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Surface Temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet During the Summer of 2005

The surface temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet is a sensitive indicator of surface melt extent, frequency, timing and duration. The daily clear-sky surface temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet was measured using MODIS–derived land surface temperature (LST) data-product maps. For this animation, an 8-day moving average of clear-sky surface temperature was generated from May 1 through September 1, 2005. Coldest temperatures are shown here in violet and blue, while warmer temperatures nearing the melting point of zero degrees centigrade are shown in orange and red. The summer season is repeated two times in this animation.

This animation shows daily  surface temperature of the Greenland ice sheet  from May 1 through September 1, 2005.   An overlay contains  a date bar, a color bar and text labels.    This animation shows daily surface temperature of the Greenland ice sheet from May 1 through September 1, 2005. An overlay contains a date bar, a color bar and text labels.
Duration: 1.2 minutes
Available formats:
  1280x720 (30 fps) MPEG-4   56 MB
  640x360 (30 fps) MPEG-4   13 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) MPEG-2   58 MB
  512x288 (30 fps) MPEG-1   14 MB
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  1280x720 (30 fps) Frames (Overlay)
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  80x40         PNG           16 KB
  1280x720 (30 fps) MPEG       30 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) WMV         32 MB
How to play our movies

This animation shows daily surface temperature of the Greenland ice sheet from May 1 through September 1, 2005.    This animation shows daily surface temperature of the Greenland ice sheet from May 1 through September 1, 2005.
Duration: 1.2 minutes
Available formats:
  1280x720 (30 fps) MPEG-4   56 MB
  640x360 (30 fps) MPEG-4   13 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) MPEG-2   56 MB
  512x288 (30 fps) MPEG-1   13 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) Frames (Background)
  320x180     PNG           253 KB
How to play our movies

An image of the average ice sheet surface temperature over Greenland  from June 16 through June 24, 2005.    An image of the average ice sheet surface temperature over Greenland from June 16 through June 24, 2005.

Available formats:
  2560 x 1920     TIFF 5 MB
  1280 x 720       TIFF 1 MB
  320 x 240         PNG     344 KB

An image of the average ice sheet surface temperature over Greenland from August 5 through August 13, 2005.    An image of the average ice sheet surface temperature over Greenland from August 5 through August 13, 2005.

Available formats:
  2560 x 1920     TIFF 5 MB
  1280 x 720       TIFF 1 MB
  320 x 240         PNG     330 KB

Colorbar for the MODIS Land Surface Temperature.
   Colorbar for the MODIS Land Surface Temperature.

Available formats:
  320 x 90           PNG       15 KB

Animation Number:3506
Animator:Cindy Starr (GST) (Lead)
Producer:Sarah DeWitt (NASA/GSFC)
Scientists:Dorothy Hall (NASA/GSFC)
 Nicolo DiGirolamo (SSAI)
Platforms/Sensors/Data Sets:Aqua/AMSR-E
 Aqua/AMSR-E/Daily L3 6.25 km 89 GHz Brightness Temperature (Tb)
 Aqua/AMSR-E/Daily L3 12.5km Tb, Sea Ice Concentration, and Snow Depth
 Terra and Aqua/MODIS/Land Surface Temperature
Data Collected:2005/05/01 to 2005/09/01
DLESE >> Cryology
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere >> Snow/Ice
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Hydrosphere >> Snow/Ice
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere >> Sea Ice >> Ice Temperature
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere >> Snow/Ice >> Snow/Ice Temperature
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Hydrosphere >> Snow/Ice >> Snow/Ice Temperature
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Oceans >> Sea Ice >> Ice Temperature
Please give credit for this item to
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio
The Next Generation Blue Marble data is courtesy of Reto Stockli (NASA/GSFC).

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