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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Substitute Care Questions
Substitute Care Statistical Flow Data with Title IV-E Eligibility, 1992

1994 Reporting States In Sub Care at Start Number IV-E Elig Percent IV-E Elig Children Entering Care Number IV-E Elig Percent IV-E Elig New Entrants (1) Number IV-E Elig Percent IV-E Elig Children Left Care Number IV-E Elig Percent IV-E Elig Children in Care on Last Day Number IV-E Elig Percent IV-E Elig
Alabama 4,332 1,256 29.0% 2,774 326 11.8% 2,470 289 11.7% 2,989 382 12.8% 4,117 1,095 26.6%
Alaska 1,455     3,937           3,896     1,496    
Arizona 3,618     2,650           2,430     3,909    
Arkansas 1,438 590 41.0% 1,215 534 44.0%       1,140     1,630 534 32.8%
California 81,423 44,257 54.4% 30,286 15,701 51.8% 28,193 14,633 51.9% 27,873 12,996 46.6% 83,836 46,962 56.0%
Colorado 4,741     6,634           5,897     4,390    
Connecticut 3,992     1,881           1,625     4,252    
Delaware 655     658           675     638    
D.C. 2,159     898           947     2,152    
Florida 10,311     5,179           5,562     9,928    
Georgia 16,564 6,791 41.0% 5,454 2,236 41.0%       5,354 2,236 41.8% 16,564 7,122 43.0%
Hawaii 891     852           529     1,214    
Idaho 870 177 20.3% 988 93 9.4%       804 16 2.0% 870 177 20.3%
Illinois 23,777     14,001           7,316     29,542    
Indiana 8,167     4,233     4,090     3,855     8,529    
Iowa 3,568     2,926           2,888     3,606    
Kansas 7,103                       7,838    
Kentucky 6,422     1,963           1,419     6,966    
Louisiana 5,469     2,329           2,076     5,722    
Maine 1,815     855           726     1,944    
Maryland 4,144 1,661 40.1% 1,764 770 43.7%       1,011 196 19.4% 4,781 2,197 46.0%
Massachusetts 13,232     7,658           8,136     13,147    
Michigan 11,282     7,978           8,139     11,121    
Minnesota 7,309     10,814           10,228     7,895    
Mississippi 2,769     1,485     1,485     1,085     3,169    
Missouri 7,264 4,512 62.1% 5,685     4,426     5,375     7,710 4,695 60.9%
Montana 1,357                       1,691    
Nebraska 2,660 1,100 41.4% 2,278           1,723     2,985    
Nevada 2,532 744 29.4%       314           2,496    
New Hampshire 2,095     1,482           1,380     2,197    
New Jersey 8,642           3,110     4,362     8,491    
New Mexico 2,042                       2,118    
New York 64,672 51,308 79.3% 18,602 10,874 58.5% 15,867 9,282 58.5% 20,634 9,542 46.2% 63,078 49,827 79.0%
North Carolina 8,945 2,504 28.0% 3,614           2,511     10,275 2,833 27.6%
North Dakota 692 340 49.1% 720 268 37.2% 313 127 40.6% 644 250 38.8% 768 358 46.6%
Ohio 15,158     13,296           11,478     17,099    
Oklahoma 2,391     722           221     2,892    
Oregon 4,179     3,745           3,893     4,031    
Pennsylvania 17,479     16,383           15,443     18,491    
Puerto Rico                              
Rhode Island 2,479     2,031           1,229     2,796    
South Carolina 4,142     3,121           2,736     4,469    
South Dakota 607     623           623     674    
Tennessee 5,067 2,584 51.0% 2,844 1,450 51.0% 2,559 1,305 51.0% 2,599 1,325 51.0% 5,312 2,709 51.0%
Texas 8,475     6,502           5,012     9,965    
Utah 922     99           151     895    
Vermont 1,092 692 63.4% 823 409 49.7% 731 360 49.2% 764 272 35.6% 1,150 716 62.3%
Virginia 6,301 2,346 37.2% 3,033 691 22.8%       3,244 570 17.6% 6,095 2,038 33.4%
Washington 8,404 3,113 37.0% 16,436 3,320 20.2%       19,805 4,742 23.9% 8,470 3,216 38.0%
West Virginia 1,997     1,292           639     2,315    
Wisconsin 6,484     4,805           4,477     6,812    
Wyoming 813                       907    
Total(2) 414,397 123,975 57.3% 227,548 36,672 43.2% 63,558 25,996 51.9% 215,543 32,527 37.9% 433,438 124,479 58.0%
Reporting States 51 16   47 12   11 6   46 11   51 14  

Source: VCIS Survey, Part I, questions 1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a, 4, 4a, 5 and 5a.

A blank cell within a row indicates either that the relevant question is not applicable to the state, or that the state did not respond to the question.

  1. New Entrants are children entering substitute care who had had no substitute care placements within the preceding 12 months; New Entrants is a subset of Children Entering Care.
  2. Percentages are based only on those states that responded to the IV-E eligible question.