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Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery Program

CIT offers a disaster recovery program to customers using the z/OS (Titan) and Unix (EOS) systems at the NIH Data Center. The disaster recovery program provides participating customers with facilities for continued processing in the event of an extended data center interruption. The program includes computational, data storage, and data communications services at an off-site location referred to as the hot site.

The NIH Data Center is responsible for restoring system and application software and data at the hot site, while customers have responsibility for preparing their applications to run at the hot site. The Data Center works closely with customers to ensure that recovery procedures are effective and viable. Two disaster recovery tests each year allow owners of participating applications to test and refine their disaster recovery activities.

Participation in the disaster recovery program is completely voluntary and is provided on a cost-recovery basis.

Planned Test Date

The next disaster recovery test is scheduled for: December 14-16, 2009.

Information and Assistance

The NIH Data Center disaster recovery plan is available as a PDF (218k PDF) or Word document.

For more information or to request participation in the disaster recovery program, contact the NIH Help Desk at 301-496-4357, and ask to speak to the Disaster Recovery Coordinator.

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This page last reviewed: August 03, 2009