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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Administration for Children and Families
Administration on Children, Youth and Families
Children's Bureau

Child and Family Services Reviews
Summary of Findings Form
January 2007

Table of Contents



General Information

Section I – Saftey

Outcome S1: Children are, first and foremost, protected from abuse and neglect.

Outcome S2: Children are safely maintained in their homes whenever possible and appropriate.

Section II – Permanency

Outcome P1: Children have permanency and stability in their living situations.

Outcome P2: The continuity of family relationships and connections is preserved for children.

Section III – Child and Family Well-Being

Outcome WB1: Families have enhanced capacity to provide for their children's needs.

Outcome WB2: Children receive appropriate services to meet their educational needs.

Outcome WB3: Children receive adequate services to meet their physical and mental health needs.

Section IV – Statewide Information System

Section V – Case Review System

Section VI – Quality Assurance System

Section VII – Staff and Provider Training

Section VIII – Service Array and Resource Development

Section IX – Agency Responsiveness to the Community

Section X – Foster and Adoptive Parent Licensing, Recruitment, and Retention

Section XI – Determination Of Substantial Conformity


During the onsite review, each local review team completes a Summary of Findings Form. The Form includes sections for each of the three outcome areas and each of the seven systemic areas being reviewed. For each outcome listed, subsections are provided to record the number of cases reviewed by the team according to the degree to which the outcome was determined by the reviewers to be achieved, followed by a list of each indicator used to evaluate the outcome. For each systemic factor listed, subsections are provided to record the State's substantial conformity, or lack thereof, followed by the State plan requirements used to evaluate each systemic factor.

The form also includes sections used to record areas determined by the review team to be operating in substantial conformity with applicable State plan requirements and those determined not to be in substantial conformity. At the conclusion of the review, the Team Leader compiles the forms from the local sites into one form.

The Summary of Findings Form is designed to:

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Each review team member should receive a copy of the form that includes the Preliminary Assessment information. However, each local review team will submit only one completed form that includes the results of the local team's findings of the onsite review as compiled at the local team's final debriefing. The Local Site Leader must ensure that the form is completed and submitted by the end of the onsite review. For each outcome (sections I-III), the team should record the number of cases they reviewed in which that particular outcome was determined to be substantially achieved, partially achieved, or not achieved or addressed by the agency under review. Each systemic factor (sections IV X) should be marked by the team as in substantial conformity with State plan requirements or not in substantial conformity.

Each performance indicator (items 1 45) following the outcomes and systemic factors should be judged by the team as primarily a strength or primarily an area needing improvement, recognizing there may be some identified strengths and needs within any one indicator. The basis for rating each performance indicator should be specific, should substantiate the rating, and should note the source of the information, i.e., case reviews, stakeholder interviews, or the self-assessment.

In the debriefing of the State Review Team near the conclusion of the onsite review, the team should complete one consolidated form that incorporates the findings of each local team and includes and addresses each section of the Preliminary Assessment. The team should complete the final section of the form (section XI), indicating those areas determined to be operating in substantial conformity with applicable requirements and those areas not in substantial conformity. The team will identify the specific performance indicators needing improvement in each area determined not to be in substantial conformity, to assist the State in developing its Program Improvement Plan. Following the onsite review, the Children's Bureau Regional Office Review Team Leader will refine and supplement the form as needed, verify the areas of nonconformity, and submit the completed form to the State agency as the Final Report of the review.

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General Information


Date of Onsite Review:

Children's Bureau Program Specialist:

Select One:

Check box State Summary of Findings Form
     State Team Leaders:

Check box Local Site Summary of Findings Form
     Local Site Leaders:

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Outcome S1: Children are, first and foremost, protected from abuse and neglect.

Number of cases reviewed by the team according to degree of outcome achievement:


Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Total Number

Total Percentage

Substantially Achieved:          
Partially Achieved:          
Not Achieved or Addressed:          
Not Applicable:          

Conformity of Statewide data indicators with national standards:


National Standard

State's Percentage

Meets Standard

Does Not Meet Standard

Absence of Maltreatment Recurrence        
Absence of Child Abuse and/or Neglect in Foster Care        

Item 1. Timeliness of initiating investigations of reports of child maltreatment

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 2. Repeat maltreatment

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Outcome S2: Children are safely maintained in their homes whenever possible and appropriate.

