
Map of Belgium

Belgium has provided one officer to the Coalition Coordination Center (CCC) at USCENTCOM, one officer to the Regional Air Movement Control Center (RAMCC) as deputy chief of operations, and one officer to Potsdam (GER HQ).

Belgium has engaged in the following operations:

  • NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR): 190 personnel

  • Africa (mostly at TCHAD and the Democratic Republic of Congo): 140 personnel

  • Afghanistan (ISAF): 370 personnel

  • Lebanon (UN) BELUFIL: 360 personnel

Support to Afghanistan:

  • Kabul International Airport: 251 personnel, providing protection force and airfield support

  • Kabul International Airport: lead nation mission (until 10/01/2008): 66 personnel

  • Provincial Reconstruction Team Konduz: 24 personnel

  • HQ ISAF: 25 personnel

  • Other: 9 personnel

Belgium will deploy following additional resources (autumn 2008):

  • 20 personnel force protection for Kabul International Airport

  • 20 personnel for Operational Mentoring and liaison team

  • 100 personnel and four F-16 Fighter aircraft to Kandahar Airfield

Humanitarian Support to the people of Afghanistan/Iraq:

  • Belgium led a large multi-national Humanitarian Assistance (HA) mission, which included Belgium, Spain, Netherlands and Norway. This mission provided 90 metric tons of UNIMIX to feed starving children in Afghanistan (15 Dec 01) and set the standard for follow-on HA operations

  • Belgian Air Force C-130 aircraft delivered a high protein food supplement from Denmark to Dushanbe, Tajikistan (UNIMIX)

  • Conducted HA mission (via A-310) that provided 250,000 vaccinations for children (under UNICEF auspices) on 23 Dec 01

  • Approximately seven tons of Egyptian humanitarian aid was flown to Karachi on behalf of “Relief International” using an A-310 with the Minister of Defense. These humanitarian goods were flown by C-130 to Kabul on May 9, 2002. Additionally, a Belgian C-130 stationed at Karachi flew to Cairo to load approximately 12 tons of Egyptian humanitarian aid (five C-130 pallets) on behalf of “Relief International.” These humanitarian goods were flown to Kabul on June 22, 2002

  • Until late December 2003: One C-130 was made available in the framework of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) Iraq

Belgium also contributes finances to the reconstruction of Afghanistan:

  • 13.5 million EUR was spent on the UN National Area-Based Development program for water pumps and irrigation projects;

  • 1.5 million EUR was donated to the UNIFEM to improve the quality of life for women in Afghanistan;

  • 3.5 million EUR was spent on the organization of elections in Afghanistan

  • Belgium also contributed to the counter-narcotics projects;

  • Since 2002, Belgium has contributed 36 million EUR to the European program for the reconstruction of Afghanistan;

  • BELGIUM spends about 6 million EURO each year on aid to the people of Afghanistan (mostly for local agricultural projects in 2007).


Senior National Representative: Col Karel VAN ROTEN
