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Health Topics
Alcohol & Drug Use

This list provides links to potentially useful resources but is not intended to be exhaustive.

CDC Publications
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Non-Federal Publications
Related Journal Articles by CDC Staff
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CDC Publications

Alcohol Fact Sheets. These fact sheets include information about alcohol use prevalence and mortality related to alcohol use.

Illegal Drug Use Fact Sheets. These fact sheets include information about illegal drug use prevalence.

Impaired Driving Fact Sheet. This fact sheet includes information on occurrence and consequences, costs of alcohol-related crashes, groups at risk, prevention strategies, and CDC research and evaluation.

Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report, by date

CDC. Youth exposure to alcohol advertising in magazines桿nited States, 2001�05 [Printable PDF version of this issue-405K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2007;56(30):763�7.

CDC. Types of alcoholic beverages usually consumed by students in 9th�th grades梖our states, 2005 [Printable PDF version of this issue-329K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2007;56(29):737�0.

CDC. Alcohol and other drug use among victims of motor-vehicle crashes梂est Virginia, 2004�05 [Printable PDF version of this issue-410K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2006;55(48):1293�96.

CDC. Toxicology testing and results for suicide victims� states, 2004 [Printable PDF version of this issue-469K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2006;55(46):1245�48.

CDC. Youth exposure to alcohol advertising on radio桿nited States, June朅ugust 2004 [Printable PDF version of this issue-309K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2006;55(34):937�0.

CDC. Trends in HIV-related risk behaviors among high school students桿nited States, 1991-2005 [Printable PDF version of this issue-944K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2006;55(31):851�4.

CDC. Unintentional deaths from drug poisoning by urbanization of area桸ew Mexico, 1994�03 [Printable PDF version of this issue-631K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2005;54(35):870�3.

CDC. Alcohol-attributable deaths and years of potential life lost桿nited States, 2001 [Printable PDF version of this issue-372K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2004;53(37):866�0.

CDC. Alcohol use among adolescents and adults桸ew Hampshire, 1991--2003 [Printable PDF version of this issue-450K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2004;53(08):174-175.

CDC. Tobacco and alcohol use [Printable PDF version of this issue-591K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2004;53(RR11):19�.

CDC. Enhanced enforcement of laws to prevent alcohol sales to underage persons桸ew Hampshire, 1999�04 [Printable PDF version of this issue-332K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2004;53(21):452�4.

CDC. Tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use among high school students in Bureau of Indian Affairs梖unded schools桿nited States, 2001 [Printable PDF version of this issue-505K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2003;52(44):1070�72.

CDC. Point-of-purchase alcohol marketing and promotion by store type桿nited States, 2000�01 [Printable PDF version of this issue-2.2MB]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2003;52(14):310�3.

CDC. Update: alcohol-related traffic crashes and fatalities among youth and young adults桿nited States, 1982�94 [Printable PDF version of this issue-234K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 1995;44(47):869�4.

CDC. Alcohol involvement in fatal motor-vehicle crashes桿nited States, 1993�94 [Printable PDF version of this issue-234K]. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 1995;44(47):886�7.

CDC Podcasts

CDC. Alcohol Ads Sway Teens? [A Cup of Health] [A Minute of Health]

CDC. Alcohol and Other Drug Use Among Victims of Motor-Vehicle Crashes梂est Virginia, 2004�05. [A Cup of Health] [A Minute of Health]

CDC. Toxicology Testing and Results for Suicide Victims. [A Cup of Health] [A Minute of Health]

CDC. Unintentional Poisoning Deaths. [A Cup of Health] [A Minute of Health]

CDC. Youth Exposure to Alcohol Advertising on Radio桿nited States, June朅ugust 2004. [A Cup of Health] [A Minute of Health]

Other Federal Agency Publications

Girls and Drugs* [pdf-131K]. This brief report, from the Office of National Drug Control Policy, gives an analysis of trends, risk factors, and consequences of drug and alcohol use among girls.

Marijuana Myths & Facts [pdf-501K]. This easy to read report, created by the Office of National Drug Control Policy, discusses 10 popular misperceptions about marijuana.

National Institute on Drug Abuse InfoFacts. These fact sheets offer scientific information on cigarettes and other tobacco products, club drugs, crack and cocaine, ecstasy, GHB, heroin, inhalants, LSD, marijuana, methamphetamine, prescription medications, PCP, Ritalin, Rohypnol, steroids, drugged driving, drug addiction, and the link between HIV/AIDS and drugs.

