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Basic Energy Sciences Directorate

CFN, Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science

Jim Misewich
Associate Laboratory Director for Basic Energy Sciences


BNL is at the center of a large, vibrant research community in the Northeast, offering access to world-class user facilities and scientists in a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary environment. The Basic Energy Sciences (BES) Directorate has strengths in strongly correlated and complex systems, photon and neutron science, chemical dynamics, and interface phenomena and catalysis. New investments are being made in nanoscience, materials synthesis, solar energy, soft matter and biomaterials with the underlying goal of having impact on the nation’s energy security. A BES Complex is envisioned that integrates our science and facilities, and is coupled to university and industrial partners, and to other major research facilities at BNL.

The Basic Energy Sciences Directorate consists of three components: the condensed matter physics and materials science department (CMPMSD), the chemistry department (CHEM), and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN). The CFN, like all the DOE nanoscience research centers, serves both as a user facility and as a science department. The BES directorate and all its components are strongly aligned with the BNL energy strategy, and in particular, with the complex materials, catalysis science, and solar energy themes of the BNL energy strategy. CMPMSD is primarily aligned with the complex materials theme of the BNL energy strategy, and in particular the superconductivity part of that theme. CMPMSD also contributes to the solar energy theme through work on photovoltaic materials and thermoelectric materials. The Chemistry department is primarily aligned with the catalysis theme of the BNL energy strategy but also makes major contributes to the solar energy theme, particularly in solar fuels. The CFN plays a significant role in the lab energy strategy as one of the pillars, along with NSLS, NSLS-II, and New York Blue, providing a platform for understanding the role of nanostructured materials for energy applications. In addition to the broad role that the CFN plays nationally as a major user facility providing the tools and expertise for nanoscience research, the CFN also plays a major role in the BES directorate’s energy science strategy. The science themes of the CFN (nanocatalysis/interface science, electronic nanomaterials, and soft/bio nanomaterials) are aligned with the BNL energy strategy themes in catalysis and solar energy.

In order to provide meaningful scientific impact, Brookhaven Basic Energy Sciences directorate investigators have focused on science themes that are directly connected to DOE-BES priority research directions and grand challenges in catalysis science, correlated electron and complex materials science, and nanomaterials science. In each of these areas significant advances were demonstrated in FY2008. Brookhaven catalysis programs advanced our understanding of heterogeneous catalysis, photocatalysis, and electrocatalysis related to energy conversion processes for clean and renewable energy research. Brookhaven materials scientists discovered unusual aspects of the nature of superconductivity in correlated electron and complex materials. Advances in the synthesis and assembly of functional nanomaterials were demonstrated by Brookhaven researchers.

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Major Scientific Thrusts

Complex Materials: As exemplified by the ternary and quaternary perovskite oxides, the advent of structurally and chemically complex materials has led to the discovery of new classes of materials that often exhibit the most extreme physical properties, including high temperature superconductivity in the cuprate family. The latter discovery and the observation of strong electronic correlations in these materials, has stimulated an enormous research effort. However, the complexity of these materials and elusive mechanism for high temperature superconductivity remains a grand challenge in materials science. The importance of superconductivity to the nation’s energy strategy is illustrated in the DOE-Basic Energy Science Report from the Workshop on Superconductivity. In addition, in a recent DOE-BESAC report, understanding and controlling the remarkable emergent properties of complex and correlated materials was identified as one of the five grand challenges for science and the imagination. The complex materials theme is the major theme of the CMPMS department, which is already playing an internationally recognized leading role in correlated electron materials.

Catalysis Science: The DOE-BES Basic Research Needs workshop on Catalysis has identified catalysis science as one of the key research directions that can secure national energy needs and address global warming, which are perhaps the two most scientifically challenging problems of this century. Reduction of the energy consumption needed for chemical transformations, increase in the efficiency of energy production, conversion and use from fossil fuels, and mitigation of the environmental impact of these processes will all depend on the development of future catalysts. Furthermore innovative catalysts are needed for the supply of renewable, sustainable, clean fuels from sunlight to fulfill the daunting projected global energy demand. The catalysis science theme in the BES directorate is carried by two units: the Chemistry department, which has widely recognized leadership in catalysis particularly in nanocatalysts for electrochemistry, and the new Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN), which has already developed unique new tools for the in-situ study of catalysis. Much of the Brookhaven role in catalysis can be associated with redox chemistry at interfaces. This includes themes such as fuel cell electrocatalysis, carbon reduction reactions, solar-induced water splitting, and catalysis for the hydrogen economy.

