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Salt Lake City, Utah Area Flyover During Winter (NASM2002)

Landsat 7 imagery is combined here with terrain elevation data to create a view of the Salt Lake City area. This image was taken in the Winter of 2001 and can be compared to identical animations using images taken at other times of the year. This visualization was created for the NASM2002 presentation and is based on a earlier visualizations created for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.

Winter 2001 Flyover of Salt Lake City, Utah    Winter 2001 Flyover of Salt Lake City, Utah
Duration: 4601.0 minutes
Available formats:
  1280x720 (60 fps) Frames
  1280x720 (30 fps) MPEG-2   339 MB
  1280x720 (60 fps) MPEG-2   180 MB
  352x240 (30 fps) MPEG-1   10 MB
  320x218     JPEG         16 KB
  320x218     JPEG         16 KB
  720x480 (29.97 fps) DV             291 MB
  320x180 (60 fps) MPEG-1   10 GB
  320x180 (60 fps) X-FLV       4 MB
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Winter 2001 in the Provo, Utah area    Winter 2001 in the Provo, Utah area

Available formats:
  1280 x 720       TIFF 2 MB
  160 x 80           PNG       30 KB
  320 x 180         JPEG     13 KB
  80 x 40             PNG         8 KB

Winter 2001 in the Provo, Utah area    Winter 2001 in the Provo, Utah area

Available formats:
  1280 x 720       TIFF 2 MB
  320 x 180         JPEG     20 KB

Winter 2001 in the Salt Lake City, Utah area    Winter 2001 in the Salt Lake City, Utah area

Available formats:
  1280 x 720       TIFF 2 MB
  320 x 180         JPEG     17 KB

Slate title from video tape reads, 'Salt Lake City, Utah.  Winter 2001 from Landsat 7.  Rendered in HD for NASM 2002.'    Slate title from video tape reads, 'Salt Lake City, Utah. Winter 2001 from Landsat 7. Rendered in HD for NASM 2002.'

Available formats:
  720 x 528         JPEG   148 KB
  320 x 234         PNG     348 KB

Animation Number:2557
Animators:Greg Shirah (NASA/GSFC) (Lead)
 James W. Williams (GST)
 Marte Newcombe (GST)
Scientist:Darrel Williams (NASA/GSFC)
Platforms/Sensors/Data Sets:Landsat-7/ETM+ (2001/02/08)
 30 arc-minute elevation
Video:SVS2002-0031 *
Goddard TV Tape:G2008-041HD -- NASAs Landsat in HD 2008 Resource Tape
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Please give credit for this item to
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Scientific Visualization Studio

*Please note: the SVS does not fulfill requests for copies of the tapes in our library. On some of our animation pages, there is a direct link to a video distribution service from which tapes, handled by the Public Affairs Office (PAO)/Goddard TV, including some of our animations may be ordered. General information on this service can be found here.

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