Number of cases reviewed by the team according to degree of outcome achievement:


Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Total Number

Total Percentage

Substantially Achieved:          
Partially Achieved:          
Not Achieved or Addressed:          
Not Applicable:          

Item 3. Services to family to protect child(ren) in the home and prevent removal or re-entry into foster care

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 4. Risk assessment and safety management

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



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Outcome P1: Children have permanency and stability in their living situations.

Number of cases reviewed by the team according to degree of outcome achievement:


Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Total Number

Total Percentage

Substantially Achieved:          
Partially Achieved:          
Not Achieved or Addressed:          
Not Applicable:          

Conformity of Statewide data indicators with national standards:


National Standard

State's Percentage

Meets Standard

Does Not Meet Standard

Timeliness and Permanency of Reunifications        
Timeliness of Adoptions        
Achieving Permanency for Children in Foster Care        
Placement Stability        

Item 5. Foster care re-entries

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 6. Stability of foster care placement

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 7. Permanency goal for child

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 8. Reunification, Guardianship, or Permanent Placement With Relatives

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 9. Adoption

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 10. Other planned permanent living arrangement

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



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Outcome P2: The continuity of family relationships and connections is preserved for children.

Number of cases reviewed by the team according to degree of outcome achievement:


Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Total Number

Total Percentage

Substantially Achieved:          
Partially Achieved:          
Not Achieved or Addressed:          
Not Applicable:          

Item 11. Proximity of foster care placement

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 12. Placement with siblings

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 13. Visiting with parents and siblings in foster care

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 14. Preserving connections

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 15. Relative placement

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 16. Relationship of child in care with parents

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



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Outcome WB1: Families have enhanced capacity to provide for their children's needs.

Number of cases reviewed by the team according to degree of outcome achievement:


Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Total Number

Total Percentage

Substantially Achieved:          
Partially Achieved:          
Not Achieved or Addressed:          
Not Applicable:          

Item 17. Needs and services of child, parents, foster parents

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 18. Child and family involvement in case planning

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 19. Caseworker visits with child

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 20. Caseworker visits with parents

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



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Outcome WB2: Children receive appropriate services to meet their educational needs.

Number of cases reviewed by the team according to degree of outcome achievement:


Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Total Number

Total Percentage

Substantially Achieved:          
Partially Achieved:          
Not Achieved or Addressed:          
Not Applicable:          

Item 21. Educational needs of the child

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



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Outcome WB3: Children receive adequate services to meet their physical and mental health needs.

Number of cases reviewed by the team according to degree of outcome achievement:


Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Total Number

Total Percentage

Substantially Achieved:          
Partially Achieved:          
Not Achieved or Addressed:          
Not Applicable:          

Item 22. Physical health of the child

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 23. Mental/behavioral health of the child

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



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Rating of Review Team Regarding Substantial Conformity
Rating Not in Substantial Conformity Substantial Conformity
1 2 3 4

Item 24. State is operating a Statewide information system that, at a minimum, can readily identify the status, demographic characteristics, location, and goals for the placement of every child who is (or within the immediately preceding 12 months, has been) in foster care.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



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Rating of Review Team Regarding Substantial Conformity
Rating Not in Substantial Conformity Substantial Conformity
1 2 3 4

The State provides a process that ensures that each child has a written case plan to be developed jointly with the child's parent(s) that includes the required provisions.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 26. The State provides a process for the periodic review of the status of each child, no less frequently than once every 6 months, either by a court or by administrative review.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



The State provides a process that ensures that each child in foster care under the supervision of the State has a permanency hearing in a qualified court or administrative body no later than 12 months from the date the child entered foster care and no less frequently than every 12 months thereafter.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 28. The State provides a process for termination of parental rights proceedings in accordance with the provisions of the Adoption and Safe Families Act.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 29. The State provides a process for foster parents, pre-adoptive parents, and relative caregivers of children in foster care to be notified of, and have an opportunity to be heard in, any review or hearing held with respect to the child.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



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Rating of Review Team Regarding Substantial Conformity
Rating Not in Substantial Conformity Substantial Conformity
1 2 3 4

Item 30. The State has developed and implemented standards to ensure that children in foster care are provided quality services that protect the safety and health of the children.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 31. The State is operating an identifiable quality assurance system that is in place in the jurisdictions where the services included in the Child and Family Services Plan are provided, evaluates the quality of services, identifies strengths and needs of the service delivery system, provides relevant reports, and evaluates implemented program improvement measures.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



