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Health Topics

This list provides links to potentially useful resources but is not intended to be exhaustive.

CDC Publications
Other Federal Agency Publications
Non-Federal Publications
Related Journal Articles by CDC Staff
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Asthma resources in PDF format [pdf 750K]
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CDC Publications

An Asthma Speaker's Kit for Healthcare Professionals. This PowerPoint presentation is divided into seven parts: introduction, epidemiology, risk factors, prevention, clinical management, managing asthma and  the public health response. A resource section is also included.

Addressing Asthma: CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health [pdf 2M]. This brochure provides an overview of DASH’s efforts to increase the number of asthma- friendly schools nationwide.

Asthma Fast Stats. Statistics on asthma in adult and child populations include information on morbidity, healthcare use, mortality, and other summary data.

Basic Facts about Asthma. This fact sheet contains information on what asthma is, its effects, how asthma is diagnosed, what an asthma attack is, causes of an asthma attack, how asthma is treated, and important asthma triggers. Also available in Spanish.

Fact Sheet: Addressing Asthma in Schools [pdf 260K]. This fact sheet provides information on children with asthma, asthma prevalence data, and a summary of the CDC's six strategies for addressing asthma within a coordinated school health program.

Initiating Change: Creating an Asthma-Friendly School is a toolkit developed to help advocates at the district and school levels persuade people in their schools and communities of the importance of asthma-friendly schools.

Managing Asthma in Schools—What Have We Learned? This special issue of the Journal of School Health provides updated information on developing, implementing, and evaluating school-based asthma programs. It features more than 25 research articles, brief reports, and case studies that cover a range of activities, such as asthma education programs for students and staff members, asthma-related health services, and policy changes.

National Asthma Control Program: Improving Quality of Life and Reducing Costs 2005 [pdf 315K]. This four page brochure describes CDC's national asthma program which is comprised of major data collection systems, tracking programs, funded interventions and partnerships, public health research, and training for state programs. The brochure also includes a description of how CDC is enabling the nation's schools to prevent asthma attacks and absences. Also available in HTML.

Resources for Addressing Asthma in Schools [pdf 736K] provides a list of CDC and other federal and nonfederal publications and website links for addressing asthma in schools. This list provides valuable resources, but it is not intended to be exhaustive.

School Health Index: A Self-Assessment and Planning Guide. This tool helps local schools understand their strengths and weaknesses and develop an action plan for improving their health policies and programs related to asthma and other health topics.

Strategies for Addressing Asthma Within a Coordinated School Health Program offers concrete suggestions for schools working to improve the health and school attendance of children with asthma. The six strategies identified by the CDC can be effective whether your program is for the entire school district or just one school.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, by date

CDC. Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among children with Asthma – United States, 2005-06 Influenza Season. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2008;57:653-657.

CDC. Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among children with Asthma – United States, 2004-05 Influenza Season. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2007;57:193-196.

CDC. Asthma Self-Management Education Among Youths and Adults—United States, 2003. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2007;56(35):912–915.

CDC. QuickStats: Percentage Distribution of Hospitalizations for Types of Respiratory Diseases* Among Children Aged <15 Years—National Hospital Discharge Survey, United States, 2005. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2007;56(28):713.

CDC. Self-Reported Asthma Among High School Students—United States, 2003. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2005;54(31):765-767.

CDC. Reducing Childhood Asthma Through Community-Based Service Delivery—New York City, 2001—2004. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2005;54(1):11-14.

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Other Federal Agency Publications

Asthma and Outdoor Air Pollution [pdf 500K]. This fact sheet provides information for people with asthma on understanding and using outdoor air quality warnings.

Asthma Basics for Schools, Parts 1 and 2—PowerPoint® slide presentations (developed by the School Subcommittee of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program, 2008). Use these slide set presentations to provide basic information about asthma at school staff meetings, PTA meetings, school board meetings, community group meetings, or elsewhere. Both slide sets are customizable, offer speaker notes (script and additional information to assist you in responding to questions), and a presentation feedback form.

Breathing Difficulties Related to Physical Activity for Students With Asthma: Exercise-Induced Asthma. This resource, developed by the NAEPP, offers tips for addressing exercise-induced asthma aimed at school personnel who are responsible for physical activity and sports programs for students. This is a handy tool that can be used in conjunction with asthma education programs for school personnel and as a quick reference on coaches' clipboards.

Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma. This report, developed by the NAEPP, provides information for clinicians on asthma diagnosis and management.

Healthy School Environments Assessment Tool (HealthySEAT). EPA has developed a software tool to help school districts evaluate and manage their school facilities for key environmental, safety and health issues. HealthySEAT can be customized and used by district-level staff to conduct voluntary self-assessments of school facilities and to track and manage information on environmental conditions school by school. EPA has included critical elements of all of its regulatory and voluntary programs for schools, as well as web links to more detailed information.

Help Your Child Gain Control Over Asthma [pdf 1MB]. An easy to read guide for parents of children with asthma. This brochure, developed by EPA, provides parents and caregivers with asthma the information they need to improve their children's quality of life.

How Asthma-Friendly Is Your School? This questionnaire and checklist, developed by the NAEPP, features seven items that can be used by parents, teachers, and school nurses to help pinpoint specific areas that may cause problems for children with asthma. Materials are also available in Spanish.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tools for Schools. This comprehensive resource, developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), can help schools maintain a healthy environment by using low-cost methods to identify, correct, and prevent IAQ. The kit includes easy-to-follow checklists, video, sample memos and policies, a recommended management plan, and a unique problem-solving wheel.

Is the Asthma Action Plan Working? A Tool for School Nurse Assessment. This brief assessment tool, developed by NAEPP, offers guidance to school nurses in determining how well an asthma action plan is working for a student. It includes information about good asthma control and a checklist of assessment items and can also be used by asthma educators, primary care providers, and asthma specialists.

Managing Asthma: A Guide for Schools. This easy to use booklet was developed by the NAEPP to provide school personnel with practical ways to help students with asthma.

Resolution on Asthma Management at School. NAEPP's resolution states that schools should adopt policies for managing asthma that encourage the active participation of students in the self-management of their condition and allow for the most consistent, active participation in all school activities.

Students with Chronic Illnesses: Guidance for Families, Schools and Students. This guidance document, published by the NAEPP, describes practical and low cost actions schools and families can take to address multiple chronic diseases.

Suggested Emergency Protocol For Students With Asthma Symptoms Who Don't Have A Personal Asthma Action Plan. This emergency protocol was developed by the NAEPP to offer guidance to school personnel regarding assisting a student who is experiencing asthma symptoms, but does not have an Asthma Action Plan on file at school.

What You Should Know About Reducing Diesel Exhaust from School Buses [pdf 176K]. This EPA fact sheet describes the harmful effects of school bus idling on children’s health, and includes recommended actions to reduce diesel pollution.

When Should Students With Asthma or Allergies Carry and Self-Administer Emergency Medications at School? This resource, developed by NAEPP, is useful in assessing a student's maturity, disease knowledge and management skills, and appropriateness to carry and self-administer prescribed emergency medications while at school according to his/her personal disease management plan.

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Non-Federal Publications*

Asthma Action Card [pdf 160K]. This tool, developed by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, can be used by parents and physicians of school-age children to communicate the student's asthma management plan to school personnel. It contains information on asthma triggers; daily medication; and emergency directions to be kept on file at their school and other important locations.

Asthma: A Growing Epidemic. This publication of the National Conference of State Legislatures discusses the growing asthma epidemic in the United States and what is being done at the federal and state levels to address the issue.

Asthma Care for Children: Financing Issues—A CHCS Chartbook. This chartbook, published by the Center for Health Care Strategies, identifies which children have asthma and tracks asthma-related costs in private and publicly financed health care systems.

Asthma-Friendly Schools Toolkit. This toolkit was produced by the American Lung Association for community organizations. It includes background information and specific materials they need to work with schools to create an environment that is supportive of students, faculty, and staff with asthma.

Asthma in Schools 101 [pdf 32K]. This information packet, created by the National School Boards Association's School Health Programs, contains facts and articles about best practices, and sample policies related to asthma management within the school system.

Clearing the Air: Asthma and Indoor Air Exposure. This Institute of Medicine book provides information about the role that indoor air pollution plays in asthma causation, prevalence, triggering, and severity.

