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First 3-D Stereo from STEREO: 304 Ångstroms (South Pole View)

This movie shows the Sun from the two STEREO spacecraft using the 304 Ångstrom filter in EUVI. This filter reveals ionized helium (He+1=He II), which forms at temperatures above 8x104K. This filter shows prominences and filaments above the solar surface. Near the end of the movie, one filament launches away from the Sun and is very obvious in stereo mode. Active regions appear as bright patches in this filter. New regions come into view as the Sun rotates.

Left-eye movie of the south pole of the Sun in ultraviolet light.    Left-eye movie of the south pole of the Sun in ultraviolet light.
Duration: 31.0 seconds
Available formats:
  1280x720 (60 fps) MPEG-4   43 MB
  1280x720 (59.94 fps) Frames (LeftEye)
  1280x720 (59.94 fps) Frames (RightEye)
  512x288 (60 fps) MPEG-1   19 MB
  1280x720 (60 fps) MPEG-2   74 MB
  320x180     PNG           182 KB
  160x80       PNG           48 KB
  80x40         PNG           13 KB
How to play our movies

This is a stereographic version of the movie.  Red/Cyan stereo glasses are required to view it properly.     This is a stereographic version of the movie. Red/Cyan stereo glasses are required to view it properly.
Duration: 19.0 seconds
Available formats:
  1280x720 (60 fps) MPEG-4   46 MB
  512x288 (60 fps) MPEG-1   13 MB
  1280x720 (59.94 fps) Frames (RedCyan)
  1280x720 (60 fps) MPEG-2   69 MB
  320x180     PNG           235 KB
How to play our movies

Animation Number:3426
Animators:Eric DeJong (NASA/JPL CalTech) (Lead)
 Jeffrey R. Hall (NASA/JPL CalTech)
 Paulett Liewer (NASA/JPL CalTech)
 Shigeru Suzuki (NASA)
 Tom Bridgman (GST)
Scientist:STEREO/SECCHI Science Team
Platforms/Sensors/Data Sets:STEREO/Extreme UltraViolet Imager (EUVI) (March 17-27, 2007)
 STEREO/Extreme UltraViolet Imager (EUVI)/304 Angstroms
Series:First 3-D Images from STEREO
SVS >> Magnetic Fields
SVS >> Solar Active Region
SVS >> Solar Rotation
SVS >> Sun
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Sun-earth Interactions >> Solar Activity >> Solar Ultraviolet
SVS >> Stereo Display
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NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

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