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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Substitute Care Exhibit 10B
Children Leaving Substitute Care, Classified by Age (Question 4c)
VCIS Survey 1990 to 1994 Qualified Reporting States Totals and National Estimates*

  Question Category  
Year Specification†‡ (Trend States n=11) Less than 1 year old 1 to 5 years old 6 to 10 years old 11 to 15 years old 16 to 18 years old 19 years and older Age Unknown or Not Reported Total Median Age
1994 Trend National Estimate 10,382 59,800 41,051 55,946 52,268 6,865 265 226,577 11.2
  Qualified Trend States 2,586 14,895 10,225 13,935 13,019 1,710 66 56,436  
  Percentage 4.6% 26.4% 18.1% 24.7% 23.1% 3.0% 0.1% 100.0%  
  Known Age Percentage 4.6% 26.4% 18.1% 24.7% 23.1% 3.0% N/A 100.0%  
1993 Trend National Estimate 9,883 56,097 37,511 52,326 49,393 5,283 552 211,046 11.2
  Qualified Trend States 2,561 14,536 9,720 13,559 12,799 1,369 143 54,687  
  Percentage 4.7% 26.6% 17.8% 24.8% 23.4% 2.5% 0.3% 100.0%  
  Known Age Percentage 4.7% 26.7% 17.8% 24.9% 23.5% 2.5% N/A 100.0%  
1992 Trend National Estimate 10,191 54,170 35,726 50,574 46,503 4,955 662 202,780 11.1
  Qualified Trend States 2,834 15,064 9,935 14,064 12,932 1,378 184 56,391  
  Percentage 5.0% 26.7% 17.6% 24.9% 22.9% 2.4% 0.3% 100.0%  
  Known Age Percentage 5.0% 26.8% 17.7% 25.0% 23.0% 2.5% N/A 100.0%  
1991 Trend National Estimate 11,752 61,257 41,671 55,422 51,412 5,425 779 227,718 10.9
  Qualified Trend States 2,957 15,413 10,485 13,945 12,936 1,365 196 57,297  
  Percentage 5.2% 26.9% 18.3% 24.3% 22.6% 2.4% 0.3% 100.0%  
  Known Age Percentage 5.2% 27.0% 18.4% 24.4% 22.7% 2.4% N/A 100.0%  
1990 Trend National Estimate 10,042 48,979 35,239 44,827 42,919 4,139 635 186,779 10.8
  Qualified Trend States 2,989 14,579 10,489 13,343 12,775 1,232 189 55,596  
  Percentage 5.4% 26.2% 18.9% 24.0% 23.0% 2.2% 0.3% 100.0%  
  Known Age Percentage 5.4% 26.3% 18.9% 24.1% 23.1% 2.2% N/A 100.0%  

* Trend states are those qualified reporting states that reported data in each of the years 1990 to 1994. As the totals are based on the same group of states for each of the five years, they may be compared across years. For the best National Estimate for a single year, use the values in Substitute Care Exhibit 10A.

† Known Age Percentages are based on all categories except for "Age Unknown or Not Reported". Therefore, not applicable (N/A) appears beneath that category for this specification.

‡ One or more of the Qualified Trend States Totals reported for this question represent less than 30% of the Reporting States Total for the relevant population (Children Exiting Care). Use these data with caution.