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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Population Flow Exhibit 4
National Estimates of the Substitute Care and Adoption Populations, 1991 VCIS Survey

Population Number of Reporting States Reporting States Total National Estimate
Substitute Care(1):
Children in Care at the Start of the Reporting Period 37 335,043 404,878
Children Entering Care 37 204,709 247,378
Children Exiting Care 37 188,440 227,718
Children in Care at the End of the Reporting Period 50 417,930 423,283
Children Adopted 19 6,073 16,680
Children Waiting to be Adopted 17 6,682 20,686
Children in Non-finalized Adoptive Homes 16 6,664 20,060

Source: VCIS Survey, Part I, questions 1, 2, 4, and 5, and Part II, questions 15, 20, and 25.

  1. For substitute care, reporting states include only those states that passed the flow-data edit; i.e., states where the number of children at the end of the reporting period equals the number of children in care at the start plus the number of children entering care, less the number of children exiting care (within 5 percent).
  2. For adoption, all states who reported data are included in the reporting states total.