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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Adoption Exhibit 8A
Relationship of Children to Adoptive Parents (Question 18)
VCIS Survey 1990 to 1994 Qualified Reporting States Totals and National Estimates*

  Question Category  
Year Number of States Specification†‡ (Trend States n = 2) Related to Adoptive Parents Adopted by Former Foster Parents (Not Related) Other Unrelated Adoptive Parents Unknown/Unreported Total
1994 10 National Estimate 1,426 12,236 7,382 262 21,306
    Qualified States 136 1,167 704 25 2,032
    Percentage 6.7% 57.4% 34.6% 1.2% 100.0%
    AFCARS Percentage† 6.7% 41.6% 17.8% 33.9% 100.0%
1993 7 National Estimate 1,654 12,590 5,168 274 19,686
    Qualified States 193 1,469 603 32 2,297
    Percentage 8.4% 64.0% 26.3% 1.4% 100.0%
1992 5 National Estimate 1,852 9,809 6,796 268 18,725
    Qualified States 166 879 609 24 1,678
    Percentage 9.9% 52.4% 36.3% 1.4% 100.0%
1991 8 National Estimate 1,361 9,031 5,930 358 16,680
    Qualified States 190 1,261 828 50 2,329
    Percentage 8.2% 54.1% 35.6% 2.1% 100.0%
1990 12 National Estimate 1,562 6,524 7,993 132 16,211
    Qualified States 487 2,034 2,492 41 5,054
    Percentage 9.6% 40.2% 49.3% 0.8% 100.0%

* National estimates are calculated from the totals for qualified reporting states (states which reported less than ten percent of counts in an "unknown or not reported" category). As these totals are based on differing groups of states for each year, they should NOT be compared across years. For comparisons across years, use the trend national estimates.

† AFCARS category percentages are based on data elements 21 (Date adoption legalized) and 29 (Stepparent) through 32 (Non-relative).