Solar Energy: The most abundant renewable and carbon-neutral source of energy is solar. The DOE-BES Workshop report on Solar Energy Utilization points out that more energy strikes the surface of the earth in one hour than is utilized by the planet in an entire year. However, the fuel and electricity generated through solar technology represents only a very small fraction of the energy consumed by society. Two of the three research opportunities identified by the DOE-BES Solar Energy Utilization report are solar electricity and solar fuels. The Brookhaven Solar Energy strategy is focused on these two areas and the BES directorate has nascent programs contributing to our solar energy theme. Although the solar energy theme is the newest and least developed of the directorate themes, the emergence of the CFN, NSLS-II, and the New York Blue computing facility provides Brookhaven with an outstanding and complete set of complementary tools to synthesize, probe, and understand nanostructured materials and interfaces with unprecedented precision and resolution. In concert with our core research programs we have an opportunity to develop a significant solar energy program to provide new materials and understanding of nanostructured forms of matter for the optimization of charge transport, energy flow, and chemical reactivity.

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Recent Science Highlights

  • Oleg Gang has led a team from BNL’s CFN and Biology departments that have achieved what some see as the "holy grail" of nanoscience. Researchers have for the first time used DNA to guide the creation of three-dimensional (3D), ordered, crystalline structures of nanoparticles (particles with dimensions measured in billionths of a meter). The ability to engineer such 3-D structures is essential to producing functional materials that take advantage of the unique properties that may exist at the nanoscale - for example, improved catalytic activity and new optical properties. This work was published in Nature 451 (7178), 549-552, January 31 2008 and was the cover article.
  • A group from the CFN led by Peter Sutter has demonstrated that crystalline graphene can grow epitaxially on ruthenium (Ru) in a controlled, layer-by-layer fashion, thus opening the door to rational graphene synthesis on transition-metal templates for applications in electronic, sensing and catalysis. The primary method for preparing graphene is micro-mechanical cleavage of graphite, but scaling up that method for applications is difficult. Epitaxial growth has been an attractive alternative, but until now achieving large graphene domains with uniform thickness and electronically unaffected by the substrate has been a challenge. Sutter’s group has shown experimentally that large graphene domains can be prepared on Ru and that, although the first graphene layer interacts strongly with the metal substrate, the second layer retains the inherent structure of graphene. This work was published in Nature Materials, 7 (5), 406-411 May 2008.
  • J.C. Seamus Davis from BNL and Cornell, in collaboration with colleagues at Cornell University, Tokyo University, the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Colorado, have uncovered the first experimental evidence for why the transition temperature of high-temperature superconductors - the temperature at which these materials carry electrical current with no resistance - cannot simply be elevated by increasing the electrons' binding energy. The research demonstrates how, as electron-pair binding energy increases, the electrons' tendency to get caught in a quantum mechanical "traffic jam" overwhelms the interactions needed for the material to act as a superconductor - a freely flowing fluid of electron pairs. This work was published in Nature 454 (7208), 1072-1078, Aug 28 2008.
  • Guangyong Xu and colleagues from BNL, Stony Brook, Johns Hopkins University and the Center for Neutron Research, NIST, report a study of the phase instability induced by the polar nanoregions (PNR) in a relaxor system. Relaxor ferroelectrics are a special class of material that exhibit an enormous electromechanical response and are easily polarized with an external field. The PNRs are specific to relaxor ferroelectrics and play a key role in governing their dielectric properties. Xu and colleagues have shown through neutron inelastic scattering experiments that the PNRs can also significantly affect the structural properties of the relaxor ferroelectric. They find a strong interaction between the PNRs and the propagation of acoustic phonons. They suggest that a phase instability induced by this PNR-photon interaction may contribute to the ultrahigh piezoelectric response of this and related relaxor ferroelectric materials. This work was published in Nature Materials 7 (7), 562-566, July 2008.
