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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) State Grants

Program Description

This program provides funds for States to improve their child protective service systems (CPS). Reauthorized by the Keeping Children and Families Safe Act of 2003, the program requires States to provide assurances in their five-year Child and Family Services plan that the State is operating a Statewide child abuse and neglect program that includes several new programmatic requirements such as:


Child abuse and neglect continue to impact a large number of children and families in this country:

Budget Information

The funding for FY 2006 is 27,280,000. Currently 48 States, DC, Puerto Rico receive the grant. The territories receive funding through the Consolidated Grant process.

Program Highlights

The reauthorization of CAPTA places a strong emphasis on interagency collaborations across child protective services, health, mental health, juvenile justice, education, and other public and private agencies. Additional funding for this program will assist States with meeting the expectation of the grants and also allow them to place a greater emphasis on the prevention-related activities to help strengthen and support families that are brought to the attention of CPS agencies across the country. The Children’s Bureau is also working with our National Child Welfare Resource Centers to provide training and technical assistance to the States on models of best practice for CPS.