Fit, Healthy, and Ready to Learn: A School Health Policy Guide. Part III: Policies Related to Asthma, School Health Services, and Healthy Environment. This chapter, published by the National Association of State Boards of Education, provides suggestions for education decision makers about policies and programs related to asthma and other chronic health conditions. It provides sample policies that states, school districts, and public and private schools can adapt or revise to fit their local needs and governance frameworks.

Improving Childhood Asthma Outcomes in the United States: A Blueprint for Policy Action. This RAND Corporation report describes a set of policy recommendations to create and maintain communities in which children with asthma can be swiftly diagnosed, effectively treated, and protected from exposure to harmful environmental factors.

Powerful Practices: A Checklist for School Districts Addressing the Needs of Students with Asthma [pdf 63K]. This document, developed by the American Association of School Administrators and partner school districts, was developed to help school administrators identify areas of asthma management their district is already doing well, as well as areas in which they may want to focus more energy.

Questions School Leaders Frequently Ask About Asthma. This document, produced by the American Association of School Administrators, is based on school administrator's comments and requests for information on asthma.

School Governance and Leadership Issue on Asthma Management [pdf 611K]. This publication of the American Association of School Administrators includes articles on childhood asthma, asthma management, school policies and procedures, indoor air quality, and liability and litigation.

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Related Journal Articles by CDC Staff

Boss LP, Wheeler LSM, Williams PV, Bartholomew LK, Taggart VS, Redd SC. Population-based screening or case detection for asthma: Are we ready? Journal of Asthma 2003;40(4):335–342.

Brim SN, Rudd RA, Funk RH, Callahan, DB. Asthma prevalence among US children in underrepresented minority populations; American Indian/Alaska Native, Chinese, Filipino, and Asian Indian [pdf 371k]. Pediatrics 2008; 57:653-657.

Burks W, Wheeler LSM. Peanut-free or peanut-smart? Allergy education vital in schools. AAP News. February, 1999.

Everett Jones S, Merkle SL, Fulton JE, Wheeler LS, Mannino DM. Relationship between asthma, overweight, and physical activity among US high school students. Journal of Community Health 2006;31(6):469-478.

Everett Jones S, Merkle S, Wheeler L, Mannino DM, Crossett L. Tobacco and other drug use among high school students with asthma. Journal of Adolescent Health 2006;39:291-294.

Everett Jones S, Wheeler L. Asthma inhalers in schools: rights of students with asthma to a free appropriate education. American Journal of Public Health 2004;94:1102-1108.

Greiling AK, Boss LP, Wheeler LS. A Preliminary Investigation of Asthma Mortality in Schools. Journal of School Health October 2005;75(8).

Madden JA. Managing asthma at school. Educational Leader March 2000;57(6):50–52.

Majer LS. Asthma: Breathtaking. NEA Today 1993; March:17.

Majer LS. Managing patients with asthma: The pediatrician and the school. Pediatrics in Review 1993;14(10):391–394.

Majer LS, Joy JH. A Principal's guide to asthma. Principal 1993;73(2):42–44.

Majer LS, Luna PJ, Taggart VS. Asthma management at school-implementing the NSBA resolution. Updating School Board Policies 1996;27(2):12–13.

Wang LY, Zhong Y, Wheeler L. Direct and indirect costs of asthma in school-age children. Preventing Chronic Disease [serial online] January 2005.

Wheeler L. Asthma in the school community: Policies and Plans. Health in Action 2003;2(2):14–15.

Wheeler L. Asthma in the school community: School-based asthma screening. Health in Action 2003;2(2):9.

Wheeler L. Asthma management in schools. FDA Consumer 2003;37(2):40.

Wheeler LS, Boss LP, Williams PV. School-based Approaches to Identifying Students with Asthma [pdf 360k]. Journal of School Health 2004;74(9).

Wheeler LS, Merkle SL, Gerald LB, Taggart VS, Eds. Managing Asthma in Schools—What Have We Learned?*  Journal of School Health 2006;76:6(201-348).

Wheeler LSM. Children with asthma and sick buildings: What is the pediatrician to do? AAP Section on School Health Newsletter Summer 1998.

Wheeler LSM. Free asthma management in schools materials. AAP Section on School Health Newsletter Fall/Winter 1997.

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Page last reviewed: October 30, 2008
Page last modified: July 29, 2009
Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health

Division of Adolescent and School Health
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Health and Human Services