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LRO L-14 Press Conference Supporting Videos

LRO From Launch to OrbitThis video starts with LRO launch animation, shows the spacecraft's path to orbit, and ends with the spacecraft animated over the lunar surface.    LRO From Launch to Orbit

This video starts with LRO launch animation, shows the spacecraft's path to orbit, and ends with the spacecraft animated over the lunar surface.
Duration: 53.0 seconds
Available formats:
  640x360 (29.97 fps) MPEG-4   8 MB
  346x260 (30 fps) WMV         7 MB
  512x288 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   7 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) QT         30 MB
  320x180     PNG           156 KB
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LRO Instrument MontageLRO has six scientific instruments and one technology demonstration.  This video shows a split screen with where they are on board and images of them being integrated at Goddard Space Flight Center.    LRO Instrument Montage

LRO has six scientific instruments and one technology demonstration. This video shows a split screen with where they are on board and images of them being integrated at Goddard Space Flight Center.
Duration: 55.0 seconds
Available formats:
  640x360 (29.97 fps) MPEG-4   9 MB
  346x260 (30 fps) WMV         9 MB
  512x288 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   8 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) QT         32 MB
  320x180     PNG           185 KB
How to play our movies

LRO Data CollectionThis video gives an idea of how LRO will collect swaths of data (in this case topography).  Note how data coverage is denser at the poles than at the equator. (some elevation data provided by JAXA/SELENE)    LRO Data Collection

This video gives an idea of how LRO will collect swaths of data (in this case topography). Note how data coverage is denser at the poles than at the equator. (some elevation data provided by JAXA/SELENE)
Duration: 32.0 seconds
Available formats:
  640x360 (29.97 fps) MPEG-4   5 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) QT         18 MB
  346x260 (30 fps) WMV         5 MB
  512x288 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   4 MB
  320x180     PNG           163 KB
How to play our movies

LRO Safe Landings Roll-InThis video illustrates how LRO's datasets will be combined to complete its mission objectives.    LRO Safe Landings Roll-In

This video illustrates how LRO's datasets will be combined to complete its mission objectives.
Duration: 39.0 seconds
Available formats:
  640x360 (29.97 fps) MPEG-4   3 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) QT         14 MB
  346x260 (30 fps) WMV         1 MB
  512x288 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   5 MB
  320x180     PNG           80 KB
How to play our movies

Lunar Topography in False ColorThis video uses existing datasets to show in a rough way what LRO's topography data might look like (some elevation data provided by JAXA/SELENE).    Lunar Topography in False Color

This video uses existing datasets to show in a rough way what LRO's topography data might look like (some elevation data provided by JAXA/SELENE).
Duration: 41.0 seconds
Available formats:
  640x360 (29.97 fps) MPEG-4   6 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) QT         22 MB
  346x260 (30 fps) WMV         3 MB
  512x288 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   5 MB
  320x180     PNG           178 KB
How to play our movies

LRO/LCROSS Stacked and Ready for Encapsulation (still)This photo shows the LRO and LCROSS spacecrafts mated together and sitting outside of the rocket fairing ready to be encapsulated for their trip to space.  (credit: KSC)    LRO/LCROSS Stacked and Ready for Encapsulation (still)

This photo shows the LRO and LCROSS spacecrafts mated together and sitting outside of the rocket fairing ready to be encapsulated for their trip to space. (credit: KSC)

Available formats:
  1643 x 1200     JPEG   555 KB
  320 x 233         PNG     388 KB
  160 x 80           PNG       69 KB
  80 x 40             PNG       17 KB

LRO/LCROSS Stacked and Ready for Encapsulation (still)Another photo showing the LRO and LCROSS spacecrafts mated together and sitting outside of the rocket fairing ready to be encapsulated for their trip to space.  (credit: KSC)    LRO/LCROSS Stacked and Ready for Encapsulation (still)

Another photo showing the LRO and LCROSS spacecrafts mated together and sitting outside of the rocket fairing ready to be encapsulated for their trip to space. (credit: KSC)

Available formats:
  3000 x 2008     JPEG 3 MB
  320 x 214         PNG     358 KB

Animation Number:10249
Editor:Andrew Freeberg (NASA/GSFC)
Producer:Andrew Freeberg (NASA/GSFC)
Scientists:Richard Vondrak (NASA/GSFC)
 Craig Tooley (NASA/GSFC)
Platform/Sensor/Data Set:LRO
SVS >> Lunar Reconaissance Orbiter
More Information on this topic available at:
Please give credit for this item to
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. Some elevation data provided by JAXA/SELENE.

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