Columbia Environmental Research Center

Investigation of Contaminant Effects of Frog Development at Kenai NWR, Alaska
Funding Program: Contaminant Biology

Statement of Problem: Physical abnormalities among the Wood frog populations of the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge range as high as 32%. This extent of deformity is a suspected consequence of exposure of to environmental contaminants during development. The refuge is the site of the major Alaskan oil field, and environmental contamination from refined and unrefined petroleum products, solvents, surfactants, and PCBs. In addition contamination from minerals extraction, and dioxin contamination from the use of Agent Orange defoliants have also occurred at locations within the Refuge. The purpose of this research is to determine the toxicity of complex environmental extracts from remote and developed locations within the Refuge.

Objectives: (1) Toxicology and Chemistry - Determine the causes, fate, exposure and effects (including sub-lethal effects) of environmental contaminants. Develop and standardize biomarkers, molecular biology methods and techniques and other analytical and toxicological methods. Areas of Special Emphasis: Emerging chemicals, toxicological techniques, toxic responses of species underrepresented in toxicological literature and species of special concern. (2) Contaminated Habitats - Develop the scientific basis for assessment, restoration and monitoring of habitats that are contaminated by mining, agriculture, urban wastewater, industry, and chemical control agents. Develop the toxicological basis to remediate and prevent contamination effects of chemical controls for invasive species, fire, and other hazards. Areas of Special Emphasis: Hazardous waste sites, energy and energy development activities and mercury. (3) Integration of Ecological Stressors - Improve the scientific basis for evaluating the effect of multiple stressors, multiple levels of biological organization and multiple temporal and spatial scales. Areas of Special Emphasis: Establish demonstration sties to link ecological models, biomarker responses and toxicological tests in collaboration with other disciplines. Specific objectives include: measuring UV radiation and collecting sediments at the site, sampling for nonpolar organic compounds using SPMDs, and conducting toxicity tests with developing wood frogs.


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