Research News

Joanna Fowler to Receive the National Academy of Sciences Award in Chemical Sciences

New Radiotracers on the Horizon
Radiotracer Chemistry

Radiotracer Chemistry

Radiotracers are at the heart of molecular imaging. At Brookhaven we build on a history of cyclotron targetry chemistry and on innovation in rapid organic synthesis to develop new methods for the incorporation of C-11, F-18 and N-13 into small precursors and complex molecules including nanomaterials. These are designed to image specific biochemical transformations and the movement of environmental toxicants in vivo. More...

  Imaging Instrumentation

Imaging Instrumentation

Advances in imaging instrumentation have increased the pace of discovery in a broad cross-section of the sciences ranging from nuclear physics to astrophysics to biology and neuroscience. At Brookhaven, we develop quantitative radiation detection technologies with improved spatial resolution and sensitivity; high field MRI technology and; optical imaging instruments and their combination for simultaneous imaging. More...

Plant Science

Plant Science

Over the past 5 years we have developed a plant metabolism laboratory building a ‘radiotracer toolkit’ of C-11, N-13 and F-18 labeled tracers and tracer methodologies to probe specific metabolic pathways in plants and to examine how these are affected by genes and by environmental stressors. An overarching goal is to be able to identify manipulations that influence carbon sequestration and improve energy crop growth. More...

  Neuroimaging Research

Neuroimaging Research (NIAAA Intramural & NIH)

Innovations in radiotracer chemistry and nuclear imaging instrumentation and their combination with other neuroscience methods, form the backbone for preclinical and clinical neuroscience research at Brookhaven. Research is advanced by developing radiotracers to image different cellular elements (enzymes, receptors, transporters, drug binding sites) and using these as tools to understand how genes, drugs, disease (addiction, obesity) and aging affect the brain (funded by NIAAA Intramural Program at Brookhaven; NIH grants; industry funding) More...