New Jersey Water Science Center

Hydraulic and Solute-Transport Properties and Simulated Advective Transport of Contaminated Ground Water in a Fractured Rock Aquifer at the Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey, 2003

Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of the Navy

By Jean C. Lewis-Brown, Glen B. Carleton, and Thomas E. Imbrigiotta

Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5049

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Volatile organic compounds, predominantly trichloroethylene and its degradation products, have been detected in ground water at the Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), West Trenton, New Jersey. An air-stripping pump-and-treat system has been in operation at the NAWC since 1998. An existing ground-water-flow model was used to evaluate the effect of a change in the configuration of the network of recovery wells in the pump-and-treat system on flow paths of contaminated ground water.

The NAWC is underlain by a fractured-rock aquifer composed of dipping layers of sedimentary rocks of the Lockatong and Stockton Formations. Hydraulic and solute-transport properties of the part of the aquifer composed of the Lockatong Formation were measured using aquifer tests and tracer tests. The heterogeneity of the rocks causes a wide range of values of each parameter measured. Transmissivity ranges from 95 to 1,300 feet squared per day; the storage coefficient ranges from 9 x 10-5 to 5 x 10-3; and the effective porosity ranges from 0.0003 to 0.002.

The average linear velocity of contaminated ground water was determined for ambient conditions (when no wells at the site are pumped) using an existing ground-water-flow model, particle-tracking techniques, and the porosity values determined in this study. The average linear velocity of flow paths beginning at each contaminated well and ending at the streams where the flow paths terminate ranges from 0.08 to 130 feet per day. As a result of a change in the pump-and-treat system (adding a 165-foot-deep well pumped at 5 gallons per minute and reducing the pumping rate at a nearby 41-foot-deep well by the same amount), water in the vicinity of three 100- to 165-foot-deep wells flows to the deep well rather than the shallower well.




Purpose and scope

Hydrogeologic framework

Site selection

Hydraulic and solute-transport properties

Transmissivity and storage coefficient

Field methods

Analysis methods

Estimated values

Longitudinal dispersivity and effective porosity

Field methods

Analysis methods

Estimated values

Simulated advective transport of contaminated ground water

Travel time and velocity under ambient conditions

Discharge points during operation of pump-and-treat system

Suggestions for additional work

Summary and conclusions


References cited

Appendix 1: Aquifer-test solution parameters

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