated annually. If you have any suggestions for enhancements or updates to the plan, please provide them to
You are encouraged to read the Plan and find your role in making it a success for our Mission Area. The successful management of Human Capital benefits us all.

Last updated: 12/14/2007