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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Children with Special Health Care Needs/Chronic Conditions

CHIRI™ Issue Brief No. 9:
Mental Health Needs of Low-Income Children With Special Health Care Needs

Evidence Reports & Technical Reviews

Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 70:
Criteria for Determining Disability in Infants and Children: Low Birth Weight
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 72:
Criteria for Determining Disability in Infants and Children: Failure to Thrive
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 73:
Criteria for Determining Disability in Infants and Children: Short Stature
Technical Review, No. 14:
A Critical Analysis of Care Coordination Strategies for Children With Special Health Care Needs

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MEPS Reports

MEPS Research Findings, No. 24:
Utilization and Expenditures for Children with Special Health Care Needs

MEPS Statistical Brief, No. 75:
Access to Needed Medical Care Among Children Under 18 Years of Age With Special Health Care Needs, 2002

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Research Findings

Research Activities, August 2009:
Study finds high medication error rates among adults and children receiving outpatient cancer treatment
Research Activities, December 2008:
Changing criteria in a definition of high-risk asthma may help pinpoint those who will need the most care
Research Activities, November 2008:
Infant health determines parental satisfaction with neonatal intensive care
Minority children are half as likely as white children to receive specialized therapies
Research Activities, October 2008:
Children with asthma have more prescriptions filled when their health plans notify their doctors after a serious episode
Children are hospitalized less often for asthma but more have the disease
Research Activities, September 2008:
Overweight adolescents with type 2 diabetes underestimate their weight problem, as do their parents
Hospitalizations soar for children with skin infections
Research Activities, July 2008:
Children with asthma and flu are more likely to end up in the hospital
Research Activities, March 2008:
Collaboration between hospital and community palliative care services can improve care for dying children
Parents of hospitalized children with chronic illnesses report fewer care-related problems than other parents
Pediatricians often do not pursue answers to questions that arise during medical visits
Research Activities, February 2008:
Children with special health care needs seem to benefit from Medicaid managed care programs with case managers
Study of young Head Start children links overweight to worsened asthma
Research Activities, December 2007:
Treatments for pediatric Crohn's disease cases vary widely in North America
Research Activities, November 2007:
Premature infants with chronic lung disease can be safely cared for by community-based providers coordinating with a nurse specialist
Caregivers of children with special health care needs rate Medicaid managed care as having better care access than fee-for-service
Research Activities, September 2007:
Children with complex chronic conditions are more likely to die in their homes than in the hospital
Research Activities, August 2007:
The gender of both the child and parent affect a child's participation during visits to the doctor
Research Activities, June 2007:
The State Children's Health Insurance Program can improve care access, use, and quality for children with special health care needs and adolescents
A managed care model and care coordination can reduce emergency department use among children with special health care needs
Research Activities, May 2007:
The shortage of pediatric rheumatologists limits residency training in pediatric rheumatology among general pediatricians
Children with cerebral palsy have a greater risk of surgical complications and poor outcomes than other children
Research Activities, February 2007:
Many children do not receive recommended well-child visits during the year, especially disadvantaged children
Research Activities, November 2006:
A continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring system can safely lower blood sugar levels of children with type 1 diabetes
Research Activities, October 2006:
Rural children with special health care needs are more likely than their urban counterparts to lack needed dental care
Research Activities, August 2006:
Twice as many minority children than white children with special health care needs do not receive needed vision care
Research Activities, May 2006
Parents of children with special health care needs identify multiple barriers to accessing care for their children
Medicaid managed care plans with case management programs may benefit children with disabilities more than fee-for-service plans
AHRQ's health care quality and disparities reports can help nurse leaders make key decisions about quality and patient safety
Research Activities, March 2006
Minority children living in public housing are more likely to suffer from chronic health problems
Research Activities, October 2005:
Mental health problems among children with special health care needs and their caregivers are barriers to care
Research Activities, August 2005:
Few adolescents with special health care needs receive adequate transition from pediatric to adult-oriented health care
Certain managed care organization characteristics can increase specialty care use among chronically ill low-income children
Research Activities, May 2005:
Children with special health care needs generally use more health services and have higher costs than other children
Research Activities, January 2005:
Children with special needs often don't receive the health care services and assistive devices they need
Many chronic diseases and mental disorders that affect adults have their roots in childhood

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