  • BNL scientists advanced their understanding of several next-generation catalysts for generation of pure hydrogen for fuel cells and other applications, using a novel model nanocatalyst. The scientists had previously shown through in situ characterization by x-ray methods at NSLS that the active form of the advanced catalysts consist of gold or copper nanoparticles on ceria nanoparticle supports. However, the roles of the various catalyst components have been unclear. In new work, Jan Hrbek, Jose Rodriguez and Ping Liu of the BNL Chemistry Department and the CFN, together with researchers from the University of Venezuela used an ‘inverse’ model nanocatalyst consisting of nanoparticles of ceria supported on a gold surface to demonstrate clearly that both metal and oxide components are important to the catalytic function, and provided computational evidence that the components facilitate separate parts of the reaction sequence, with a key final step occurring at the interface between the metal and oxide components. These insights offer clues to improve the performance of catalysts for hydrogen production. The work was published in Science, 318 (5857): 1757-1760 Dec 14 2007.
  • An important element of the BNL catalysis effort to elucidate the structure and function of energy conversion catalytic processes is the development and study of realistic model nanocatalysts. In 2008, Mike White, Ping Liu and collaborators advanced the use of a nanocluster beam as a source of model nanocatalysts. They generated ionized nanoclusters – groups of 10 to 100 atoms – of molybdenum sulfide by magnetron sputtering, selected a single nanocluster species by ion-beam mass selection, and soft-landed the clusters on gold surfaces for reactivity characterization. They demonstrated that isolated nanocluster reactivity properties were maintained and reactivity could be studied over a wide range of temperatures and explained using DFT electronic structure methods. The molybdenum sulfide nanoclusters are models of materials used in hydrodesulfurization, a process that removes sulfur from natural gas and petroleum products to reduce pollution. The advance demonstrates promise of size-selected cluster beams for detailed studies and improved understanding of multi-component catalysts in a range of energy conversion chemistry. The work was published in Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 223 (30): 11495-11506 July 31 2008.
  • BNL research to demonstrate routes for conversion of solar energy to fuels aim for a viable artificial photosynthetic route to oxidize water to oxygen and simultaneously to form an energy carrying fuel by reducing protons to H2, or by reducing carbon dioxide to CO, formate or methanol. In two advances published in FY2008, teams of Chemistry department scientists (Etsuko Fujita, Jim Muckerman, Dmitry Polyansky and Diane Cabelli), in collaboration with Japanese investigators from the Institute for Molecular Science, elucidated the mechanism of improved catalysts that can speed such chemical reactions. This research demonstrated a novel mechanism of a new efficient water oxidation catalyst (Inorganic Chemistry, 47 (6): 1787-1802 Mar 172008), and investigated a new photocatalyst with promise to reduce C=O groups (ketones) to alcohols, and thus potential for reduction of carbon dioxide to alcohol (Inorganic Chemistry, 47 (1): 3958-3968 May 19 2008). Both efforts combined photochemistry and pulse radiolysis methods to elucidate mechanism of catalysts based on inorganic complexes.
  • In a search for effective fuel cell electrocatalysts for the difficult oxygen reduction reaction that can reduce or eliminate the use of expensive platinum, BNL researchers pursued both new alloy nanoparticles, and continued their promising strategy of core-shell nanoparticles by depositing platinum monolayers on nanoparticles cores to increase the platinum weighted electrocatalytic activity. Pd3Fe showed activity similar to Pt nanoparticles, and was even more promising when coated with a monolayer of Pt, showing activity 5x higher per unit weight of platinum than a commercial platinum electrocatalyst. The researchers also showed some promise for completely eliminating noble metal in the core by using Pt monolayers on an oxide core using Niobium oxide. This latter case showed overall platinum weighted activity similar to that of the commercial platinum catalyst, and opens a new opportunity to explore acid-stable conductive oxides as more stable supports for nanoparticles electrocatalysts. Work by Radoslav Adzic, Miomir Vukmirovic, Kotaro Sasaki, and Ping Liu (Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie-International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics, 221 (9-10): 1175-1190 2007; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 10 (1): 159-167 2008).
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Last Modified: January 30, 2009
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