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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Substitute Care Exhibit 8A
Primary Reason for Children Entering Substitute Care (Question 2d)
VCIS Survey 1990 to 1994 Qualified Reporting States Totals and National Estimates*

  Question Category  
Year Number of States Specification Protection Status Offenses Delinquent Behavior Handicap Parental Absence Relinquent Parent Rights Other Unknown Total
1994 10 National Estimate 157,134 12,464 25,425 9,874 43,789 1,688 11,429 1,135 262,937
    Qualified States 39,196 3,109 6,342 2,463 10,923 421 2,851 283 65,588
    Percentage 59.8% 4.7% 9.7% 3.8% 16.7% 0.6% 4.3% 0.4% 100.0%
    AFCARS Percentage† 54.6% N/A 0.0% 8.6% 14.8% 0.3% 0.1% 21.6% 100.0%
1993 11 National Estimate 111,793 12,503 15,494 10,273 47,969 1,793 22,119 2,611 224,555
    Qualified States 37,598 4,205 5,211 3,455 16,133 603 7,439 878 75,522
    Percentage 49.8% 5.6% 6.9% 4.6% 21.4% 0.8% 9.9% 1.2% 100.0%
1992 12 National Estimate 110,412 10,975 16,166 10,722 46,391 2,659 21,659 2,715 221,699
    Qualified States 37,988 3,776 5,562 3,689 15,961 915 7,452 934 76,277
    Percentage 49.8% 5.0% 7.3% 4.8% 20.9% 1.2% 9.8% 1.2% 100.0%
1991 11 National Estimate 118,620 10,538 20,123 10,803 50,920 3,632 30,377 2,365 247,378
    Qualified States 38,475 3,418 6,527 3,504 16,516 1,178 9,853 767 80,238
    Percentage 48.0% 4.3% 8.1% 4.4% 20.6% 1.5% 12.3% 1.0% 100.0%
1990 16 National Estimate 104,347 8,018 17,976 4,660 49,300 1,640 25,932 2,615 214,488
    Qualified States 49,195 3,780 8,475 2,197 23,243 773 12,226 1,233 101,122
    Percentage 48.6% 3.7% 8.4% 2.2% 23.0% 0.8% 12.1% 1.2% 100.0%

** National estimates are calculated from the totals for qualified reporting states (states which reported less than ten percent of counts in an "unknown or not reported" category). As these totals are based on differing groups of states for each year, they should NOT be compared across years. For comparisons across years, use the trend national estimates.

† AFCARS category percentages are based on data elements 26 (Physical Abuse) through 40 (Inadequate housing) and 21 (Latest removal from home). VCIS category "Status Offenses" had no corresponding AFCARS category. Therefore, that column value is labeled as not applicable (N/A).