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Hubble Space Telescope Looks at the Moon to Prospect for Resources (Apollo 17 Landing Region)

The Hubble Space Telescope looked at specific areas of the moon prospecting for important minerals that may aid future sustained human presence on the moon. Initial analysis of the data indicate the likely presence of titanium and iron oxides. These minerals can be sources of oxygen, essential for human exploration.

This visualization starts with a view of the moon as seen from Earth using a USGS Apollo derived artist rendered texture (airbrushed). The camera then zooms into the Apollo 17 landing region using Clementine data (the outer area after the camera pauses), high resolution HST data (the inner area), and Apollo 17 derived topgraphy.

Exposure Time: 2.5 minutes

Filters: F250W (250nm), F344N (344nm), F502N (502nm), F658N (658nm)

Data from these multiple filters were used to produce the mosaic Apollo 17 landing site image.

Push in and fly-around of HST imagery of Apollo 17 landing site. The darker region outside of the lighter interior patch is Clementine data. The lighter interior patch is the high resolution HST data.    Push in and fly-around of HST imagery of Apollo 17 landing site. The darker region outside of the lighter interior patch is Clementine data. The lighter interior patch is the high resolution HST data.
Duration: 45.0 seconds
Available formats:
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) MPEG-2   97 MB
  640x360 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   30 MB
  320x180 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   12 MB
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HST imagery of the Apollo 17 landing site draped over Apollo 17 derived topography    HST imagery of the Apollo 17 landing site draped over Apollo 17 derived topography

Available formats:
  2560 x 1920     TIFF 27 MB
  320 x 240         JPEG     54 KB

Animation Number:3274
Animators:Greg Shirah (NASA/GSFC) (Lead)
 Alex Kekesi (GST)
 Horace Mitchell (NASA/GSFC)
 Greg Bacon (STScI/Aura)
Scientist:James Garvin (NASA/GSFC)
Platforms/Sensors/Data Sets:Clementine/UVVIS Camera/750-nm Basemap
 Apollo 17/Apollo 17-derived topography
 Clementine and HST/Lunar Composite Texture
Data Collected:HST: 2005/08/16 - 2005/08/21; Clementine: 1994/02/26-1994/05/05
Series:The Moon
SVS >> Lunar
Please give credit for this item to
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

Additional credit to Zoltan G. Levay (STScI)

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