Publication Citation

USGS Series Open-File Report
Report Number 82-689
Title Data on subsurface storage of liquid waste near Pensacola, Florida, 1963-1980
Edition -
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Hull, R. W.; Martin, J. B.
Year 1982
Originating office
USGS Library Call Number (200) R29o no.82-689 MP
Physical description vii, 186 p., ill., maps ;28 cm.

Online Document Versions

Currently not available through the USGS Store


Since 1963, when industrial waste was first injected into the subsurface in northwest Florida, considerable data have been collected relating to the geochemistry of subsurface waste storage. This report presents hydrogeologic data on two subsurface waste storage. This report presents hydrogeologic data on two subsurface storage systems near Pensacola, Fla., which inject liquid industrial waste through deep wells into a saline aquifer. Injection sites are described giving a history of well construction, injection, and testing; geologic data from cores and grab samples; hydrographs of injection rates, volume, pressure, and water levels; and chemical and physical data from water-quality samples collected from injection and monitor wells. (USGS)