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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Institutional Training Programs (T32s)

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

The Wharton School, Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics


Mark Pauly, Ph.D.
Director, Health Care Management and Economics Ph.D. Program
Joanne Levy, M.B.A., M.C.P.
Associate Director, Health Care Management and Economics Ph.D. Program
Department of Health Care Management
Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics
The Wharton School of Business
3641 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6218
Phone: (215) 898-1655

Web site:

Content Areas

  • Health Care Financing and Economics.
  • Organization Management.
  • Medical Decisionmaking.
  • Clinical Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis.
  • Quality and Outcomes Measurement and Management.
  • Managed Care and Integrated Delivery Systems.
  • Pharmacoeconomics.
  • Insurance.
  • Comparative Health Care Systems.
  • Public Policy.
  • Technology Assessment.

Program Description

The Health Care Management Department at the Wharton School, together with the Division of General Internal Medicine and the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, combine intensive graduate level training in several traditional academic disciplines with advanced study in health services research, cross-disciplinary coursework, research experience with mentors, and collaboration with faculty and fellows. Content areas for training include health economics, health care finance and insurance, health systems management, medical decisionmaking, cost-effectiveness analysis, pharmaceutical pricing and management, outcomes measurement, quality measurement and incentives, health disparities, and technology assessment and diffusion.

The program builds on the close teaching and research collaboration between the Wharton School, the School of Medicine, the Department of Economics, the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, all at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Center for Outcomes Research at Children's Hospital. The strong connections between the Medical School and the Wharton School make this program highly attractive to physicians as well as to non-physicians. Our program incorporates plans to recruit talented minority students to the field and to our institution through a highly successful Summer Undergraduate Minority Research (SUMR) program, and continued collaboration with Penn's Center of Excellence for Diversity in Health Education and Research.

Current as of August 2008

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Internet Citation:

Institutional Training Programs (T32s): University of Pennsylvania. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care