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Magnetosphere II: The Solar Wind Strikes Back!

A view of a computer-generated model of the Earth's magnetosphere. Semi-transparent surfaces represent particle density (red is high, blue is low), the silvery tube represent magnetic field lines and the yellow ribbons represent the paths of charged solar wind particles. In this particular model, the solar wind has an ambient density of 8.35 particles/cm^3. The isosurfaces are then red (> 17 particles/cm^3), yellow (> 12 particles/cm^3), green (> 8.6 particles/cm^3) and blue (< 1.0 particle/cm^3).

Rotating around a computer model of the Earth's magnetosphere, showing magnetic fields, particle densities, and solar wind flows.    Rotating around a computer model of the Earth's magnetosphere, showing magnetic fields, particle densities, and solar wind flows.
Duration: 16.0 seconds
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A profile view of the magnetosphere.  The Sun would be located to the left.  Lines from the Earths magnetic field are stretched out behind the Earth to form the magnetotail.    A profile view of the magnetosphere. The Sun would be located to the left. Lines from the Earths magnetic field are stretched out behind the Earth to form the magnetotail.

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  80 x 40             PNG         3 KB

A view of the magnetotail, looking sunward.    A view of the magnetotail, looking sunward.

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Another view of the magnetotail, looking sunward.    Another view of the magnetotail, looking sunward.

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  320 x 240         JPEG     17 KB

A view of the magnetosphere on the sunward side.  The interaction of the solar wind with the field and particles compresses this region to form a shield-like structure.    A view of the magnetosphere on the sunward side. The interaction of the solar wind with the field and particles compresses this region to form a shield-like structure.

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  320 x 240         JPEG     22 KB

A closer view of the Earth inside the magnetosphere.  The field lines do not reach the Earth due to the boundary of the computational model.    A closer view of the Earth inside the magnetosphere. The field lines do not reach the Earth due to the boundary of the computational model.

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  320 x 240         JPEG     19 KB


Available formats:
  720 x 528         JPEG   135 KB
  320 x 234         PNG     311 KB

Animation Number:2391
Animators:Tom Bridgman (GST) (Lead)
 Horace Mitchell (NASA/GSFC)
 Eric Sokolowsky (GST)
Scientist:Dan Spicer (NASA/GSFC)
Platform/Sensor/Data Set:3D Unstructured-mesh Magnetosphere Simulation
Video:SVS2002-0010 *
SVS >> Earth
SVS >> Geomagnetic Field
SVS >> Magnetosphere
SVS >> Solar Wind
DLESE >> Space science
Please give credit for this item to
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Scientific Visualization Studio

*Please note: the SVS does not fulfill requests for copies of the tapes in our library. On some of our animation pages, there is a direct link to a video distribution service from which tapes, handled by the Public Affairs Office (PAO)/Goddard TV, including some of our animations may be ordered. General information on this service can be found here.

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