National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Report Series. These publications offer science-based information on anabolic steroid abuse, cocaine, ecstasy, hallucinogens and dissociative drugs (LSD, PCP, Ketamine, Dextromethrophan), heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine, prescription drug abuse, tobacco addiction, and inhalant abuse. Some reports are available in Spanish.

Preventing Drug Abuse among Children and Adolescents: A Research-Based Guide for Parents, Educators, and Community Leaders [pdf-708K]. This guide, developed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, presents prevention principles for parents, educators, and community leaders. It includes an overview of program planning and critical first steps for those learning about prevention, and can serve as an introduction to research-based prevention for those new to the field of drug abuse prevention.

Proper Disposal of Prescription Drugs [pdf-90K]. This fact sheet, from the Office of National Drug Control Policy, presents federal guidelines on the proper disposal of unused or expired prescription drugs.

Selected Prescription Drugs With Potential for Abuse [pdf-282K]. This flyer, developed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, provides facts about prescription drug abuse and highlights prescription drugs with potential for abuse, including the drug name, category, street names, how the drug is administered, and potential health consequences.

Surgeon General抯 Call to Action to Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking. The 2007 Call to Action provides a public health approach to prevent and reduce underage drinking. The Call to Action identifies six goals for the nation. Each goal includes supporting rationale, challenges, and specific strategies to reduce the number of underage drinkers and prevent children and adolescents from beginning to drink.

Underage Drinking Prevention桝ction Guide and Planner [pdf-746K]. Developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, this action guide and planner provides two services. The action guide provides ideas and suggestions for communities to create and promote underage drinking prevention efforts. The planner suggests themes and activities for each month and can be used to track prevention efforts.

Non-Federal Publications*

Community How to Guides on Underage Drinking. This compilation of guides, developed by the National Association of Governors� Highway Safety Representatives (NAGHSR), discusses fundamental components of planning and implementing a comprehensive underage drinking prevention program. Each guide is equipped with a resource section to obtain additional information along with planning and implementation tools for each topic.

Keep Kids Alcohol Free: Strategies for Action [pdf 903K]. This brochure, developed by the Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free, discusses three prevention strategies incorporated in successful alcohol prevention programs and ways these strategies can be applied in the home, the school, and the community to prevent underage alcohol use.

Reducing Underage Drinking: A Collective Responsibility. This report, published by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), provides a 10-component national strategy to reduce and prevent underage drinking through collective action by national, state, and local governments; the alcohol and entertainment industries; retailers, restaurants and bars; colleges and universities; schools; law enforcement agencies; community organizations; and parents.

Related Journal Articles by CDC Staff

Brener ND, Wilson TW. Substance use on school property among students attending alternative high schools in the United States. Journal of Drug Education 2001;31(4):329�2.

Brewer RD, Swahn MH. Binge drinking and violence. Journal of the American Medical Association 2005; 294(5):616-618.

Dube SR, Miller JW, Brown DW, Giles WH, Felitti VJ, Dong M, Anda RF. Adverse childhood experiences and the association with ever using alcohol and initiating alcohol use during adolescence. Journal of Adolescent Health 2006; 38(4):44.e1�.

Elder RW, Nichols JL, Shults RA, Sleet DA, Barrios LC, and Compton R. Effectiveness of school-based programs for reducing drinking and driving and riding with drinking drivers. American Journal of Preventative Medicine 2005;28(5):288-304.

Everett Jones S, Merkel S, Wheeler L, Mannino DM, Crossett L. Tobacco and other drug use among high school students with asthma. Journal of Adolescent Health 2006;39:291-294.

Everett Jones S, Oeltmann J, Wilson TW, Brener ND, Hill CV. Binge drinking among undergraduate college students in the United States: implications for other substance use. Journal of American College Health 2001;50(1):33�

Greggo J, Everett Jones S, Kann L. Population density and alcohol-related risk behaviors among U.S. high school students. American Journal of Health Education 2005;36:148-154.

Miller J, Naimi T, Brewer R, Everett Jones S. Binge drinking and associated health risk behaviors among high school students. Pediatrics 2007;119(1):76�.

Modzeleski W, Small ML, Kann LK. Alcohol and other drug prevention policies and education in the United States. Journal of Health Education 1999;30(5):S42朣49.

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Page last reviewed: November 17, 2008
Page last modified: July 16, 2009
Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health

Division of Adolescent and School Health
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Health and Human Services