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Rating of Review Team Regarding Substantial Conformity
Rating Not in Substantial Conformity Substantial Conformity
1 2 3 4

Item 32. The State is operating a staff development and training program that supports the goals and objectives in the Child and Family Services Plan, addresses services provided under titles IV-B and IV-E, and provides initial training for all staff who deliver these services.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 33. The State provides for ongoing training for staff that addresses the skills and knowledge base needed to carry out their duties with regard to the services included in the Child and Family Services Plan.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 34. The State provides training for current or prospective foster parents, adoptive parents, and staff of State licensed or approved facilities that care for children receiving foster care or adoption assistance under title IV-E that addresses the skills and knowledge base needed to carry out their duties with regard to foster and adopted children.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



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Rating of Review Team Regarding Substantial Conformity
Rating Not in Substantial Conformity Substantial Conformity
1 2 3 4

Item 35. The State has in place an array of services that assess the strengths and needs of children and families and determine other service needs, address the needs of families in addition to individual children in order to create a safe home environment, enable children to remain safely with their parents when reasonable, and help children in foster and adoptive placements achieve permanency.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



The services in item 35 are accessible to families and children in all political jurisdictions covered in the State's Child and Family Services Plan.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 37. The services in item 35 can be individualized to meet the unique needs of children and families served by the agency.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



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Rating of Review Team Regarding Substantial Conformity
Rating Not in Substantial Conformity Substantial Conformity
1 2 3 4

In implementing the provisions of the Child and Family Services Plan, the State engages in ongoing consultation with tribal representatives, consumers, service providers, foster care providers, the juvenile court, and other public and private child- and family-serving agencies and includes the major concerns of these representatives in the goals and objectives of the Child and Family Services Plan.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 39. The agency develops, in consultation with these representatives, Annual Progress and Services Reports pursuant to the Child and Family Services Plan.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 40. The State's services under the CFSP are coordinated with services or benefits of other Federal or federally assisted programs serving the same population.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



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Rating of Review Team Regarding Substantial Conformity
Rating Not in Substantial Conformity Substantial Conformity
1 2 3 4

Item 41. The State has implemented standards for foster family homes and child care institutions that are reasonably in accord with recommended national standards.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 42. The standards are applied to all licensed or approved foster family homes or child care institutions receiving title IV-E or IV-B funds.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 43. The State complies with Federal requirements for criminal background clearances as related to licensing or approving foster care and adoptive placements and has in place a case planning process that includes provisions for addressing the safety of foster care and adoptive placements for children.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 44. The State has in place a process for ensuring the diligent recruitment of potential foster and adoptive families who reflect the ethnic and racial diversity of children in the State for whom foster and adoptive homes are needed.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



Item 45. The State has in place a process for the effective use of cross-jurisdictional resources to facilitate timely adoptive or permanent placements for waiting children.

Check boxStrength

Check boxArea Needing Improvement



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For each outcome and systemic factor listed below, mark "Y" where the State is determined to be in substantial conformity and "N" where the State is determined not to be in substantial conformity. For each outcome or systemic factor marked "N", place a check beside the performance indicator, listed by item number in this form, that has been determined to be an area needing improvement.


Outcome S1  
Item 1  
Item 2  

Outcome S2  
Item 3  
Item 4  


Outcome P1  
Item 5  
Item 6  
Item 7  
Item 8  
Item 9  
Item 10  

Outcome P2  
Item 11  
Item 12  
Item 13  
Item 14  
Item 15  
Item 16  

Child and Family Well-Being

Outcome WB1  
Item 17  
Item 18  
Item 19  
Item 20  

Outcome WB2  
Item 21  

Outcome WB3  
Item 22  
Item 23  

Systemic Factors

Statewide Information System  
Item 24  

Case Review System  
Item 25  
Item 26  
Item 27  
Item 28  
Item 29  

Quality Assurance System  
Item 30  
Item 31  

Staff and Provider Training  
Item 32  
Item 33  
Item 34  

Service Array and Resource Development  
Item 35  
Item 36  
Item 37  

Agency Responsiveness To The Community  
Item 38  
Item 39  
Item 40  

Foster and Adoptive Parent Licensing, Recruitment, and Retention  
Item 41  
Item 42  
Item 43  
Item 44  
Item 45